
Glossary of Maori words


kahu – cloak

kaumatua – elder

kereru – large green, copper and white native pigeon, which was eaten by Maori

kete – woven flax basket

kumara – sweet potato

manuka – common native scrub bush with aromatic, prickly leaves and many small, white, pink or red flowers

marae – open courtyard in front of the wharenui (large house), where formal greetings and discussions take place; also used to include the complex of buildings around the marae

mere – short broad-bladed weapon in the shape of an enlarged teardrop, often made of greenstone (pounamu)

pa – fortified village, fort, stockade, screen, or blockade, often built on a hill

Pakeha – person of European descent; foreigner

Papatuanuku – the earth, Earth Mother and wife of Rangi-nui

piwakawaka – fantail

pukeko – purple swamp hen

raupo – reeds, bulrushes

rourou – small flax-plaited food basket

tui – songbird, with glossy-black plumage and white tufts at its throat, known for imitating other bird calls

wahine – woman

waka – large canoe for many people

whakapapa – genealogy, lineage

whare – house, in 1860s, often a small hut built from sticks and ferns

wiki – wicks