Additional Winners For This Year in New Weird Fiction

It’s impossible to recognize everyone who contributed to the Congregation of the New Weird this year; but beyond the actual storytellers featured in this volume, we want to wave a salutation to a number of our peers who excelled in drawing eyes to this corner of the world in their own uniquely Weird ways:

Congratulations to the BRAVEST, NEWEST, WEIRDEST . . .

ANTHOLOGYAseptic and Faintly Sadistic—Jolie Toomajan, editor (CHM, publisher)

BREAKOUT AUTHORSimo Srinivas, “The Ballad of the Octopus” (Khoreo Magazine, publisher) & many other stories throughout the year

COLLECTIONTurducken, Lindz McLeod (Spaceboy Books, publisher)

COMICBlackbird Hunting, Bri Crozier (

CREATIVE FORMAT—Archive of the Odd, Cormack Baldwin & EV Smith (

MAGAZINE, ONGOING—Cosmic Horror MonthlyCharles Tyra, founder/editor

MAGAZINE, SPECIAL ISSUE—Strange Horizons—Caribbean Special—Suzan Palumbo & Marika Bailey, editors