A New Coach

It was time for gym class. Principal Nguyen had some news.


“Students, we have a new gym teacher,” he said. “Please welcome Coach Garcia to our school!”

“Welcome, Coach Garcia!” the students all said together.

Yasmin looked at the new coach. She looked very important with her whistle.

“What are we playing today?” Ali asked, jumping up and down. “Four square? Freeze tag?”


Coach Garcia shook her head. “Soccer!” she announced. She lifted a soccer ball over her head.

Ali cheered. “Hooray! I love soccer!”

Yasmin frowned. She’d watched lots of soccer on TV with Baba. The players kicked and elbowed and fell down a lot. It looked dangerous.

“I’ve never played soccer before,” she said quietly.

Coach Garcia heard her. “I’m here to teach you,” she replied. “It’s good to try new things.”

Yasmin groaned.
