Everything is new, and therefore everything involves a learning curve. The process hasn’t been easy. Often it feels like frustration is his dominant emotion.
Learning to weave himself into her dreams is like navigating a maze. His dependence on her is something entirely new and a little frightening. Logic dictates that he must be dependent on Babe, but his dependence goes beyond the parameters of his new world. He feels an emotional dependence quite foreign to him.
Zat has always been a dreamer. A loner. Self-reliant. His family sensed this in him at the earliest age when he set himself apart, establishing himself as separate and unique. When he made the decision to part ways with them, no one was surprised. Everyone knew Zat would create a path uniquely his. His family never doubted the day would come when they’d say goodbye to this beloved and baffling son.
Zat, the dreamer.
Zat, the wanderer.
Zat, the one whom they called Love.
And now the wanderer ends his wandering to wait for the girl who comes to him eagerly, yet sporadically and unreliably.
He must always be prepared. Always vigilant. Always a step ahead in order to find her. If not, he must learn to wait for her to come to him.
This is the balance.
And this is the hardest part.