3 Ways to Develop Faith In Yourself
“A true spiritual teacher does not have anything to teach in the conventional sense of the word, does not have anything to give or add to you, such as new information, beliefs or rules of conduct. The only function of such a teacher is to help you remove that which separates you from the truth of who you are and what you already know … The words are no more than signposts.”
With faith, all things are possible. Doubt is the absolute opposite of faith. Doubt comes about when you need a level of certainty that no one and nothing else can provide. Some people – not knowing that this level of certainty can only come from an inner knowledge of their highest self and their purpose for being here – use food, drugs, partying or sex to try to eliminate doubt. As you know, I was once one of those people. I mistakenly believed that those late night junk food marathons would give me all of the certainty and reassurance I craved. Boy, was I ever wrong!
Where does faith in yourself come from? Some believe it’s a force we’re born with that is taken from us through years of being told we’re not smart enough, good looking enough, tall enough, committed enough and so on. Funny that all of these enoughs never even originated from within us! Faith comes from developing good references about yourself and your abilities. When we don’t feel good about ourselves, we need to get to work on rethinking the meaning we gave to our past experiences. You can start off by asking yourself these questions: What am I good at? What is something I could like about myself? What is something about me that I like in others?
We all go through times of great trial and uncertainty, in our relationships, with friends and coworkers, with regard to making career decisions and in our finances. There are many unpredictable elements to life, but that unpredictability isn’t bad – it forces us to grow and adapt. Once you have developed faith in yourself, you will be able to overcome any of the obstacles life puts in your path. We learn and grow from those things we may find challenging in the moment. This growth is what helps us eventually realize our true potential.
Here are three steps to tapping into your higher power to develop faith in yourself:
This is not about letting go of responsibility, but rather, focusing on the moment and purpose – doing what’s right for your life – instead of the outcome. When we surrender, we are saying we have faith that divinity is present in every moment of our lives. This mindset will allow all of God’s graces to flow to us. As soon as you let go of your attachment to outcome and begin to concentrate on purpose, everything you need, like this book, will appear at the moment you need it. The inner feeling that this book and program is right for you is a sign that divinity is at work, giving you a spark and awakening your higher self.
Get in tune with your Higher Power.
Realizing that you can’t do this alone, and that only with the help of a higher power will you achieve your goal, gives you an immense power. God’s presence is in the car as you drive to the gym, walking alongside you on the treadmill and watching you as you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. Joining a church or spiritual group where like-minded people congregate for a greater good is a huge step toward achieving your goals. It is also a great way to develop relationships with potential mentors.
Stay in a state of gratitude.
It’s challenging to be grateful when things aren’t going your way, but you must come to understand that everything is perfect as it is and you are exactly where you should be. Everything that has happened, whether you’ve labeled it good or bad, was perfect in and of itself and brought you to where you are today. Be grateful knowing that even more blessings are to come. When you disconnect from negativity, you release a positive flow in your life and miracles begin to show up, making life what you and God have always wanted it to be.