Dramatis Personae
York family
Richard Plantagenet, duke of York
Cecily Neville, duchess of York, his wife
Edward (Ned), earl of March, later Edward IV, their oldest son
Edmund, earl of Rutland, their son
Margaret (Meg), their daughter
George, duke of Clarence, their son
Richard, duke of Gloucester, their youngest son
Edward of Middleham (Ned), Richard III and Anne’s son
Young Edward, Edward IV’s heir
Young Richard, Edward IV’s younger son
Lancaster family (descended from John of Gaunt and Blanche of Lancaster)
Henry VI, only child of Henry V
Margaret of Anjou, his wife
Edouard of Lancaster, prince of Wales, his only child
Neville Family
Richard Neville, earl of Salisbury, Cecily of York’s brother
Richard, earl of Warwick (“The Kingmaker”), Salisbury’s oldest son
Anne Beauchamp, countess of Warwick, Warwick’s wife
Isabel Neville, later duchess of Clarence, Warwick’s daughter and heir
Anne Neville, later duchess of Gloucester, Warwick’s daughter
The court
Margaret Beaufort, countess of Derby, descended from John of Gaunt and Katherine Swynford
Henry Tudor, earl of Richmond, Margaret’s son
Thomas Stanley, earl of Derby, Margaret’s third husband
Henry Stafford, duke of Buckingham, Richard’s cousin
Elizabeth Woodville, Edward IV’s queen
Jacquetta Woodville, duchess of Bedford, Elizabeth’s mother
Anthony Woodville, Elizabeth’s brother
William Hastings, Edward IV’s councilor/chamberlain
John (Jack) Howard, later duke of Norfolk, councilor
Margaret Howard, his wife
Thomas Howard, later earl of Surrey, Howard’s son
Francis, Lord Lovell, Richard’s friend
Sir Robert Percy of Scotton, Richard’s friend
Sir Richard Ratcliffe, Richard’s friend and councilor
William Catesby, lawyer and Richard’s councilor
John Kendall, Richard’s secretary
John Parr, Richard’s squire
Miscellaneous (*fictional character)
*Kate Haute, Richard’s mistress
Katherine, Richard and Kate’s daughter (later countess of Pembroke)
John, Richard and Kate’s son (known as John of Gloucester)
Dickon, Richard and Kate’s son (known as Richard of Eastwell)
Anne of Caux, the York family nursemaid
*Constance LeMaitre, Cecily’s attendant and physician
*Piers Taggett, Richard of York’s falconer
Gresilde Boyvile, Cecily of York’s attendant
*John Lacey, master of the Middleham henchmen
*Geoffrey Bywood, Kate Haute’s brother