

I like dinner music.

I like water in a clay jug.

I like it when the water rains on me.


I was just a tourist in those mountains. I drove wildly down

steep slopes through gorges and cascades. After the brutal

descent, I arrived at a belvedere with a breath-taking view.


I will tell you something: In 1897, three fragments of a

broken jug were discovered in Egypt. They were 3000 years

old. Poems were painted on the fragments. One of them is

the poet smells his lover’s shirt …

In 1951, French Egyptologists found twenty-eight more

pieces of the same jug and the rest of the poem was restored

that sniff of sweetness instantly

transports him to the South Seas


O Rio dos Poetas

I met a sage in a state of bliss

who subsisted on a glass of milk each day.

Below him stretched a great emptiness

carved out of existence, the head-waters

of the Mondego River.

A short distance away was

the birthplace of the ‘discoverer’ of Brazil.


My father died in December.

With my brothers I carried him

to the low house reserved

for dead soldiers.

When it was my turn to speak

I recalled driving though green paddocks

in his Chevrolet,

the road driving into my eyes.

It was the first day of the holidays.

We got lost in the traffic

and separated from the cortege

so we stopped for sandwiches and beer

and played billiards in a club.

A band was set up to play

but after a dispute with the management

they took their gear away.

I hope I never

I hope I never

see that part of Auckland again.


Language is my neighbourhood.

I live in Alphabet City.

The people who live here open their hearts to the sun.

Today was the birthday of Louis Braille, the inventor of a

reading system for the blind,

the day the sputnik fell back to Earth.

My horoscope says:

‘Writing frequently will help you sustain a relationship with

someone at a distance.’


At night I watch the moon and imagine exciting places over the horizon. Only a fool does not see that the vast industrial economies are temporary. I say too much. My throat is infected with words. At the country hospital, I am treated by a beautiful doctor.

That evening we drink wine from the valley on the balcony of the hotel. Look, she says, the moon is moving into the distance, three centimetres each year, which is the speed at which fingernails grow! We sing revolutionary songs until all hours, drinking to friendship between our two countries.

In her language, the word for ‘Sunday’ is ‘resurrection’. I leave

the following morning.


This existence is not the original.

Like love itself,

the universe is mostly smoke and mirrors,

I am I,

the beginning of illusion.

You are you,

the centre of confusion.

I write to you alone at night,

speaking into the silence.