Hawkeye V4

She leaves her shoes at the door


dresses in blue


and bares her vein

for the radioactive tracer

which, inherently unstable,

will almost certainly

collapse in on itself

and begin to break down.


Above, the unforgettable name

of the machine.

To her left, a panel

of cobalt, crimson and gold:

a sideshow should

the power supply fail.

To her right, coded instructions

should the computer

and irresistible chemistry

develop a stammer

or taste for adventure.


Feet first, she slides

into the revolving hum

of the camera—

sun one minute,

stars the next—

and, courtesy of the control room,

National Radio with

the trial testing of toxic gases,

fewer groceries

in the family basket

and the News Headlines at Twelve

counting down

to Microsoft’s warning

of a critical flaw

in its software.