To be rated on a three-point scale of:
Rarely (1) About Average (3) Frequently (5)
Scores of 1–45—Small Inner Critic
Scores of 46–75—Medium-Sized Critic
Scores of 76–100—Very Strong Inner Critic
1. I wake up at night worried about the mistakes that I made the day before.
2. I replay conversations after I’ve had them to see what I’ve done wrong.
3. I don’t like the way my clothes look on me.
4. When I’m with other people, I wonder if they’re critical of me.
5. I’m cautious about trying anything new because I’m afraid of looking foolish.
6. I’m afraid people will laugh at me.
7. I worry about what other people think.
8. I often feel inferior to other people.
9. I wish I had a more attractive body.
10. When I look in the mirror, I check to see what’s wrong with me.
11. When I read over something I’ve just written, I’m not satisfied with it.
12. I’m afraid that there’s something basically wrong with me.
13. I wonder what other people would think of me if they really knew what I was like underneath.
14. I compare myself with other people.
15. I seem to attract judgmental people.
16. I question my decisions after I have made them and think that I might have done better.
17. When I say ‘No’ I feel guilty.
18. When I take a test like this, I’m sure that I don’t do as well as other people.
19. I avoid taking risks if I can help it.
20. When I think about self-improvement I feel that there is something wrong with me that needs to be fixed.
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TOTAL POINTS__________________