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As incredible as it sounds, the British and
Commonwealth bicycle speed record was set
in 1986 at 110 mph. The record had remained
unbeaten for 27 years. I wasn’t only to be
pedalling as fast as I could – I had a target to
aim for. Once I realised that others had ridden
at over 100 mph, nobody was going to stop me
having a go as well.
It was, of course, more complicated than just
hopping on a bike and pedalling like mad. I
had a lot to learn about the effects that high
speeds have on bicycles and their riders. For
a start, it would not be possible for me just to
jump on my Cotic and go for it. I could pedal
like the clappers till the cows came home and
I still wouldn’t hit 100 mph. It is a lot different
to riding a motorbike where you generally have
as much power as you need on tap. The gearing
on the cycle for the speed attempt would be
so high that the pedals would be impossible
for me to turn if I tried to start off under my
own muscle power. Neither could I, or any
other rider, cope with pedalling against the
air resistance I would experience when I was
doing over ‘the ton’. I was going to have to learn
about slipstreaming and motor pacing. How
brilliant do you think all that sounded? I could
hardly wait.
Reaching more than 100 mph on a pushbike
was going to take a lot of hard work, but I’ve
never been shy of that. It wasn’t going to be
easy but that’s all part of the fun. After all,
if it was easy everybody would be doing it,
wouldn’t they?
Right: I didn’t want the
down draught from the TV
crew’s chopper anywhere
near me when I was
pedalling at 100 mph!
Below: A glimpse of the
very special bicycle we
built for the challenge.
14    Britain’s Fastest Bike