the World of
Motor Pacing
Ever since bicycles first started to appear in
the nineteenth century people have wanted
to make them go faster.
HEN I visited the Scottish Cycle
Museum at Drumlanrig Castle with
my mate Mave, we borrowed a penny
farthing and a copy of an 1839 MacMillan cycle
and our first thought was ‘Let’s see how fast
they can go!’ So we had a race. The penny
farthing, which came along around 30 years
after the MacMillan, was far quicker and it was
with bicycles like these that the first official
races were run in 1868. English rider James
Moore is credited with winning the first race
at Parc Saint-Cloud in Paris, riding a bike
with iron tyres!
Racing against other cyclists is all very well, but
it’s not the same as seeing how fast you can go –
or how fast you dare to go. Sitting on top of the
big wheel of a penny farthing didn’t feel like the
best racing position I had ever been in on two
wheels when I tried it, but for F. L. Dodds in
1876 there was no choice. He set the first record
for the distance covered in one hour – almost
16 miles. Clever Mr Dodds used a team of other
riders to pace him, riding around the grounds
of Cambridge University. Riding behind
another cyclist, Dodds was able to maintain
a high speed without using as much energy as
the guy in front of him because he was riding in
the slipstream. Slipstreaming was something
that I knew a bit about from motorcycle racing.
I knew how bikers use it, but I was going to
have to delve into the science of how and why it
16 Britain’s Fastest Bike
worked, and we’ll be looking at that a little later.
The riders creating the slipstream for Dodds
dropped out after a few minutes, to be replaced
by someone with fresh legs in much the same
way that you may have seen cycle racers doing
during the Olympic Games. The team tucks in
behind the leader, who takes the strain for a
while before veering off up the banking in the
velodrome and swooping down to rejoin the
team at the back, leaving someone else to take
over the tough job at the front.
It was thrilling stuff to watch,
mainly, as in all sports where
there’s an element of danger
involved, because if it all went
pear-shaped and somebody
came a cropper he might not
live to tell the tale.
Of course, using that pacing technique, you
can only go as fast as the fastest rider. That
was fine for Mr Dodds in 1876 when he was
trying to set a record for distance covered in
an hour, but for a flat-out top speed you needed
a pace rider who can go much faster than you
can, which is a problem if the pace man has
only the same muscle power as you do. The
answer was to use more legs to give more
muscle power on the pace bike. Two riders
on a tandem were used, then three on a
triplet, with up to five on a quintuplet bicycle
hammering around a track ahead of the
would-be record breaker. Bicycle and tyre
manufacturers sponsored race teams and
record breakers, just as car manufacturers
would later do, to show the public how fast
and reliable their machines were.