John William Stocks was one of the early
bicycle stars, riding an Ariel cycle with a team
of Dunlop professional cyclists on a series of
quintuplets pacing him to achieve 32 miles
and 448 yards in one hour in 1897 on a track at
Crystal Palace in London. Stocks was stopped
for speeding on the Great North Road in 1899
in an Ariel motorised tricycle, ironically
probably going slower than he did around the
cycle track as the 1¾ horsepower Ariel
would have been starting to run out of legs
before it reached 30 mph!
The motorbike, however, was to change the
way that high-speed pacing worked. As more
powerful engines were developed, motorbikes
became faster and motor pacing developed
into a huge spectator sport in both Europe and
America. By 1903 cyclists like Bobby Walthour
were racing behind motorbikes at speeds of
over 60 mph. The motorbikes were specially
designed so that the rider sat right back over
the rear wheel, with the handlebars on long
extensions to allow him to steer the thing.
Sitting that far back, and sitting bolt upright,
he provided the windbreak for the cyclist
pounding away at the pedals just inches behind
him. Some pacing machines had two riders,
one crouched low over the handlebars to steer
the bike and the other perched high over the
rear wheel, controlling the engine.
It wasn’t record motor pacing record attempts
that the crowds flocked to see, but actual
races with motorbike-and-cyclist teams
pitted against each other on the same track
at the same time. It was thrilling stuff to
watch, mainly, as in all sports where there’s
an element of danger involved, because if it
all went pear-shaped and somebody came
a cropper he might not live to tell the tale.
Bobby Walthour was American Motor Pacing
Champion in 1903 when he was invited to
Top: James Moore (right),
winner of the 1869 Paris-
Rouen race, pictured with
the runner-up Jean-
Eugene-Andre Castera.
Bottom: The 1839
MacMillan bicycle was
driven by levers rather
than a chain.