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were after, they could have that at any of the
races whether they were sprints or endurance
race. If what they wanted was to see death and
destruction, on the other hand – and there’s no
doubt that this is part of what draws people to
watch high-speed motorsport – then the newly
opened race track in Berlin’s Botanical Gardens
in July 1909 was the place to be. A pacing
machine blew a tyre, skidding across the track.
Another machine swerved to avoid it and then
took off, out of control, hurtling over the barrier
into the crowd, where it exploded, killing nine
spectators and injuring 52.
Despite the dangers, or maybe, in a way,
because of them, motor pacing continued to
grow in popularity in all its various forms.
Races were run as sprints, or over set distances,
or as endurance events over 24 hours or even
several days. Motor pacing wasn’t confined
to race tracks, either. Endurance races were
run on public roads, with the most famous,
the Bordeaux to Paris race, first run in 1891.
The race was supposed to last for days and the
organisers had arranged food and lodgings
for the competitors, but English racer George
Pilkington Mills saw nothing in the rules that
made him think he had to stop for a kip, so he
raced on through the night, as did the rest of
the British team. They made do with short
stops for food and kept going, with George
Pilkington Mills arriving first in Paris, 26
hours 36 minutes and 25 seconds after leaving
Bordeaux. Other riders were still coming in
two days later.
Along with the motor paced races came
the thing that interested me most – motor
paced speed records. That, after all, was what
I was going to be tackling. One of the first
major records was set by Charles Minthorn
Murphy in 1899. Murphy was a proper, tough
New Yorker who claimed to have cycled the
equivalent of almost 100 mph on static rollers
and that he could cycle as fast as any man-made
machine. The Long Island Railroad Company
decided to let Murphy prove his boasts and
they laid 10-inch wide (250 mm) boards
lengthways between the tracks on a two-mile
stretch of their railway between Babylon and
Farmingdale on New York’s Long Island.
With the sleepers covered, this made a perfect,
flat surface for Murphy to ride on – or so
they thought.
The railway company built a special fairing on
to the back of one of their carriages, a kind of
open-backed shed with a roof and walls that
extended down to the rails. This was to provide
a protected slipstream enclosure for Murphy
to ride in. Their aim was to crack the 60 mph
barrier, covering a measured mile in less than
one minute. As I have discovered with all of
the challenges that I’ve attempted, nothing
ever goes entirely according to plan, and poor
Murphy, riding behind a steam locomotive, was
to come across some unexpected problems.
On their first run the 29-year-old quickly
discovered that the perfectly flat surface he
thought he’d be riding on turned into a mini
rollercoaster once they were underway. The
weight of the locomotive and carriage ahead
of him depressed the rails and sleepers, which
then rose back into place again, creating an
undulating effect. It was enough to make most
people feel sea sick, but Murphy didn’t have
time to think of that; he was too busy dealing
with being shot-blasted by hot cinders, sparks
and dust thrown up from underneath the train.
Steam, smoke and sparks from a locomotive
don’t only spew out of the smoke stack, there’s
a fair amount ends up dumped on the track, too,
as Murphy found out the hard way! On their
first run they covered the mile in one minute
and eight seconds, mainly because the train
failed to get over 60 mph. Murphy was forced