Pedal power provides
the force that pushes
me forward but, while
it looks like there is
nothing to stop me,
there is plenty of
fresh air in the way.
The air resists being
pushed out of the way.
Air resistance is also
called ‘drag’.
(Air Resistance)
(Pedal Power)
The air that we breathe is a gas that’s made
up of a number of different things – mainly
nitrogen, oxygen, argon and carbon dioxide.
When you breathe in, you are sucking in all of
those, along with a bit of water vapour and, if
you’re unlucky, a few pollutants as well. Air is a
kind of chemical soup that encircles the Earth.
We don’t normally see it or try to look at it, and
the air that we breathe, and walk through, is
something that we all take so much for granted
that most of the time we forget that it’s there.
Yet it is a substance that can be measured,
weighed and sealed in containers, just like
water – and if you now start to think of air a bit
like water, things will make a lot more sense.
The water in a pond is obviously a liquid, not a
gas, but liquids and gases behave in much the
same way. We can ‘bully’ liquids by shoving
them out of our way. If you were to walk into
a shallow pond, you could walk through it,
pushing the water out of your way. In a deeper
pond you might have to swim, using your arms
to push the water aside, so that you can take
its place and move forward. When you walk
out the other side of the pond, things get a lot
easier because you no longer have to push the
water aside. Yet you are still pushing air – that
chemical soup – out of your way. There are a
couple of basic scientific principles at work
here. The first is good old Sir Isaac Newton’s