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Building a
Record Breaker
The kind of bike that I needed wasn’t the sort
of thing that you could pick up in the average
high street cycle shop.
OTHING you could buy in the shops
would do the job, and when I went to
visit Brian Rourke at Rourke Cycles in
Stoke on Trent I found out why.
Brian has been building bespoke bikes for
discerning customers for the last 35 years and
he uses all of his vast experience (he was a
competitive road racer for 25 years and still
does 150 miles a week at the age of 70) to make
sure that people who ride bicycles with Rourke
frames have the best-fitting bike that money
can buy. He had me sit on a ‘template’ bike that
he was able to adjust in all sorts of ways, all to
make sure that, when I was sitting with my
bum in the saddle, my hands and feet would
be in the right place to ensure that my whole
posture was geared to help produce maximum
power when I pushed the pedals.
He chatted constantly, had me get off and
on the bike, told me to pedal backwards and
generally had a bit of a laugh until he finally
said, ‘There – now you’re properly relaxed.
You were a bit uptight when you came in,
and what a difference it’s made to the way
Top: The top and bottom
chain rings, made by the
lads at Hope Technology
in Lancashire, that would
allow me to maximise my
pedal power.
46    Britain’s Fastest Bike
Bottom: Front wheel
resting neatly in the fork –
the bike was beautifully
put together.