started to drop off. Suddenly the whole glider
pitched forward, there was a huge noise of
wind rush and from the front seat I had an
excellent view of the ground rushing towards
us! As calm and smooth as you like, Guy
pulled us out of the dive, and peace and quiet
returned to the cockpit. That was a hair-raising,
rollercoaster stunt that had made me feel I was
going to throw up – not the sort of thing you
want to repeat in a hurry, except that I did. Of
course I wanted to do it again. Diving towards
the ground like that was a fantastic feeling –
raw speed and a real element of danger – but
ultimately you are in control and if you do
everything right you come out of it unscathed.
It doesn’t get much better than that, does it?
Then Guy told me it was my turn to try a stall,
and I almost changed my mind. You can’t back
down from a challenge, though, can you? So
I took the controls and pulled the nose up.
Actually, I pulled the nose up a bit sharpish
and we stalled even more spectacularly,
dropping into the dive far more suddenly than
I expected, but I followed Guy’s instructions
and we gently pulled out.
From the moment a glider is release by its tow
plane, it starts to lose height, unless the pilot
can use an area of warm rising air, a thermal, to
soar upwards. Generally, once you are down to
around 800 feet (250 metres) it’s time to land.
Guy, however, is one of only a handful of glider
pilots skilled enough to be allowed to ‘buzz’ the
runway at a height of only five feet (1.5 metres)
and a speed of up to 130 mph. I couldn’t stop
grinning. I had never been that fast, that close
to the ground, without an engine, and walked
away with no broken bones!
Having picked up so much speed diving
towards the runway, Guy was able to climb
away from the runway in a banking turn
and then bring us in for a proper landing.
Back on the ground, he was actually very
complimentary about my flying, telling the
rest of our crew that I had ‘fantastic hand-eye
co-ordination’ and that I had ‘picked up
everything really quickly, demonstrating that
he could keep the aircraft under control’.
I was chuffed with Guy’s assessment, but flying
the glider had raised a few concerns about
taking control of an HPA. In the glider I was
able to control it using my hands and feet while
sitting comfortably strapped into a seat. I was
able to see all around me, keep my eye on the
horizon and even look at the instruments to
check that I was flying straight and level while
we were sailing around the sky.
From what I had seen of HPAs up to that point,
my feet would be on bicycle pedals, not rudder
pedals, and checking the horizon and operating
aircraft controls wasn’t going to be easy while
pedalling like billy-o. I guess that’s why more
people have been to the moon than have
flown HPAs.
Above: The glider’s
controls were quite
sensitive, but once I
started to get the hang of
things I was having a ball!
Following page: The view
from the cockpit was out
of this world.