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Pedal Power
Getting up to Speed
We may have been at Calshot to cycle, but we
were starting our HPA speed campaign at the
historic heart of air racing!
ALSHOT Velodrome is just a short
journey from Southampton and is the
only indoor banked velodrome cycle
track in the South of England. The velodrome
is part of Calshot Activities Centre, a huge
adventure centre on a spit of land that sticks
out into the Solent. Here you can learn and take
part in all sorts of watersports, while inside
the giant aircraft hangar it also offers skiing on
a dry ski slope, rock climbing and cycle racing.
The hangar was the base for the Sunderland
flying boats and at one time housed the RAF’s
High Speed Flight, the lads who competed in
the Schneider Trophy races. Having taken the
trophy in 1927 and 1929 (the race was held
every two years) against stiff international
competition, in 1931 the High Speed Flight
won the competition for the third time in
a row, meaning that the trophy was theirs to
keep forever. The seaplane they raced was
the Supermarine S.6B, a direct ancestor of
the Spitfire.
The velodrome can be a busy place, as it is used
not only by individual cyclists taking the racing
courses laid on at the velodrome but also by
cycling clubs and even Olympic cyclists as a
training venue – but we were lucky enough to
have it to ourselves for a while. As I changed
into cycling togs, Alex explained what we were
about to do. He had a very nice Cannondale
racer for me to ride, and it had been fitted with
strain gauges that would give me an electronic
read-out on a handlebar display showing how
much power I was delivering. Alex also had a
screen that would show him how I was doing.
I was to do circuits of 133 metres and go for 15
laps in three minutes. Alex and his team had
calculated how much drag their design would
incur and that it would have a mass of 110
kilograms with me on board. The power output
reading that I would see on my display was in
watts and I needed to aim for 450 watts. To give
you an idea of how much effort that requires,
it has been estimated that a man doing manual
labour can keep up an average output over an
eight-hour day of 75 watts. Sprinter Usain Bolt
was measured at one point during a record-
breaking 100 metres race generating more than
2,600 watts, although his average over the race
(he can do 100 metres in 9.58 seconds) was
closer to 1,500 watts. That is about the same
as a Tour de France cyclist during a finishing
sprint, although they will probably generate
about 500 watts during most of the rest of
the stage. I reckoned that keeping to a steady
450 watts over three minutes would not be a
problem. How wrong I was.
Once I got going on the first lap, the read-out
was easily topping 500 watts. On the second
lap I was settling in to around the 450-watt
target area, and then the figures started to
slide. Nobody could ever accuse me of being
a slacker, or of being unfit, but, even with
all of the training that I had been putting in
for the ‘Britain’s Fastest Bike’ challenge, my
lungs simply could not feed my muscles fast
enough. My legs felt OK, but I was puffing
like an old steam engine and after five laps the
power output was all over the place. When
Alex flagged me down after 15 laps, I could
barely speak, I was gasping for breath so much.
Clearly I had some work to do, but figuring out
how best to improve my performance threw up
a few surprises – including beetroot.