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Building a
Record Breaker
The SUHPA (Southampton University
Human Powered Aircraft) team had come up
with a design that looked simple and elegant,
although that doesn’t do justice to the
ingenuity that went into creating it.
HE   whole thing was based around
a carbon-fibre racing bike that was
completely enclosed inside a cockpit
capsule coated with transparent film. The
cockpit was a framework of lightweight foam
– a bit like the kind of rigid foam that is used
in packaging to protect electrical goods – that
then had a sort of clingfilm stretched over it
to seal the pilot inside a streamlined hull.
Above the pilot’s fairing was a wing 20 metres
(66 feet) across made from sections of rigid
foam, and a black tail boom that reached
back to a tail section that had the horizontal
and vertical surfaces you would expect to
see on a normal aircraft except that these
too were made of rigid foam covered with
transparent film.
Rotating around the tail boom just behind the
cockpit was a large propeller with two blades,
each about 1.5 metres (5 feet) long. Driven by
a chain system from the rear wheel of the bike,
Top: The bicycle chains
showing the gears for
driving the bike forwards
and the big gear with the
chain running up to the
propeller shaft.
Bottom: To avoid using
an energy-sapping gear
system, the prop-shaft
chain was guided round
in a ‘twist’ to turn the cog
on the shaft.