the propeller blades were also made mainly
from rigid foam.
The frame that attached the tail boom to the
bike, the boom itself and the main spar inside
the foam wing were all made from carbon-fibre
reinforced polymer, an incredibly strong but
amazingly light material. Saving weight, of
course, was essential and the whole aircraft,
with its massive wingspan, was designed to
weigh just 33 kilograms – that’s only about the
weight of an average Labrador dog!
Alex explained that pedalling the bike along
a runway would be what got me into the air.
If I could get to over 25 mph on the ground,
that would create enough air flow over the
wing to generate the lift we needed. Once
the wheels were off the ground, their job was
done and the propeller would take over. The
gearing on the bike was such that, by the time I
reached take-off speed, the propeller would be
operating at its optimum efficiency and would
provide all the thrust we needed.
With the wheels off the ground, I would no
longer have what little control I’d had when
steering the aircraft by using the bike. From
now on I would be steering the HPA the way
a pilot does.
As I learned from Guy Westgate, making any
aircraft go where you want it to is basically a
case of changing the shape of the wing. We’ve
seen how air flow over the wing generates lift,
as lower pressure is created above the wing
Top: The SUHPA’s only
movable control surfaces
were in the tail, powered
by remotely controlled
electric motors.
Bottom: The chain
linking to the prop-shaft
cog, nestling between
the wings.