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a Mississippi steamboat. It was a modification
that Guinness were perfectly happy with, but
we would still have to run some tests to see
whether the sand tyre would produce more
thrust than a more conventional off-road knobbly.
On a concrete slipway on the banks of the River
Tamar, Graham and Charlie set up a rig to test
the thrust we could expect from the Suzuki’s
rear wheel. We took off the front wheel and
attached the bike’s front forks to the rear of
the test rig, which was set up on a boat trailer.
Then we rolled the whole lot down to the
water’s edge so that the Suzuki’s rear wheel
was in the river. When I gunned the engine, the
wheel would spin in the water and the thrust it
produced would push the bike forwards against
the test rig where a sophisticated electronic
strain gauge would register how many
kilograms of forward thrust we were getting.
Obviously, we had set it up so that the front
suspension wasn’t cushioning the thrust from
the wheel. What could possibly go wrong?
Actually, the fancy strain gauge could. And
when a replacement was tried, that wouldn’t
work either. Then some bright spark said,
‘Hang on. If we’re measuring the thrust in
kilograms, why not just use an ordinary set of
bathroom scales?’
Below: The scooped ridges on the sand tyre were
what made it such a good paddle wheel.
156  hydroplaning motorbike