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Upside Down
Safety Training
Getting up to Speed
Being able to cope with being dunked in
water was essential for what I had to do next.
HILE I admit that I’m no great shakes
as a swimmer, I can still swim and I’m
not particularly frightened of water.
I understand completely why non-swimmers
might be worried about paddling at the beach
in water more than ankle deep, but I can cope
with splashing about in water now and again,
otherwise I wouldn’t be quite so attracted to
the thought of riding a motorbike across a lake.
There was another element to hydroplaning
the motorbike that I needed to investigate and
it involved the way that the planing surface
would rise out of the water. Once it was out
of the water, its shape would force air down
towards the surface, creating a cushion of high-
pressure air that it could ride on. That, at least,
was the theory, and to see that theory put to
the test I needed to experiment with a planing
surface a bit bigger than the one we were going
to use on the Suzuki. I was about to get a taste
of Formula One powerboat racing. Before I
could do that, however, I had to have a dunking.
In the whole of mainland Britain, you can’t get
much further from the sea than Burntwood in
Staffordshire. Halfway between Birmingham
and Stafford, just off the M6 toll road, it’s slap-
bang in the middle of England, so it might seem
like a strange place to be teaching me anything
about powerboats, but it was in the swimming
pool at Chase Terrace Technology College
that I was to undergo immersion testing.
168  hydroplaning motorbike
Immersion testing is basically capsize training
for powerboat racers, and, seeing the test rig set
up at the side of the pool for the first time, I did
start to wonder a bit about whether I was quite
as confident in the water as I liked to think. It
looked like a scary piece of kit – some sort of
torture chamber, maybe – and there was a good
reason for that … it was scary and it was torture!
Before I was strapped into the test rig, however,
I had to have a crash course in using breathing
equipment. Yours truly, the dodgy swimmer,
was about to be trained as a scuba diver – and
it wasn’t at all bad. The training was really
pretty basic and intended just to get me used to
breathing through a mouthpiece and swimming
Below: I’ve never been a great swimmer, but I was
getting to quite enjoy the scuba diving lark in the pool
at Chase Terrace Technology College.
Top right: The ‘torture
chamber’ rig, a mock-
up of a Formula One
powerboat cockpit, was explained to me in
great detail.
Bottom right: The
framework allowed the
entire cockpit to be
turned upside down to
simulate a crash.