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The Moment
of Truth
When we arrived at Bala Lake in north
Wales there was a lot of work to be done in
preparation for the record attempt.
ET in beautiful wooded countryside
and surrounded by hills, is a cracking
place and a very popular holiday spot,
especially with water sports enthusiasts. The
lake is 4 miles (6.4 kilometres) long and a mile
(1.6 kilometres) wide and was the largest
natural lake in Wales until Thomas Telford
raised the water level in 1797 to help control the
water flow to the new Ellesmere Canal, leaving
Bala still the largest lake but no longer entirely
as nature intended.
When we arrived in the second week in
September the area was a bit quieter than it had
been over the summer, with the kids having
gone back to school, and the fantastic summer
that we’d had was starting to feel like a distant
memory. Still, the weather was kind to us and
we were able to get to work.
On our first day there, a team of local
carpenters began building a wooden ramp that
I could use to ride the Suzuki into the lake. We
needed the ramp because the shores around
the lake, even where artificial beaches had
been created as landing stages for people using
sailing boats or kayaks, were too steep for our
purposes. That had been a major problem for
us in finding somewhere that was suitable for
our record attempt. At other places we looked
at where there might have been a suitable entry
point into a suitably calm stretch of water,
getting permission to stage the record attempt
proved difficult. You can imagine the sort
188  hydroplaning motorbike
Above: When we tipped the bike up after it had been
in the lake, water came pouring out of the exhaust pipe.
of reactions that we got when we explained
that we wanted to ride a motorbike as fast as
possible into the water and skim it across the
surface while filming it all for the telly – ‘You
must be nuts, mate. You’ll kill yourself. You
can’t do that here.’
In fact, there were genuine health and safety
issues to be addressed everywhere we thought
might be suitable, but at Bala, with a lot of local
help, including from Bala Sailing Club, we
managed to iron out all of the problems. Our
sole concern now was getting the angle of entry
just right, which was why the ramp was being
constructed at the Pant Yr Onnen campsite on
the south side of the lake.