Below: The supersled,
nearing completion,
looking sleek and mean.
206 world’s fastest sled
metal runners was an expensive piece of kit to
be admired, but that was often all you could do
with it, because they didn’t always go as well
as the bin-liners or plastic sheets, especially in
deep snow. You could get up a fair speed going
downhill on a plastic sheet, and that was always
the appeal, especially to adrenalin junkies like
me. You could be moving fast and, if you hit
a bump you couldn’t see or leaned the wrong
way, you would end up tumbling down the
slope tail over tip. A bit of speed and a bit of
risk, all pretty much for free courtesy of Mother
Nature. It doesn’t get much better than that for
a young lad, does it?
Watching kids playing in the snow on those
new plastic jobs last winter, I could see that
some of them were getting up a good head
of steam. That set me wondering why the
fancy wooden toboggans didn’t always run
so well and, then, just how fast can a sled go
anyway? Was there a record speed, and was it
something that we could maybe have a go at?
I wasn’t thinking about an Olympic record for
something like a bobsleigh with a team of lads,
or lasses, who had trained for years. What I was
thinking of was a sled on an open slope, going
as fast as it possibly could. Surely somebody
must have done it – and it turned out
somebody had …
According to Guinness World Records, a
German called Rolf Allerdissen took what they
called a ‘gravity powered snow sled’ to just over
62 mph (about 100 km/h) on a slope in Austria
in April 2010. To me that didn’t sound very fast
at all, and the sniff of a record was enough to set
the snowball rolling.