Frost and Friction
The Science of Skiing
The team at the Centre for Sports
Engineering Research (CSER) at Sheffield
Hallam University were just the people to
explain a few things to me about sliding down
slippery slopes.
HE team at Sheffield have been
involved in major sports of all sorts
from badminton, golf and cycling to
cricket, pistol shooting and – the skeleton bob.
They designed and constructed a range of test
rigs and tools to evaluate the performance of
the famous Blackroc skeleton bob that Amy
Williams rode to a gold medal in Vancouver at
the 2010 Winter Olympics. It was Britain’s only
medal at the games, and a huge achievement for
everyone concerned. Nick Hamilton, a principal
research fellow at CSER and Senior Sports
Engineer seemed like the sort of man I should
be talking to.
The first thing that we had to bear in mind was
that we would be going for speed on snow, not
on ice, and, although ice and snow are both
essentially frozen water, they are entirely
different creatures. Solid ice, the sort that you
make in cubes in your freezer compartment
at home, forms when the temperature of a
large amount of water – a large amount being
anything from a single compartment in your
ice cube tray to a puddle or a lake – falls below
0° Celsius. Solid ice has a crystal structure
that occurs when the molecules in the water
rearrange themselves into a kind of framework.
In this form they are further apart than before
the water froze, so water is one of the few
substances that expand when they freeze. Most
things contract when they reach their freezing
212 world’s fastest sled
point. The fact that it expands means that ice is
not as dense as water, which is why ice floats.
Snow is also frozen water, but it forms in a
slightly different way. Instead of freezing as
a large mass of water, snowflakes form when
a tiny droplet of moisture in the air freezes,
usually freezing to a dust particle which
becomes the nucleus of the snowflake. More
droplets freeze on to the original one and the
snowflake, which is a kind of ice crystal, grows
until it joins with others or becomes so big on
its own that it falls out of the sky.
It’s easy to see, then, that the ice that forms
at ground level in a large amount of water
forms where there are lots of water molecules
pressing against one another. It forms under
pressure and is therefore far more solid than
snow, which is made up of snowflakes that
have lots of air trapped in the structure of their
crystal pattern and between each flake
or clump.
That’s all very well and explains what we
already knew – ice is hard and snow is soft –
but both are really slippery, or are they?
In fact, snow is really quite grippy stuff
compared with ice. You can easily stand on