an aerodynamic bodysuit to give her the best
streamlined shape. She also had special ridges
on her helmet to make it more aerodynamic,
and there were complaints about that from
the opposition. The complaints were rejected
by the Olympic authorities, who had already
approved Amy’s helmet, but it does show how
seriously you need to take aerodynamics when
split-second times are involved.
To try out Amy’s tips, of course, we needed a
slope with a bit of snow on it. Summer weather
in Britain is usually something that people
have a good moan about, but even the most
pessimistic weatherman wasn’t forecasting
snow in Sheffield in June 2013. To test out our
prototype, we needed to head north – not to the
Arctic, just to Castleford.
Above: With the skis off, a
few minor adjustments are
made to the brakes during
Below: With a warm brew
in the boot room for a bit of
a chat with Amy.