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For our carbon-fibre parts, the epoxy resin
was cured first by sealing the component and
its mould in a plastic bag and then pumping
out the air. When the carbon fibre and mould
are vacuum sealed together in this way, the
pressure of the outside air forces the cloth to
follow the exact shape of the mould. The whole
lot is then heat treated – baked in a kiln so that
the epoxy resin is activated and cures, setting
the carbon fibre into the shape we wanted.
The result is a smooth, shiny surface where
the carbon fibre has been formed against the
mould, although you can still see and feel
the fibre patterns on the inside of your new
component. For anything like a car body panel,
aircraft bodywork or our supersled, the smooth
outer surface is what matters most, because it
plays such a huge part in minimising drag.
Andy had actually suggested a modification
to the design that John Hart had come up
with, making the fairing more like a motorbike
fairing, so that I could look up – with my
eyes, that is, not sticking my head out into the
slipstream to look – and see where I was going,
and that wasn’t the only design modification
that was being taken into consideration.
The supersled was to have a number of new
additions. Its fairing would streamline me, the
forward area of the sled and the ski brackets.
In fact, Andy had suggested that the whole
sled could be made from carbon fibre, and this
option was being taken under consideration.
As well as the brakes that would rake the snow
under the front end of the sled, the Sheffield
team had also come up with the idea of fitting
another braking device – a parachute. It would
be attached to a boom that would reach out
beyond my legs, so that I didn’t get tangled up
in the parachute lines, and I would be able to
deploy it as an emergency brake.
Top: Drilling holes to
allow the Perspex fairing
to be mounted on the
nose cone.
Bottom: With the foam
‘bed’ in place and the
skis on, the supersled
was pretty much
246    world’s fastest sled