1 A stands for Aeroplane: his is the eye That Camouflage tries to defeat; this is why
2 B is for Bomber: he’s coming so fast, If he can’t see you quickly, why, dammit, he’s past
3 C is for Camera. Try to confuse The enemy’s reading of aerial views
4 D is Deception, which plainly implies You’ve got to tell Jerry some credible lies
5 E is for Enemy: keep him in doubt When you must make a mess what that mess is about
6 F is for False Work, which will serve to distract The enemy’s eye from the genuine fact
7 G is for Garnishing, this should be wound To copy the texture and tone of the ground
8 H is for Hiding, so please keep it dark, And remember to go in the shade when you park
9 I is for Invention, consider the new Ways to conceal our secrets from view
10 J is the Job which has got to be done: The Camoufleur knows it and so does the Hun
11 K is the Knowledge of how to combine Doing the job with leaving no sign
12 L is for Lay-out: the way that you face Is of vital importance so choose the right place
13 M is for Maintenance of the disguise: Leaving covers unchecked is always unwise
14 N is for Nets which are simply a frame For the garnishing on them, so garnish the same
15 O is Opacity over the gun, You must garnish opaquely, but think of the sun
16 P is for People moving around, Do so at night and merge with the ground
17 Q is the Question you cannot decide, But the Camouflage officer’s there as a guide
18 R is for Regularity, huts in a row, Or guns equidistant are certain to show
19 S stands for Siting, for Spoil or for Scrim: 3 covers 2 but on 1 sink or swim
20 T is for Tracks, which will photograph light, And disclose your activities; keep them from sight
21 U is the Use you make of dummies, So the enemy can never trust what he sees
22 V is for Vision, this means more than sight, Use a strategy to keep your scheme tight
23 W is for Waste. Please do not forget Steel wool is much harder to replace than a net
24 X is for Extras, there will always be some, But think economically to get the job done
25 Y is for You, sir, on whom will depend The success or the failure of all in the end
26 Z is for Zeal with which you apply These few simple principles – do have a try