A cool breeze swept over Paige, carrying with it the scent of lilacs. The thick branches of the oak tree and the clouds interspersed above them provided a wonderful reprieve from the sun’s intense rays. With the cooler temperatures, she didn’t feel rushed to get Ava back inside, which meant she could spend more time with Jed.
With all he and his family had experienced this week, she sensed he needed every moment of support she could offer.
Jed’s chest rose and fell with his breath. “This is nice. Relaxing. I could stay here forever.”
“Seems like old times, doesn’t it? You and I sitting here, leaning against this gnarled tree trunk.” She kissed the top of Ava’s head and then nestled deeper into Jed’s arms. “Although, back then our conversations centered on our dreams for the future. Boy, were we naive, huh?”
“I’d prefer to think of us as more hopeful. Things sure seemed so much simpler back then, didn’t they? As if the future was ours for the taking. All we needed to do was reach for it.”
She nodded. “We had it all planned out. Graduated by eighteen, married by nineteen, living in a cute little two-bedroom apartment with lace curtains and wood floors. Me pursuing a successful journalism career, while you...” She twisted to peer up at him. “You know, I can’t remember you ever talking about what you wanted to do when you grew up.”
He chuckled. “I was too busy obsessing over what I didn’t want to do, which primarily centered on my refusal to follow in my old man’s footsteps. Turns out that was a good thing. But I got to admit, never in my wildest dreams would I have considered my dad would one day be facing five to twenty years in prison, or that my mom could one day lose her home.”
“And I never thought I’d be divorced, back in Sage Creek and unemployed—”
“Hey, now.” He gave her a playful squeeze. “From what I’ve heard, you’ve got an amazing boss.”
She grinned. “I do, though the position is temporary.”
He shifted to a more upright position, jostling Ava, who’d started to doze off. “Doesn’t have to be. You know that.”
She studied him; his dark eyes were so earnest, pleading.
So filled with love and hope.
For her.
“Turn down the offer from Ardell.” He cupped her face in his hand. “Say you’ll stay. With me. I can’t promise you fancy shopping malls and high-rise office buildings and paychecks to match, but I can promise to love you forever. To give my every breath to making you happy. I can promise you’ll always have a safe place to land, to explore, to dream and grow.”
His gaze dropped to Ava, who’d drifted back into a gentle sleep. “And I promise the same to this precious little one. Your home’s here, Paige. It may not seem like much, but you have to know I’ll give you all I got. I’ll give that to both of you.”
Her heart squeezed, and tears pricked her eyes. “It’s more than enough. I can see that now.”
This might not be the life she’d always dreamed of, but it was the one she wanted. The one her heart needed.