


Foreword by Wm. Paul Young

Prologue: The Cadillac Stand

Part One
Some First Thoughts on Papa

  1. The Shocker

  2. The Dancing God

  3. Light from Lewis

  4. What’s in a Name?

  5. The Two Gods

Part Two
Jesus, His Father, and the Holy Spirit

  6. Summary of the Trinitarian Vision

  7. Jesus and His Father

  8. The Holy Spirit

  9. The Oneness of the Spirit, Son, and Father

10. The Love of the Triune God

11. The Real Jesus

Part Three
Papa’s Dream

12. The Big Picture

13. The Womb of the Incarnation

14. Grace

15. Adam and Israel

16. The Rejection of the Anointed Son

17. The Wonderful Exchange

18. The Secret

19. Abide in Me

20. The Spirit of Adoption


Also by C. Baxter Kruger

Praise For The Shack Revisited

Appendix: A Few Quotations on Our Inclusion in Jesus’ Death


Suggestions for Further Study