citizen equality and, 52–53
democracy and, 36–43
politician, 143–46
of state governments, 166–67
tyrant, 143
Adams, Henry, 93
Adams, John, 55, 62, 65, 66, 68, 73, 85
Adams, John Quincy, 95, 99, 159
Addison, Alexander, 65
Addison, Joseph, 67
administrative elite, 119
Aeschylus, 36
Affordable Care Act, 133, 164–65, 168
Afghanistan, 153–54
Agrarius, 84
Alcibiades, 20, 27–28, 38
Ames, Fisher, 55, 91–92, 107, 141, 149
anarchy liberty, 149
Anthracite Coal Strike of 1902, 120
antidemocratic tradition
of Athens, 51–53
Civil War and, 99
elites power and, 66–67
filtering institutions of, 96
mass public opinion and, 145
mob-rule and class warfare in, 71
public service pay and, 31–32
recovering, 6–7
US Constitution and, 62, 84–85
violent revolution fears and, 90–91
antidemocratic tropes, 90
antidosis (legal procedure), 35
Antifederalists, 58
apagogê (stealing), 41n81
Apollodorus, 46
Apology (Plato), 15
Arab Spring, 2, 157, 158
Aristides the Just, 37–38
aristocracy, 68
Aristophanes, 21–22, 23, 39
state pay dangers from, 33
Women at Assembly by, 31, 50–51, 148
Aristotle, 35, 106, 149
citizen equality comment of, 47–48
demagogues driving out notables and, 13
democratic equality and liberty from, 49–50
direct democracy components of, 18
equalization of property and, 50–51
extreme democracy comments of, 10, 14, 52, 92–93
radical egalitarianism and, 146
Articles of Confederation, 60
the Assembly, 11–12, 25, 30, 39, 44
Athens (Greece)
antidemocratic tradition of, 51–53
citizens receiving state pay in, 30–31
contentious politics of, 43
decree contrary to constitution of, 39
Demosthenes last great leader of, 20–21
direct rule components used by, 11–12
early criticisms of, 57
face-to-face business deals in, 37
factionalism causing decline of, 42
as first democracy, 3, 30
golden age of, 19–20
mercenaries relied on by, 45–46
political leader scrutiny in, 37–38
popular assemblies and ignorance of, 56–57
qualifications for ruling in, 12–13
Second Athenian League in, 32, 44
Atto, William J., 109
Austin, Benjamin, 56
balance of power, 77–78
Beard, Charles, 116
better argument (Kreittôn Logos), 23
Beveridge, Albert, 122
Blackstone, William, 86
Bolingbroke, Viscount, 67
Brandeis, Louis, 165
Braxton, Carter, 65
bribery, 31
Brooks, David, 145
Budget Control Act, 154
Bull Moose Party. See Progressive movement
Buren, Martin Van, 98
Burgh, James, 58
Burke, Aedanus, 66
Burr, Aaron, 93
Bush, George H. W., 142, 155
Bush, George W., 133, 156
Butler, Pierce, 131
Cabot, George, 86
Caesar, Julius, 67
Cato (Addison), 67
central government, 72
Chaeronea, 45, 46
Chalmers, James, 65
Chase, Samuel, 84
checks and balances, of Constitution, 5
Chicago Mercantile Exchange, 167
Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIPS), 132
choregia (festival liturgy), 34
Christianity, 63
Churchill, Winston, 32, 44, 152
Cicero (Roman orator), 56
citizen allegation (graphe paranomon), 39
citizen masses, 65
democracy and lack of knowledge of, 139–40, 145
federal government and triumph of, 98–99
irrational decision-making of, 37–38
legislative and executive filters and, 118
political knowledge not acquired by, 57
political writers distrusting, 56–57
property redistribution power of, 29
senate and excesses of, 77
Socrates stating irrationality of, 145
Thucydides showing irrationality of, 29
uneducated and poor, 14–15
uninformed opinions and irrational emotions of, 18–20
weakness and ignorance comprising, 15–16, 66–67
accountability and equality of, 52–53
in ancient Greece, 10
Athens’s state pay received by, 30–31
bad policies from poor judgment of, 44
collectivist, 112, 114–16
constitutional government and, x, 47–48
democracy and rehabilitation of, 98–99
democracy’s assembly and power of, 57–58
democracy’s assumptions about knowledge of, 18–19
errors and delusions of, 80
federal government distant from, 114
financial obligations of wealthy, 34
freedoms and autonomy eroded of, 151
limited government and self-rule of, 164–65
Madison’s factions of, 73–74
military control by, 40
opinion’s possessed by, 16
ostracism banishing, 37–38
Protagoras countering ruling incapability of, 51–52
sacrifice willingness declining of, 33–34
self-governing, 112
self-interest of, 46–47
state government closer to, 114
state money and, 46
Tocqueville finding deficiencies in, 100
tyranny of passions of, 80
useless pleasures and corruption of, 49
wealthy, 35
See also elites; mankind; the poor; society
civil society, 166, 167
civil war, 42–43, 106–07
Civil War, 99, 103–04
class envy, 35, 38
class warfare, 12–13, 71, 122, 127
Clay, Henry, 95
Cleon, 21, 25, 26
Clouds (Aristophanes), 23
Cobbett, William, 90
Common Sense (Paine), 65
concentration of power, 75–76
Constant, Benjamin, 163, 168
constitution, Athens, 39
Constitution, US, 108
antidemocratic tradition and, 62, 84–85
aptitude and strength of, 168–69
checks and balances of, 5
democracy with checks and balances of, 75–83
elite empowerment through, 83
mixed government theory in, 56
president selection codified in, 81–82
Progressive movement preferring evolving, 127
self-interests and passions balanced by, 75
Constitution of 1787, 70–71
Constitution of Athens, 21, 30
Constitutional Convention of 1787, 58
constitutional government
ancient Greece inventing, 9–10
citizens and, x, 47–48
Lysias idealizing elements of, 10
military leaders and weakness of, 45
political freedom of, 47–48
verbal deliberation in, 22–23
Constitutional Government in the United States (Wilson, W.), 121
consumer goods, xi
Corcyra, 42, 62
corporations, 109–10, 122–23
corruption, 31, 41, 49, 77–78, 95–96
Croly, Herbert, 115–17
dangerous weapon, 23
“The Dangers of American Liberty” (Ames), 91
Darwinian principle, 110–11, 113–14
decision-making, 37–38
Defense of the Constitution (Adams, J.), 62, 68, 73
defense spending, ix, xi, 33, 154
Demades, 32
Aristotle’s comments on, 13
in democracy, 141–43
ignorance leading to, 19–22
political dysfunction’s role in, 101
political leader manipulation and, 141
revolution and civil war by, 106–7
Demaratus, 47
democracy, ix–xi, 102
accountability and, 36–43
Adams, J., critic of unchecked, 65
ancient Greece fearing, 3
aristocracy and monarchy compared to, 68
assembly and power of people in, 57–58
Athens’s with first, 3, 30
avoiding dangers of, 168–69
citizen masses lack of knowledge in, 139–40, 145
citizen rehabilitation and, 98–99
citizen’s knowledge assumptions of, 18–19
Cleon and charge against, 26
conspiracy to overthrow, 40
constitutional checks and balances in, 75–83
dangers of, 50–51, 106
deliberation rhetoric in, 22–29
demagoguery in, 141–43
direct, 18, 58–59
equality in, 49–50
evils from excessive, 70
extreme, 10, 14, 52, 60, 92–93
foreign policy and, 43–47, 160
freedom as unnecessary pleasures in, 149–51
idealistic internationalism of, 154–55
international failures of, 157–58
international retreat of, 2, 159
Irish, 165
liberal, 1–2
mankind’s self-interest a flaw of, 64
military despotism change of, 91, 107
mob violence predicted for, 59–60
narrow perimeters of, 158–59
organize and influence change in, 167–68
politicians accountability in, 143–46
questions raised concerning, 4
radical, 46–47
radical egalitarianism from, 146–49
self-interested political decisions in, 100–101
Shays’ Rebellion and state governments in, 61
softer despotism danger of, 5, 129, 138, 161, 164, 168
theoric fund as glue of, 32–33
Tocqueville with weaknesses and dangers of, 99–100
traditional charges against, 92
tyranny as great fear of, 4, 74, 106–07
United States’ expansion of, 155–57, 159–60
wealth redistribution in, 29–36
Democracy and Social Organization (Giddings), 147
Democracy in America (Tocqueville), 100
democratic foreign policy, 152–60
Democratic Man, 48–49
Democratic party, 89n89, 103, 143–44
Democratic-Republican Societies, 90–91
Demosthenes, 20–21, 32–33, 34, 45–47
Dennie, Joseph, 91
denunciation (eisangelia), 40
Dickinson, John, 71, 77, 88
Dina, John, 165
direct democracy, 18, 58–59
dokimasia (examination), 38
“drunk on wine of freedom,” 151
Dukakis, Michael, 142
duplicitous orators, 25
Earned Income Tax Credit, 137
Eberstadt, Nicholas, 133
economic freedom, 135
The Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States (Beard), 116
Edwards, Jonathan, 63
eisangelia (denunciation), 40
eisphora (property tax), 34
elections, 87–88, 97, 123–24
Electoral College, 82, 96–97
administrative, 119
antidemocratic tradition and power of, 66–67
federalists and rule by, 102–03
Plato imagining states run by, 17–18
prejudice of, 14
Progressive movement attacking, 111
US Constitution empowerment of, 83
Elyot, Thomas, 57
emotions, 17, 18–20
encroachments, gradual and silent, 160–61
Enlightenment, 63
entitlement programs
federal government spending on, 135–37
over defense spending, 33
payments on, 46–47
reducing, as politically toxic, 134
under Republican Party, 133
unsustainability of, 164–65
voter’s self-interests in, 140, 145–46
Environmental Protection Agency, 134
Eponymous Archon, 29
equality, 101–02, 146, 147
euthyna (formal investigation), 38–39
examination (dokimasia), 38
extreme democracy, 10, 14, 52, 60, 92–93
face-to-face business deals, 37
factionalism, 42, 73–75, 79, 92
federal government
citizen masses triumph and, 98–99
Civil War and intrusive powers of, 103–04
coercive regulatory powers of, 110
collective purpose requiring expanded, 115
corporations and powers of, 122–23
as distant from citizens, 114
dynamic executive needed in, 122
entitlement spending of, 135–37
expansion of, 108–10, 125–26
fear of corruption in, 95–96
federalism counterweight to, 79
Hamilton’s argument for efficiency of, 79–80
intrusive powers of, 5, 107–08
program and policy complexity of, 140
Progressive movement expanding, 108–10, 125–26, 146–47
property redistribution of, 138–39, 148–49
regulation costs of, 135
Social Security Act expanding, 131–32
spending increasing of, 134–35
Federal Reserve Board, 125
Federal Trade Commission, 125
federalism, 74–75, 79
The Federalist, 71–73, 82
The Federalist 6, 72
The Federalist 10, 146–47
Federalists, 69, 89, 90, 102–03
festival liturgy (choregia), 34
filters, 118
financial obligations, 34
Finley, Moses, 10, 44
First Amendment, 149, 168
First Hague Convention, 154
Follett, Mary Parker, 114, 129
foreign policy, 43–47, 152–60
formal investigation (euthyna), 38–39
Fort Wilson Riot, 60, 77
Frankfurter, Felix, 115
Franklin, Benjamin, 69, 88
free speech, 168
citizen’s eroding autonomy and, 151
of collectivist people, 112, 114–16
economic, 135
personal, 48
political, 47–48
sexual, 151
as unnecessary pleasures, 149–51
freeholders, 86, 88
funeral oration, 10–11, 22, 48, 51, 53
George III (British king), 67
German Republican Society, 85
Gerry, Elbridge, 70, 81
Giddings, Frank, 147–48
Goldwater, Barry, 142
Goodnow, Frank Johnson, 115
Gorgias, 24
agencies added to, 125, 128, 132–33
central, 72
individual’s rights interference by, 113
Jefferson’s wise and frugal, 93–94
limited, 164–69
Lincoln transforming, 103–04
as living thing, 110
mixed, 56, 69–71, 75–76
representative, 162
Roosevelt, T., using powers of, 127–28
selfish human nature creating need for, 72–73
technological changes influencing, 117–18
See also constitutional government; federal government; state government
graphe paranomon (citizen allegation), 39
Great Depression, 125
Great Society, 5, 132
Greece (ancient), 2, 3, 9–10
Gulf War, 155
gymnasia (liturgy), 34
Hamilton, Alexander, 68
corruption and balance of power from, 77–78
federal government’s efficiency argued by, 79–80
powerful central government argument of, 72
presidential selection from, 82
selfish human nature comments of, 72–73
senators holding office for life wanted by, 78
Hansen, M. H., 33, 39–40
Harrington, James, 57
Hayek, F. A., 132, 140
Henry, Patrick, 58, 67, 84
Hermes, 51–52
Herodotus, 14, 52
Hêttôn Logos (worse argument), 23
Histories (Herodotus), 14
History of the Peloponnesian War (Thucydides), 15
Hobbes, Thomas, 57
Horton, Willy, 142
House of Representatives, 87–88, 143–44
human depravity, 63, 65–66
human nature
destructive, 69–70
distrust of, 62–68
Federalists believing in flawed, 69
Hamilton’s comments on selfish, 72–73
improvements in, 6–7, 63–64
judgments on irrational emotions in, 17
Progressive’s beliefs on science of, 119–20
radical egalitarianism contrary to, 50
self-interest driving, 108
Thucydides comments on, 62–63
Voltaire’s pessimism about, 63–64, 63n24
weaknesses and flaws of, 6
human sciences, 119–20
Hume, David, 64
Humphreys, David, 60
Hussein, Saddam, 155
idealistic internationalism, 154–55
ignorance, 19–22
income inequality, 147
income taxes, 137–38
individual’s rights, 113, 116, 130–31
industrialized economy, 130
Inglis, Charles, 65
Iran, 153
Iraq, 153–55
Irish democracy, 165
Isocrates, 35
isolationism, 160
Jackson, Andrew, 94–98
Jay, John, 66, 82
Jefferson, Thomas, 5, 102, 105
entangling alliances and, 159
Republican domination beginning with, 94–95
Republican party of, 85
wise and frugal government call from, 93–94
Johnson, Lyndon B., 5, 132, 142
jury service, 30
Juvenal, 120
Kagan, Donald, 17
Kalb, James, 5, 151
Kennan, George, 158
Kennedy, John F., 142
Kentucky Democratic Society, 90
Knights (Aristophanes’s play), 21–22
Knox, Henry, 60
Kreittôn Logos (better argument), 23
Kurlantzick, Joshua, 2
Latrobe, Benjamin, 89
Laurens, Henry, 59
law courts, 11
Laws (Plato), 50
Lee, Arthur, 84
Lee, Richard Henry, 70
Lefer, David, 58, 59
legal procedure (antidosis), 35
legislative encroachments, 76–77
leveling spirit, 146
Lewis, C. S., 168
liberal democracy, 1–2
limited government, 164–69
Lincoln, Abraham, 102, 111
government transformed by, 103–04
Progressives admiration for, 124–25
slaver-owner attacks by, 112
Lippmann, Walter, 119, 141
liturgies, 34–35
Lives (Plutarch), 67
living Constitution, 108
living organism, society as, 113–14
Livingstone, Robert, 71
Locke, John, 66
Lysias (Athenian orator), 10, 41
Machiavelli, Niccolo, 68–69
Madison, James, 72
citizen factions stated by, 73–74
citizen’s errors and delusions from, 80
democracy’s tyranny of majority from, 74
in Federalist 10, 146–47
gradual and silent encroachments comment of, 160–61
human nature driven by self-interest from, 108
legislative encroachments from, 76–77
senate’s superiority from, 78–79
two political parties defined by, 89–90
magistrates, 11–12, 38–39
Mahoney, Daniel, 164
malignity of mind, 68–69
Mandelbaum, Michael, 2, 158
Manent, Pierre, 1
mankind, 63, 64, 68–69
Mason, George, 83–84
McClelland, J. S., 3
McDonald, Forrest, 56, 87
McDougall, Walter A., 69, 94, 99
Mead, Walter Russell, 166
media/mass communications, 141–45
Medicaid, 132
Medicare, 132, 136n73, 138
Megabyzus, 14, 15
Megara, 13
mercenaries, 45–46
Mercer, John Francis, 88
Middle East, 157
Miletus, 13
bad policy blamed on leaders of, 44
civilian control of, 40
constitutional government weakness and, 45
despotism, 91, 107
executing leaders of, 40
United States’ power of economy and, 160
Minogue, Kenneth, 148–49
Minton, John, 59
mixed government, 69–70
concentration of power avoided with, 75–76
Constitution of 1787 version of, 70–71
in US Constitution, 56
mob violence, 59–60
mob-rule, 71
modern capitalist societies, 1–2
modern psychology, 119–20
modes of equality, 147
monarchies, 52, 68
Moreno, Paul D., 125, 131
Morris, Gouverneur, 75–76, 81, 87–88
Mytilene, 25
Mytilenean Debate, 24–25
National Security Strategy, 156
nations, war between, 72
New Deal, 5, 126, 128–29
The New Freedom (Wilson, W.), 110, 111, 113–14
New Nationalism speech, 111, 113
The New State (Follett), 114
New York, 64
Nicias, 27–28, 48
1916 Revenue Act, 123
1917 Tax Act, 123
1917 Trading with the Enemy Act, 126
Nisbet, Robert, 126
Nixon, Richard, 134, 142
nongovernmental organizations, 118
North Korea, 152
nuclear weapons, 152
Obama, Barack, 123, 153
Affordable Care Act of, 133, 164–65, 168
US idealism continued by, 156–57
Oceana (Harrington), 57
Old Oligarch, 13–14, 26, 35, 91
On the Crown (Demosthenes), 45
ostracism, 37–38
Otis, James, 61
Paine, Thomas, 65
partisanship, 42–43
pay for service, 31
payroll taxes, 136n73
Peloponnesian War (in 431), 11, 32, 40
Pennsylvania, 58–59
The People the Best Governor, 58
Pericles, 30–31
Athens golden age lead by, 19–20
funeral oration by, 10–11, 22, 48, 51, 53
Persians (Xerxes), 36
personal freedoms, 48
Pestritto, Ronald J., 109
phasis (smuggling crime), 41n81
Philip II (of Macedon), 44, 46
Pindar, 12, 13
Plato, 66–67
anarchy liberty from, 149
Apology by, 15
democracy dangers from, 106
drunk on wine of freedom by, 151
elites running states imagined by, 17–18
extreme democracy predictions of, 92–93
Laws by, 50
personal freedoms condemned by, 48
political wisdom view of, 17
Republic by, 29, 48
tyrants accountability from, 143
war of rich and poor described by, 41–42
wealth redistribution charge of, 41
pleasures, useless, 49
Plutarch, 13, 21, 37–38, 57, 67
political parties, 89–90, 134
politicians, 143–46
Athens’s contentious, 43
citizen masses distrusted by writers in, 56–57
citizen masses lacking knowledge in, 57
constitutional government’s freedom in, 47–48
demagogues and manipulation by leaders in, 141
demagogues’ role in, 101
democracy with self-interested, 100–101
Jackson’s philosophy in, 96
justice in, 50
leaders scrutinized in, 37–38
Plato’s view on wisdom in, 17
polling in, 144–45
Progressive movement’s philosophy in, 124–25
United States’ new movement in, 108
Politics (Aristotle), 106
Polybius, 59, 92–93, 105
the poor, 41–42
always wanting more, 31
empowerment of, 10
prejudices against, 13
uneducated citizen masses and, 14–15
popular assemblies, 56–57
popular elections, 123–24
popular rule, 3, 102
popular sovereignty, 10, 96
Hamilton’s argument on selection of, 82
of Progressive movement, 108, 109
Roosevelt, T., beliefs about, 120
US constitution codifying selection of, 81–82
Wilson, W., view on role of, 121–22
See also specific presidents
private debt, 29, 60, 64
private property, 60–61
Pro Flacco (Cicero), 56
Progressive Democracy (Croly), 115
Progressive movement
Darwinian theory used by, 110–11, 113–14
elites attacked by, 111
evolving Constitution preferred by, 127
federal government expansion by, 108–10, 125–26, 146–47
freedom for collectivist people of, 112, 114–16
human science advances beliefs of, 119–20
Lincoln admiration of, 124–25
motto of, 123
nongovernmental organizations displaced by, 118
political philosophy of, 124–25
presidents of, 108, 109
in United States, 108–22, 161–62
The Promise of American Life (Croly), 115, 116
property equalization, 50–51
property ownership, 86–87
property redistribution, 50, 101, 122
agencies mechanism for, 132–33
citizen masses using power for, 29
of federal government, 138–39, 148–49
private property and, 60–61
of Roosevelt, T., 128–29
during Shays’ Rebellion, 64–65
See also wealth redistribution
property tax (eisphora), 34
Protagoras, 51–52
public opinion survey, 144–45
public oratory, 22
Cicero and, 56
as dangerous weapon, 23
duplicitous, 25
Lysias and, 10, 41
self-interest and passions in, 24–25
state policies and manipulations of, 25–26
public service, 31–32
Putnam, Robert D., 166
radical democracy, 46–47
radical egalitarianism, 92
Aristotle and, 146
from democracy, 146–49
from democratic equality, 49–50
human nature contrary to, 50
Tocqueville’s worries about, 101, 149
with wealth redistribution, 147
See also equality
radicalized societies, x
Rahe, Paul, 43, 78, 103, 124, 131
Raleigh, Walter, 57
Randolph, Edmund, 70, 77
redistributive payouts, xi
regulations, 135
regulatory powers, 110
Reign of Terror, 93
religion, 150–51
religious festival, 32
Remini, Robert, 95, 97, 98
representative government, 162
Republic (Plato), 29, 48
Republican party, 85, 89, 89n89, 94–95, 102, 133
revolution, 106–07
rhetoric, 22–29, 24
Richard, Carl J., 56
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 5, 126
Roosevelt, Theodore, 108
beliefs about president by, 120
Bull Moose Party started by, 122
federal powers over corporations by, 109–10, 122–23
new individual rights instituted by, 130–31
New Nationalism speech of, 111, 113
powers of government used by, 127–28
property redistribution of, 128–29
Social Security Act of, 131
State of Union address of, 129–30
Supreme Court appointees of, 127–28
Root, Elihu, 124
Rossum, Ralph A., 124
rotation principle, 97–98
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, x
Royall, Anne Newport, 99
rule by masses, 10
Rush, Benjamin, 59, 68
Rutledge, Edward, 66
Rutledge, John, 88
Ryan, Paul, 139, 142
sacrifices, 33–34
Samons, Loren, 6, 30, 43
science of administration, 117
Scott, James C., 165
Second Athenian League, 32, 44
secularization, 150
Sedgwick, Theodore, 71
self-governing citizens, 112
self-interest, 64, 100–101
of citizens, 46–47
entitlement programs and voters, 140, 145–46
human nature driven by, 108
in public oratory, 24–25
US constitution balancing passions and, 75
self-rule, by citizens, 164–65
Seligman, E. R. A., 123
senate, 96
excesses of masses and, 77
Madison arguing superiority of, 78–79
state-appointed, 75–76
senators, 78, 123–24
Seventeenth Amendment, 77, 123–24
Seward, William Henry, 98
sexual revolution, 151
Shays’ Rebellion, 60, 61, 64–65, 77, 79
Sherman, Roger, 70
Sicilian Expedition of 415, 15, 26–29, 43–44
Sixteenth Amendment, 123
slavery, 94, 102–03, 112, 149
Smith, Melancton, 71
smuggling crime (phasis), 41n81
social efficiency, 116
social media, 144, 168
social rights, 114
Social Security Act, 131–32, 136n73, 138
social welfare programs, 125
civil, 166, 167
as living organism, 113–14
radicalized, x
relaxing standards in, xii
sexual freedoms in, 151
citizen masses irrationality from, 145
citizens possessing mere opinion from, 16
conviction and death of, 16–17
defense speech of, 15
Democratic Man described by, 48–49
weaker argument seem stronger from, 23–24
softer despotism, 5, 129, 138, 161, 164, 168
Solon, 19
Somin, Ilya, 139
Soviet Union, 1–2
Sparta, 44, 47
stakeholder principle, 86, 88
state governments
being closer to citizens, 114
efficiency and accountability through, 166–67
power of, 124–25
Shays’ Rebellion and democracy of, 61
social and economic experiments through, 165–66
State of the Union address (1944), 129–30
state-appointed senate, 75–76
elites running, 17–18
knowledge necessary to run, 17
money of, 46
pay from, 33
policies of, 25–26
sycophants as corrupters of, 41
stealing (apagogê), 41n81
Stockton, David, 52–53
Story, Joseph, 99
“The Study of Administration” (Wilson, W.), 117
subsidies, x–xi
suffrage requirements, 87, 88
Supreme Court, 76, 83, 96, 127–28
Supreme Executive Council, 58
sycophants, 41, 45
Taft, William Howard, 122
tax system, of United States, 137
taxation, 61, 101
taxpaying qualifications, 89
Tea Party movement, 167
technological changes, xi, 117–18
television, 142–43
Theognis, 13
Theopompus, 33
theoric fund, 32–33, 46
Thornton, Bruce, ix
Thucydides, 19, 24, 39, 48
citizen masses irrationality shown by, 29
civil war from partisanship described by, 42–43
History of the Peloponnesian War by, 15
nature of mankind comments of, 62–63
Sicilian Expedition debate and, 26–29
Tocqueville, Alexis de, x
citizen deficiencies found by, 100
Democracy in America by, 100
democracy’s weaknesses and dangers from, 99–100
equality tendencies recognized by, 146
federal government’s intrusive powers from, 107–08
foreign policy dangers recognized by, 152
radical egalitarianism worry of, 101, 149
softer despotism from, 5, 129, 138, 161, 164, 168
Trespass Act of 1783, 84
Turpie, David, 124
accountability in, 143
of citizen’s passions, 80
democracy’s great fear of, 4, 74, 106–07
for good of victims, 163–64
of majority, 74
taxation without representation is, 61
unfunded liabilities, 137–38
uninformed opinions, 18–20
United States
big government resistance in, 166–67
defense cuts of, 154
democracy’s expansion by, 155–57, 159–60
economic freedom ranking of, 135
limited government in, 168–69
military and economic power of, 160
new political movement in, 108
Obama continuing idealism of, 156–57
Progressive movement in, 108–22, 161–62
progressive tax system of, 137
war-weariness of, 153–54
See also Constitution, US
universal manhood suffrage, 89
verbal deliberation, 22–23
violent revolution, 90–91
Voegeli, William, 129, 130, 134
Voltaire, 63–64, 63n24
voting rights
entitlement programs and self-interests in, 140, 145–46
freeholders with, 88
property ownership required for, 86–87
stakeholder principle in, 86, 88
taxpaying qualifications for, 89
The Wages of Appeasement: Ancient Athens, Munich, and Obama’s America (Thornton), ix
war, 41–42, 72
war-weariness, 153–54
Washington, George, 60, 67, 150
Wasps (Aristophanes), 39
Watson, James E., 120
wealth and glory, 27–28
wealth redistribution
in democracy, 29–36
income taxes resulting in, 137–38
Plato’s charge of, 41
radical egalitarianism with, 147
wealthy citizens, 35
Weissberg, Robert, 145
welfare rights, 130
welfare state, 134
Western civilization, x
Whig party, 98, 99
Whiskey Rebellion of 1794, 90–91
“Who Is a Progressive” (Roosevelt, T.), 111
Wilentz, Sean, 95, 99
Williamson, Chilton, 87, 89
Wilson, James, 59
Wilson, Woodrow, 108, 155
administrative elite comments of, 119
Constitutional Government in the United States by, 121
federal government expansion under, 125–26
The New Freedom by, 110, 111, 113–14
president’s role view of, 121–22
science of administration concern of, 117
society as living organism belief of, 113–14
“The Study of Administration” by, 117
Women at Assembly (Aristophanes), 31, 50–51, 148
Wood, Gordon, 70
worse argument (Hêttôn Logos), 23
Wortman, Tunis, 85
Xenophon, 15, 42
Xerxes (Persian king), 36, 47