Below are some facts about another dinosaur discovery in America. Write a newspaper article reporting what they have found. These facts are written in note form. You must write in sentences.
What was found?
- four skulls from a giant dinosaur called the Saurapod
- a new species
- that lived 105 million years ago
Where was it found?
- found embedded in sand and mud
- in a sand stone quarry in Utah by palaeontologists
What did it look like?
- was one of the biggest animals to roam the earth
- young adults were 25 feet long - not fully grown
- four legged, long neck
- lots of dainty teeth for eating plants and swallowing them whole
How did it die?
- believed to have died huddled by a stream
- scientists will study its bones to find out how it died
- believe its flesh was eaten by a predator
- bones fell into the river with leaves and fossilised
Why is it important?
- it is extremely rare - its long delicate skeleton does not usually preserve
Newspaper reports are made up of FACTS and OPINIONS.
A FACT is a piece of information that is true: ‘The bones of dinosaurs have been found in America’.
An OPINION is what somebody believes might be right. It is how a person sees something, but it might not be true: ‘The discovery of another dinosaur in America is exciting’.
Sometimes opinions are hidden in facts: ‘The Saurapod, a scary dinosaur, was one of the biggest animals to roam the earth’.
You can include facts and opinions in your report.