Several days pass, and each day is the same, a strict schedule of training, then briefings. The briefings and mission assignments are held in the main cave where the celebration my first night here was held.

The tapestry of the Lunalette leers over my shoulder each meeting, a reminder of the massive responsibility I’ve been dealt, as officers hand out tasks, training schedules, and I wait for my promised mission.

Today is different.

The Lunalette still leers, but the Sindaco is uncharacteristically in attendance. We line up according to rank (newest members up front), officers facing us. I’m in row one, and coincidentally (or not) Dorian stands across from me but avoids my eyes, all business.

“Welcome.” The Sindaco speaks loudly, standing behind a pieced-together podium. “There’s much to cover and very little time to do so, so please listen carefully.” He glances at me. “Things are growing grimmer by the day, the number of missing Basso steadily rising.” A nervous silence spikes the room. “I assure you that my officers and I are tirelessly working on a plan of attack. We’re uncovering new information daily, but it’s not enough. Our spies on Bellona are having to be more discreet than ever. This is where you come in.” He pauses, dark eyes stoic and his hands clutching the edges of the podium. “The time to act isn’t on the day of the attack, but in these days leading up to it. Our first full-scale mission will be to take the Coliseum and the Island of Sol, seize and occupy them. This will send a clear and strong message to the Imperi that we do not accept their Offerings and their impersonation of the Night as an excuse or justification to oppress Basso.

“Leading up to that mission, we will send small teams to the Upper, all with specific tasks to gain information, an advantage. Some of you will receive assignments and, very soon, plans for our official day of attack. It’s nearing and we’re ready. Speed, strength, and the Moon be with you all.” His eyelids are heavy as he nods, then walks away.

I look to Dorian.

He’s staring at me but quickly glances away.

Officers walk down the line handing out missions left and right. They completely pass me by.

Dorian stares forward, watching, scrutinizing my every motion as I get more and more agitated over the Sindaco’s obvious avoidance. He has no plan of keeping his promise. The man was only pacifying me. Biding time.

I’m about to step forward, tell Dorian I’m going to see the Sindaco when he steps forward first, hands me an envelope. “Your assignment.”

I tear it from his grip.

He releases a small whistle but doesn’t speak.

Opening it, willing my hands to stop trembling, I read the handwritten instructions. There’s a location, a time, and a packing list.

It happens tonight.

At the bottom is a final note: I’m to meet with the Sindaco privately first. Dorian will escort me to the map room an hour before we’re to leave.

I lift my eyes. Again, Dorian stares, but he doesn’t look away this time. He nods instead.

I look away.