How it all began...
Connie was freshening up before dinner when her cell phone rang. She checked her caller ID before answering. It was Jenna. Maybe she had some more news to share about the baby. Jenna and Mike had dinner last night for their friends to announce that they were expecting. She was excited about becoming a godmother.
Connie smiled into the phone; last night's announcement was the first piece of good news she received in a long time. "Hey little momma. How are you feeling today? Samantha went back to work today. I guess she ended up working a full day. Allen is going to be so pissed." When she didn't get an answer she thought something was wrong with the connection. "Jenna!"
"Connie, sweetie, I have some bad news."
Connie sat on the bed; she didn't think she could handle any more disturbing news this year. The last time Connie received terrible news, Samantha's car was t-boned and the doctors performed a four hour surgery to stop the internal bleeding. "Is something wrong with the baby?"
"Nothing like that Connie. I would have called you sooner, but my boneheaded husband just told me that Brian and his cousin kidnapped Samantha. She was shot while trying to escape."
Immediately tears appeared in her eyes. She didn't realize she was crying until she felt the wetness on her face. "Shot! Oh my God! How serious is it?"
"Connie she's okay. It was a flesh wound and the bullet pierced her side. I'm on my way to Immanuel now; I'll call you as soon as I get there."
"I'm on my way..."
"Connie, I'd feel a lot better if you wouldn't get on the road right now. The drive from Lincoln is hell, especially during rush hour traffic. In addition, you shouldn't drive while you're upset. You were spending the night in Lincoln anyway. Do me a favor and don't change your plans."
"Okay Jenna, but you better call me or text me as soon as you find out more about Samantha."
"I promise Connie."
Connie sat on the bed trying to wrap her mind around what happened today. Samantha was kidnapped and shot while she was speaking in front of the Nebraska Legislature in Lincoln. This was a terrible ending for a day that started out promising. She planned to spend the night at a hotel because she totally hated the rush hour traffic on I80.
Connie called Joanie to cancel her dinner date as she re-packed the few items she had and checked out of the hotel. When Joanie didn't pick up she, left a message. She tried to remain calm as she pulled out of the hotel parking lot forging ahead to the interstate. Even in rush hour bumper-to-bumper traffic, she could make it to Immanuel in 90 minutes. Connie knew that Jenna was right, but she wouldn't be able to sleep until she saw Samantha for herself.
Connie was doing good time; she left Hwy 34 and merged onto I80 East when she heard a loud popping noise. She couldn't believe her damn luck one of her tires blew. She pulled off the interstate, popped the hatch. She wasn't exactly dressed for the grubby task of changing a tire, but what else could she do. She got her toolbox and spare tire out of the back hatch. She jacked up her rear end and with her torque wrench in hand; she went to work loosening the lug nuts. At that moment, a truck with two occupants pulled in behind her.
Two men get out of the truck. To her horror, one of the men was her nemesis on the city council. God certainly had a strange sense of humor. She didn't like Councilman Thomas Galvin, and on a normal day, he would be the last person she would welcome help. The other man was a handsome guy who was a cross between a young Paul Newman and Matthew McConaughey. He wasn't as tall as Thomas, but he was the best eye candy she'd seen in a while. Thomas looked like a dark thundercloud with blazing green eyes. She sighed, returned her gaze back to Thomas. "Well Thomas I'm actually glad to see you."
"Yeah there's a first time for everything. What in the hell are you doing out here on the side of the road?"
"What does it look like Councilman Galvin, I'm changing my tire." She smiled at the other man and offered her hand. "Hi I'm Connie Jacobs."
"Hi Connie, I'm Aaron Colton, a colleague of Thomas's. I've heard a lot about you the last few months.
"All good things I'm sure." Aaron shook her hand and dropped it abruptly when Thomas frowned at them.
Thomas was damned mad at Constantina for not calling for roadside assistance. Thousands of people were killed every year changing tires on the side of the road especially on a main artery like I80. "I'll change your tire Constantina; it's damn dangerous to be out here on the side of the road. Why didn't you call for help like any other reasonable woman?" He took off his suit jacket, handed it to Constantina, and made short work of changing the tire.
She could see the muscles flexing under his shirt, he was a jerk, but he kept his body in shape. Connie couldn't understand why he was so pissed at her. "You're being unreasonable Thomas; it's a damn tire, not brain surgery. What did you want me to do?" Thomas ignored her as he replaced the flat tire with the spare and tightened the lug nuts. The procedure took less than twenty minutes.
"Aaron, I'm going to stay with Constantina and drive her car. I want to make sure she makes it safely back to Omaha."
"Okay Thomas, see you at the office tomorrow. Nice meeting you Miss Jacobs."
"Nice to meet you too Aaron." She waved at the charming man and then turned to face Thomas. "I really don't need a babysitter back to Omaha." Connie handed him his jacket, sighing to herself as he covered those broad shoulders. When he held out his hand, she ignored him, walking back to her vehicle.
"Give me the keys Constantina, it's getting dark, and Aaron's not going to leave until we pull off."
Connie tossed him the keys and got in on the passenger side. She needed to go to Omaha quickly and didn't want to argue with Thomas. Thomas got into her SUV, adjusted her seat, and tilted her rearview mirror. "Can we go now?"
Thomas pulled onto I80 and drove at a moderate rate. Constantina's flat tire looked okay, but tire donuts aren't as safe as an actual tire. "Why did you leave Lincoln this evening? Mother told me that you were staying overnight and heading back to Omaha in the morning."
"Family emergency."
"That's all you're going to tell me? Your skirt practically flying over your head. What kind of family emergency had you changing a tire on I80 during rush hour traffic? You were damn lucky Aaron, and I saw you on the side of the road. You could have been approached by someone who meant you harm."
"A good friend was kidnapped to today, and I just received the message. I changed my plans and decided to check on her tonight. I'm sorry you had to see me in trouble on the road. I'm quite capable of changing a tire and taking care of myself."
Thomas mulled over everything she told him, and he began to calm down. He didn't quite know how he felt about Constantina. He saw her at various events over the past year, and she made a point of ignoring him, which immediately got his attention. At first, he thought she was intentionally being coy. He had to swallow his pride when he realized that she had no interest in knowing him better.
"Your friend, is it anyone I know?"
"Samantha Graham."
"You're kidding me, Samantha was kidnapped today! By whom?"
"An ex-boyfriend with a grudge. She was shot, but Jenna told me that the bullet grazed her side. They're keeping her overnight for observation."
"Which hospital?"
"I'm sorry I acted like a jerk back there on the road. It royally pissed me off when I saw you out there struggling. So many terrible things can happen to a woman traveling alone."
"My hero. I accept your apology. What were you doing in Lincoln today?"
Thomas gave her a quick glance, he had a meeting in town, but he also wanted to support her and his mother in their opposition of LB 2359. The proposed bill would eliminate after school programming for foster children. Her impassioned speech made several state senators pull their support for the bill.
"I had a meeting."
"I had breakfast with your mother this morning; she didn't tell me that you would be in town today."
His mother questioned him before about his intentions toward Constantina. He didn't need his mother to tell him that Constantina was remarkable; he knew that the first time he saw her. "It probably slipped her mind."
"Doubtful, not much get's by Joanie. I'm surprised she didn't ride back to Omaha with you."
"Mother and my sister Charlene are going factory outlet shopping in Nebraska City tomorrow."
"I hate shopping. Jenna and Sam dragged me shopping in Kansas City, and I thought my punishment would never end." That tiny little memory bruised her heart, what if Samantha wasn't okay and she didn't recover. She couldn't stomach the thought of losing someone else.
When the conversation suddenly stopped, Thomas gave her a quick look. He saw her wiping the tears from her face. "I'm sure Samantha will be okay. Jenna wouldn't lie to you if she said Samantha is okay, she's okay. We should be at the hospital within the hour."
Connie knew she was acting silly, "I was upset, and I shouldn't have gotten on the road."
"Oh I don't know things kind of worked out for the best. I got you enclosed in a vehicle, and you can't take off, you have to deal with me."
Connie looked over him in surprise. "I have never avoided you."
"Constantina if you continue to lie your tongue will cleave to the roof of your mouth."
"You're right Thomas I have been avoiding you because you're a jerk. I can't pretend that everything is roses. Especially when I know that the next time I come up against you in the city council chamber you'll walk all over my head again."
"Well this isn't the place I wanted to have this conversation, but it will do. My job as a city councilman is to represent my community to the best of my ability. I can't submit to the whims of every beautiful woman who waltzes in the chamber and vote in her favor. I'm always going to do what I think is right. I'm sorry if that makes getting to know you more difficult, but I refuse to give up on you."
Connie was wishing she stayed at the hotel right about now. She was mentally ticking off the mile markers as they sped by, 30 miles to Omaha, 29 miles...28 miles. Connie couldn't take her eyes off his strong hands; his fingers were long and thick. She could feel him stroking her body, taking her to new heights. He must spend a lot of time outside his skin tone was a mixture of copper with russet undertones. The mere sight of him sparked the desire to taste him; she wanted to run her tongue all over his body.
His mother Joanie was a full blood Santee Sioux. From what she gathered from previous conversations with Joanie, Thomas's father was a half-breed Native American from another Plains Indian tribe. He must have been one good looking man. Joanie had fair skin, high cheekbones, and honey colored eyes. Thomas was tall, dark, handsome, and he had the most stunning green eyes. She started fanning herself. Thomas had been her dream lover for about a year now, too bad the object of her dreams was a nightmare.
"Constantina, you even listening to me?"
Connie snapped to attention when he called her name. She must be losing her mind, getting all hot and bothered over Thomas 'The Jerk' Galvin. "Why do you call me Constantina? You're the only person I know that uses my full name. What's wrong with Connie or Miss Jacobs?"
Thomas couldn't help himself; the desire to touch her was too strong. He smoothed her windblown hair behind her ear. "I never thought you were that kind of woman to hold a grudge."
Connie momentarily lost her train of thought. Thomas was dangerous she would not be another conquest for him. "Hold a grudge! I'm not holding a grudge I just don't like you. Haven't you ever come across a woman who didn't think you were God's gift to humanity?"
"You have got to be the most arrogant man I've ever met. Joanie is the sweetest woman I know, what did she do to deserve a son like you?"
Thomas couldn't hold his laughter, "my mother looks for the best in everyone including me. Listen I know that you're attracted to me, you shouldn't let my being a councilman dissuade you from exploring that attraction."
"Oh Jesus I think I just vomit in my mouth. Do you use that lame crap on every woman you meet? I know you're attracted to me, that line is as old as the hills."
"Would it hurt you to admit that you're attracted to me because I'm sure as hell attracted to you? I can walk into a luncheon or charity function and know that you're there way before I actually see you. Now that's a serious attraction, or you've put a spell on me."
He couldn't be serious, what century did this caveman come from? "That's what I did Thomas. I went to this gypsy I know, she made me a love potion. I slipped in you beer at the League's Annual Barbecue, now I'm playing hard to get to torture you."
"Thanks for the explanation Constantina. I'm glad you went the effort to stay in my life. Tell me something, how long do I have to wait before I can claim you?"
The thought of being claimed by Thomas gave her a warm feeling in the pit of her stomach. She was inclined to give him a set down when she realized they were only a couple miles from the exit for Immanuel Hospital. She'd been so engaged with Thomas's ridiculous conversation she couldn't remember merging onto I680. "You did that on purpose."
Thomas gave her a fleeting smile, never taking his eyes off the road. "What?"
Connie got a text from Jenna telling her that Samantha is in room 7204. She was relieved. "Samantha is no longer in the Emergency; she's been moved to a room."
"That's a good thing Constantina. Sometimes doctors just want to keep people overnight especially if they've been shot."
"That's what Jenna said."
"You still haven't told me what I did on purpose"
"You kept my mind off Samantha, with your peculiar brand of conversation. It worked. I can't believe we're so closed to the hospital." She had been so focused on Samantha that she gave no thought to how being with her may have inconvenienced him.
"I'm sorry Thomas, I'm so stupid, is there someplace I can drop you off before I go to the hospital."
"No. I'm going with you."
"I'm one of Samantha's clients, and I want to see if she's okay too. Is that so hard to believe?"
"No Thomas, that's not hard to believe." They took the 72nd Street exit and made it to Immanuel's Emergency in no time. Regular visiting hours at the hospital were over; the only way they could go to Samantha's room was through the Emergency Center. They got out of the car and Thomas grabbed her arm escorting her into the hospital.
Connie immediately became annoyed with the receptionist. She was practically frothing at the mouth as she gave Thomas the once over, totally ignoring Connie. "Excuse could you tell us how we can get to room 7204 from here?"
"Hey I know you; I voted for you. You're Councilman Galvin. You look even better in person."
Thomas could tell by Constantina's stance and squinty eyes that she was about to pounce on the receptionist. "Thanks for your support. My friend here has a question for you."
Connie got some degree of satisfaction at the crestfallen expression on the woman's face. "Could you tell us how to get to room 7204 from here?"
"Uhmm, sure. Give me a minute, I’ll buzz you in, then go past all the rooms until you reach another set of double doors. Just follow the hallway until you get to the gift shop then you'll need to take a left to the elevators.”
Connie looked at the receptionist's nametag. "Thanks Amber, we appreciate your help." Amber buzzed the double doors for them and they passed several examination rooms before reaching another set of double doors. "This must be it."
It took them about ten minutes to get to the seventh floor. To their surprise, a nursing technician met them as they got off the elevator. "Could you tell us how to get to room 7204?"
"Hi my name is Mary; Amber called us to let us know about your arrival. It's after visiting hours and you won't be able to stay long. Miss Graham's fiancé is with her if you follow me, I'll show you to her room."
Samantha’s room was a couple of doors from the elevator. It was late in the evening when she and Thomas reached Samantha's room. Connie stepped into the room, and Thomas remained in the hall. Both Samantha and Allen were out like a light. He was sleeping in a chair next to her bed holding her hand. Connie saw the engagement ring on Samantha's finger, Allen finally claimed his woman. She felt like a trespasser, she turned to leave when she heard Samantha call her name.
"I could lie and say I didn't expect to see you tonight."
Connie got closer to the bed and kissed Samantha on the cheek. "I couldn't stay in Lincoln not knowing if you were okay."
"I was grazed by a bullet. The doctor in Emergency admitted me to watch me. Did you see my engagement ring?"
Connie laughed. "It's kind of hard to miss."
"I expect you to be a bridesmaid."
Allen opened his eyes and smiled at Connie. "She'll have to settle for being a witness. We're getting married in the courthouse as soon as I can make arrangements."
"I'll leave you two alone; call me when you're feeling better. Now that, I've seen you, I feel at ease."
"How did it go in Lincoln today?"
"We won! LB 2359 is no longer on the books."
"I'm proud of you Connie. After school programs will keep thousands of children off the streets and out of trouble. Did you see any cute men today?"
Connie was aware that Thomas was waiting just outside the door listening. I met a man with startling blue eyes, I'll have to do a follow-up and see where it leads."
Samantha was beginning to fade; it must be the medicine they gave her. "I hope it works out for you, you deserve a good man. Thanks Con!"
"Thanks for what Sam."
"Thanks for being my sister."
Connie gave her a little hug, nodded at Allen, and left the room. Thomas was waiting patiently for her outside the door. She smiled at him for the first time since seeing him. "She's okay, a bit tired, but thank God she's okay. She just got grazed by a bullet."
Thomas took her hand and led her back to the elevator. They were silent as they walked back through Emergency until they reached her car. "Thanks for staying with me Thomas. You didn't have to do it, but I'm glad that you did."
"You're welcome Constantina. It was my pleasure to help you out and I'll never let you forget." Thomas handed Constantina her keys and got into the passenger side.
"Where do you want me to drop you off?"
"You can take me home, unless you want to take me back your place and show me your gratitude."
"Where do you live?"
"Get back on I680 and go to the Mormon Bridge exit. I live up the hill from the Florence Library."
Connie followed Thomas's directions and pulled into his driveway fifteen minutes later. "You have a nice house Thomas."
Thomas didn't want this time with her to end. He had a feeling that once he stepped out of her car they would revert to the status quo. "You're never going to let me get this close to you again, are you?"
"Is this the real you Thomas, or just a role you're playing to get me into your bed."
"Wow. You truly think a lot of me and my motives. There's something about you that draws me closer, an invisible link. I'm not going to give up until I explore that attraction. Don't be afraid of me Constantina, I'm just a man who likes being with you. By the way, Aaron's not the man for you."
Connie held her breath, she didn't know what to expect, but she certainly didn't expect him to get out of her vehicle without a backward glance. "Not even a lousy kiss!"