Connie wasn't a glutton for punishment, but here she was yet again waiting in trepidation for the session to begin. The city council met every week, and for the last two months, she had attended more meetings than she would like. What could she do? Every time the Cabbage Patch Foundation tried to renovate a property, it was plagued with permit problems and city ordinances.
This time the foundation was immersed in a zoning altercation. She was trying to build a youth home in an affluent area of Omaha when all hell broke loose with the zoning committee. Now here she was attempting to obtain the approval of the city council chairperson Thomas Galvin and his nasty band of council members.
This was the first time Connie had seen Thomas since the day Samantha was kidnapped. She was so busy preparing year-end statements and helping Samantha with her New Year's Eve party preparations that she hadn't given Thomas a second thought. Well that wasn't entirely true; Thomas had a starring role in her dreams every night.
The city council had a lot of business on the books today. An owner of a nightclub was trying to renew his liquor license. His establishment seemed to be a magnet for rowdy behavior and violence. The owner tried to appeal his case to the city council who voted against him 8-0. Thomas practically ripped the man to shreds for being irresponsible and for the sake of the neighborhood; the city council could not allow him to run a business any longer.
Connie studied Thomas, in a different era he would have been in charge of his tribe’s war party. He had the appearance of a warrior, everything about him said lethal, dangerous, sexy, and undeniably a hunter. If it weren't for his green eyes, she would have taken him for a full blood Native American. His beard and mustache were neatly trimmed, but she often wondered what he would look like clean shaven.
Years ago, he was an up and coming lawyer married to a powerful judge's daughter. Connie could still remember his picture plastered over billboards all over Omaha. Call Thomas Greywolf Galvin, contract lawyer, he will never leave you in a bind.
Then the scandal broke out. Thomas Galvin and his wife were accused of running a financial swindle on their clientele. The media relentlessly hounded the couple looking for an exclusive. Once the dust settled Mrs. Galvin went to jail, and Thomas Galvin went underground.
He didn't stay out of the limelight for long. He became a city councilman and started another law practice, now he was simply known as Thomas Galvin. Fresh from his divorce he became the most sought after bachelor in the state of Nebraska. Connie spotted him at several fundraisers, he had even given her the once over a time or two.
One thing was certain when Thomas was on duty as a city council member he was focused on business. The carefree man who’d wanted an invitation to her bed was missing today. She didn’t kid herself into thinking that he would be lenient on her just because he wanted to get into her bed.
It was Connie’s turn to plead her case for expanding the work of the Cabbage Patch Foundation. She took her place at the podium; she had everyone’s rapt attention except for Thomas Galvin. He had his head buried in some folders as she expounded on the need for youth homes in the Omaha community.
“I would like to thank the Omaha City Council for allowing me this opportunity to plead our case for a new group home location in Midtown Omaha. The group homes we’ve established in South Omaha, North Omaha, and Lincoln had been successful…” At that moment, Thomas seemed to come to life, and his gaze rest briefly on her for a moment before he cut her off.
“Ms. Jacobs we appreciate the work that the Cabbage Patch Foundation has done in our illustrious city. The question is why would you rezone a property for a structure that is so ill suited for that neighborhood?"
"If you let me explain Councilman Galvin, you'll understand why the location is perfect for a youth home..."
"Ms. Jacobs both residents and business owners in this neighborhood are concerned about the element of the proposed youth home. There is no way we can determine the effects of perceived negative influences shall bring to the community and neighboring schools.” Thomas could see the storm brewing in Constantina’s eyes. He didn’t know what he expected, but he was unprepared for the backlash his hasty words would uproot.
“Oh I understand Councilman Galvin. The affluent residents of this community are fearful that teen pregnancy and drug use will run rampant if this seedy group home is erected. The business owners are concerned that patronage will cease.
I get it! The council likes the work the Cabbage Patch Foundation does as long as we keep our group homes east of 72nd Street. Dare we venture past this invisible barrier I'm sure the council will vote to keep us out of these communities?”
“Enough Ms. Jacobs, we try to do what’s best for Omaha. We do not cater to any particular group, and I resent the implication. We recognize the importance your group offers to the Omaha Community, and we hope it never stops. We will, of course will vote right now as to whether or not to approve the Holting Estates property for rezoning.”
Connie held her breath as the vote took place. The city council voted 6-2 against rezoning the lots to build a group home. “Thank you for your time.”
Thomas could tell by her stance that Constantina Jacobs would be back in front of the council before long with a new project. “You’re welcome Ms. Jacobs; we wish you the best in all your endeavors with the Cabbage Patch Foundation.”
Connie left the chamber without a backward glance. Thomas hoped that her stubbornness didn’t get in the way of a proposal that would be beneficial to her and the foundation she loved so dearly. Well it wasn’t something he could dwell on right now. “What’s next on the agenda?”
It was later in the day as Thomas sat in his office day dreaming about Constantina Jacobs. She looked so defeated when she left the chamber today. His feelings for her were complicated, he never felt the urge to strangle and kiss a woman at the same time.
He wanted to help her move forward with her project for the youth home, but he had to do his job as chairperson of the city council using his vote for the good of the community. He wanted to discuss a proposal with Constantina. The deal would provide enough land for her current project and room to expand.
Thomas called Constantina’s office, her assistant Beth was so gracious each time she told him that Constantina wasn't available that he almost believed her. He decided to drive over to her office instead; she certainly couldn't avoid him if he showed up in person. The drive to Council Bluffs would take about ten minutes, not enough time to collect his thoughts for the battle royal that was likely to ensue. Constantina was a tough nut to crack, and he’d been trying to establish a foothold into her enter circle.
From what he could tell she had darned few friends, she did not socialize unless it involved one of her charities, she owned an accounting firm and The Purple Feather, a sex toy store. For some reason, she has taken a dislike to him. Maybe it was his position as chairman of the city council or it something she heard about the scandal involving his ex-wife.
Constantina’s office was just off the main street of Broadway; he didn’t have any trouble finding a parking space near the door. He walked into her small office and addressed the little pixy behind the desk. "Hi I'm here to see Constantina Jacobs."
Beth couldn't believe that Thomas Galvin was standing in front of her. He was the dreamiest man she'd ever seen next to Chad, and he seemed a little put out. "Do you have an appointment sir?"
"No I don't, but she's going to listen to what I have to say." Thomas walked to the back offices determined to see Constantina. He could hear the pitter patter of Beth's feet as she ran behind him.
"You really can't go back there sir, Miss Jacobs is in a meeting."
There were two offices in back, a small break room, and restroom. He chose the door on the right and walked in Constantina's office, she was on the phone, definitely, not in a meeting. She obviously liked the person she was speaking with; he had never seen her so happy or laid back.
Connie shook her head as she hung up the phone, her friend Samantha was driving her crazy with her arrangements for her company’s New Year’s Eve party and unique surprise for her fiancé. Samantha was outrageous and just pure fun to be around, but most of all she had a good heart.
He stood in front of her desk refusing to be ignored. “Hello Constantina.”
"Miss Jacobs I tried to stop him, but he wouldn't listen to reason."
"Don't worry about it Beth, Councilman Galvin rarely listens to any voice other than his own. Please close the door on your way out. Thank you Beth." Connie got out of her chair, and walked over to face her nemesis. She was still pissed about the city council’s refusal to vote in her favor. “So what do I owe this dubious pleasure?”
Constantina’s face was flushed with anger; he would love to have this woman by his side. She would never betray him or use him for her own benefit. All this sexual tension between them would set the building on fire. “I know we got off on the wrong foot, and we seem to be on opposing sides. One of my clients is interested in the property you are trying to convert into a youth home. He’s willing to make a land swap for a property he has.”
Connie crossed her arms and glared at Thomas. Damn he was a handsome man, too bad he was a jerk. “Why would I even entertain the idea of a property swap?”
He had her where he wanted her; she could not control her natural curiosity. “How about we discuss the whole plan over dinner tonight and I’ll show you the property later in the week?”
“Good move Thomas. You knew that I would never turn you down, especially if the opportunity is as good as you say.”
Thomas grinned, “Would I lie about something so important to you?”
“I don’t know you well enough to respond.”
Thomas stepped closer aware that he was invading her space and not caring. “Whose fault is that Constantina? I’ve attended a lot of fundraiser luncheons and dinners for a chance to know you better, but you held me at arm’s length. This time you won’t be able to push me away you’re going to have to deal with me.”
Connie frowned at Thomas, refusing to move back as he stepped closer. I am not afraid of him, she kept chanting to herself. “I’m not afraid of you Thomas. I’m a grown woman and not a scared little girl.”
Thomas leaned in even closer, “Glad to hear it. Now where would you like to meet for dinner?”
Connie could tell by the gleam in Thomas’s eyes that he would try to make it as intimate as possible. “Hey why don’t we go to the Famous Dave’s in the Old Market? I’m in the mood for rib tips, and since you work downtown it wouldn’t be out of your way.”
Thomas gave her a rueful grin. He planned to take her somewhere warm and cozy, plying her with wine. He wanted to loosen her up and make her feel comfortable in his presence. “Okay you win this round Constantina. I’ll meet you there at 5:30; that will allow us both enough time to wade through rush hour traffic.”
Connie walked Thomas to the door; she was willing to admit to herself that she was looking forward to meeting with him later. “Until 5:30 then.”
He paused, he wanted to give her a quick kiss before leaving, but he didn’t know her well enough for such an intimacy. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
Thomas had entered Famous Dave's ten minutes before he was supposed to meet Constantina. He sat near a window so he could watch her approach the restaurant. Her SUV pulled up a few minutes later. Constantina got out of her vehicle, jogged across Farnam Street, and practically hopped up the stairs. Either she was looking forward to meeting him, or she was hungry.
Connie saw Thomas sitting near the window as she parked her car. She got out of the car and quickly made her way across the street. She felt Thomas’s eyes on her as she ran up the steps. Thomas's stare was unnerving. Connie didn’t know if he wanted to ravish her or shake her silly.
Thomas stood up as Constantina approached his table. He helped her with her coat and took the opportunity to outline the vein pulsating in her neck with his finger. He draped her coat across one of the empty chairs and sat directly across from her. Her eyes appeared to be a smoky blue; early in her office, now they were violet. His noticed that his touch made her nervous which was a minor accomplishment. Thomas would have her nervous instead of indifferent.
A server came over and took their orders and Connie sat back and scrutinized Thomas as he placed his order. When the server walked away, Connie got right to the point. “Okay Thomas, tell me about your client’s property.” Thomas’s assessing eyes perused her body before coming back to her face. The action was erotic as hell and took everything within her to sit as if his blatant sexuality did not affect her.
“We’ll get to that later. How's Samantha doing?” Thomas waited patiently as the server put their drinks on the table.
Connie didn't like the change in topic. "Samantha is doing great. She and Allen are getting married at the courthouse next week. She's driving me crazy helping her plan the New Year's Eve party of the century."
Thomas nodded to the server and turned his attention back to Constantina. "I'm glad to hear that Samantha has bounced back. I've heard a lot about Allen Archer, I'm surprised he didn't whisk her away to Las Vegas for a quickie wedding."
Connie gave him a half smile, "Well Jenna and Mike already did the quickie wedding in Las Vegas earlier this year. Allen was content to push for a quick courthouse ceremony."
"I don't blame the man, Samantha is quite a handful. A man has a right to put his foot down and demand compliance from his woman."
"Compliance from his woman! You were clearly born in the wrong century. I envision you as a possessive man, grabbing your woman by the hair and forcing her into your cave."
"My people didn't live in caves; my Santee Sioux ancestors lived in wattles or daub houses. Like most Southern Plains Indians, they were farmers, and they weren't nomads like some of the other tribes who lived in tepees."
Thomas was proud of his ancestry; she was so caught in hearing his raspy voice as he explained his family's history that she forgot to be annoyed with him. "You would have fit right in; you're a demanding man and you would have stood out whatever century you lived."
"Be careful Constantina I see a crack in your armor. I know you’re interested in the property deal, but I want you to at least admit that you're curious about your attraction to me as well.”
Connie took a sip of her beer before responding. “So what, I’m attracted to you. You are an attractive man. I’m sure you have women falling all over themselves trying to win your favor.”
“As I've told you before the attraction is mutual. So, what are we going to do about it? I refuse to let you ignore me any longer; we have to deal with this attraction and see where it leads.”
Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of their food. Connie prayed over her food and ignored Thomas as she dug into her rib tips. The meat was tender and succulent, and she loved the sweet and sassy sauce. She looked up to find Thomas watching her as if she were an alien. “What’s wrong you’ve never seen a woman eat before?”
“Actually no. Usually women get all coy on me as if food is the enemy. I like being with a woman who isn’t afraid to eat in front of me.” He ate his ribs and slaw with gusto hoping that this truce with Constantina was not a temporary aberration.
Connie’s curiosity got the better of her, so you interrupted the comfortable silence they maintained through dinner. “Tell me something Thomas where is your client’s property located?
Thomas polished off his meal and turned his attention to Constantina. My client has 100 acres just off 72nd Street North of Sorenson Parkway. There is a lot of undeveloped land out there; enough land to build your youth home with plenty of land to spare when you’re ready to expand.
Thomas had her rapt attention, and he knew it, the slick bastard. “Seems like an uneven exchange to me. As much as I want the foundation to grow and expand I don’t want to do it at the expense of others.”
“Oh Constantina this is one of the things I love about you. You have a lot of heart, and you always want to play fairly. My client is going to make a large profit with the town houses he plans to build on your property. It would be beneficial for both of you to agree to a land swap. No money exchanges hands, no realty fee involved, and no escrow. It would be a straightforward contract, and everyone’s a winner.”
Connie took another swallow of her beer. “Yeah I’m sure the community will embrace the town house project with open arms.”
Her hardcore exterior was raising its ugly head. “Come on Constantina.” He whispered. You and I both know some things that are taboo for a residential neighborhood. No one wants a group home, women’s shelter, homeless shelter, half way house, liquor store, or a discount store in their neighborhood. Level with me, would you want a youth home in your quiet neighborhood?”
“What do you know about my neighborhood?”
“I know where you live Constantina; a nice middle class neighborhood, not too far from a grade school and park.”
“I would give up my house if it meant that troubled kids had a place of refuge and a new way of life.” She swallowed the rest of her beer, wishing she had another one to douse the flames of her rising anger.
“Now you got to the heart of the matter. Given, there are many caring people in Omaha; however, their empathy will dry up quickly if it came to sacrificing their homes or families so that the underprivileged can have a better way of life. You are the real deal Constantina. You believe in the Cabbage Patch Foundation, and that’s why this land swap will allow you to achieve even greater things.”
Connie hated feeling as if she were being handled. “I’ll have to bring this before the board of directors before I would even think about signing off on this land swap idea of yours. One more thing quit calling me Constantina! How did you find out my real name anyway? I never use it.”
“Now who’s playing games? Your friends Samantha Graham and Jenna Johnson are the board of directors. They will go along with whatever you say. As far as your name, I like the way Constantina rolls off my tongue.” Thomas leaned in towards the center of the table, grabbing one of her hands. “Can you imagine the first time I make you mine Constantina? Will you give in gracefully or will I have to fight you to stake my claim.”
Connie snatched her hand out of Thomas’s grasp. “How long have you been planning this lousy seduction scene? Does the land swap deal depend on me dropping my panties and screwing you? What do you get out of the deal?”
“Tisk, tisk Constantina, you’ll drop your panties for me because I turn you on and you can’t wait to feel me moving deep inside you. I would never use a business deal to intimidate you into submission. My pride wouldn’t allow it.”
“Conceited jerk! You’ll be the last man I drop my panties for.” She felt the flames of embarrassment in her face as people stop eating as they caught her last statement. It didn’t help that Thomas’s was laughing for all he was worth. Connie grabbed the bill, her coat and purse and left Thomas sitting at the table.