Connie got out of bed early to prepare for her trip to Kearney. Her feet barely touch the floor before her cell phone rang. "Hello."
"You ran out kind of early last night. I was just calling to wish you a safe trip to Aunt Mabel's."
Connie wasn't surprised to hear from Jenna, she was an early riser especially since she became pregnant. "What's wrong the baby got you up early this morning?"
"Mike and I left the party fifteen minutes after you departed. Pregnancy and parties don't mix. I just wanted to give you a jingle before you left for Kearney. Call me when you get back so we can have lunch."
"Bet on it. I'll see you when I get back. Now go back to bed it's too early in the morning even for you."
Connie tossed her phone down on the bed, and before she took two steps, it rang again. She looked at the caller ID and smiled. "Samantha! You are the last person expected to hear from today. Shouldn't you be holed up in bed with your new husband?"
"I don't have much time, but I couldn't let you leave for Kearney without wishing you a safe trip. I appreciate all of your help with the wedding ceremony and celebration. Allen is still walking on a cloud."
"It was my pleasure. Now, do you want to tell me how Thomas Galvin got invited to the party?"
"Ooh girl I think I hear Allen calling me..."
"Damn it Sam why did you invite that jerk to the party knowing how I feel about him?"
"Girl you may not realize it, but when you talk about Thomas your eyes light up and you blush a lovely shade of crimson. You need a man and Thomas wants the job. Granted he can be a little arrogant, but if you took the time to know him, we might be celebrating your wedding this time next year."
Connie didn't realize she was being so transparent in showing her feelings for Thomas. "Sam I don't think that's in the cards for me. Don't worry, I forgive for your interference you can't help it. You're in love and want your friends to experience that same feeling. Jenna called a few minutes before you; she wants to have lunch when I come back from Kearney. If you can tear yourself away from your husband for an hour I'd love for you to join us."
"Name the time and place, you know I'll be there. Love ya girl! Have a safe trip and give Aunt Mabel a hug from me."
"I love you too Sam." Sometimes friends who thought they had all the answers were a pain in the ass.
She checked to make sure she had all of her supplies before packing up her car. One good thing she did a lot of prep work yesterday and the day before. Fixing today’s dinner would be a piece of cake. The car was packed and was on the road to Kearney before 8:00 am. She didn’t mind the drive it was a straight shot on west I80. She just couldn’t understand why Aunt Mabel refused to find an assisted living facility in Omaha.
The drive took two hours and a half; it took three hours to get to Kearney. The roads were clear this morning because most people were still in either bed or nursing their hangovers. She pulled in front of the Oakville Home were her Aunt Mabel lived and started loading up her utility cart. Everything fit, which was fantastic, she wouldn’t have to make another trip.
She parked her car and pushed her aunt’s buzzer so she could get through the first set of doors. “Aunt Mabel its Connie.” She didn’t receive a response, but she heard the click of the door allowing her access. She parked her cart in front of the elevator and went to sign in at the front desk.
“Who are you visiting?”
“Mabel Johnson.”
“You must be the guest she’s been raving about all last week. Is it true that you’re cooking a unusual dinner today in celebration of Mabel's birthday?”
Connie got this questioning look every time she came to visit Aunt Mabel, jeez was she the only Caucasian that came to visit Aunt Mabel. “Yes my momma taught me how to cook, and soul food is my specialty.” Connie signed her name, gave the receptionist a little wave, and went back to the elevator. When she got off the elevator, she wasn’t surprised to see her aunt waiting for her in the hallway.
“What happened gal did you get lost on the way from your car?” Mabel loved to tease her niece; she liked watching the color of embarrassment fan across her face. She held the door open and looked at the pans and containers on Connie’s cart. “You’ve been busy, I see that I’m gonna have a great birthday dinner.”
Connie took off her coat and found herself embraced in her aunt’s bear hug. “Aunt Mabel if you lived in Omaha, I could cook for you all the time, not just special occasions.”
“Honey hush, I have a surprise for you in the other room.” Mabel grabbed Connie by the arm and practically yanked her into the living room.
Well how big a surprise could it be, Aunt Mabel’s apartment wasn’t that large. She had a bedroom with a connecting bathroom, a living room, and a kitchen/dining area. Connie was humoring her aunt; she wouldn’t put it past her aunt to ask someone over as a date.
Every time she came to visit, one of the other residents' had a son or nephew who just happened to be in town also. She walked into the living room and was pleasantly surprised with the sight of her cousin Johana and her daughter Tatiana. “Oh my God this is a surprise!”
Johana greeted her with a hug and little Tatiana hugged her leg. “It’s great to see you Connie; we have a lot of catching up to do.”
Connie picked up Tatiana and held her close kissing her Carmel brown skin; the precious four year old was just a remarkable sight. Her black hair was pulled into one ponytail, large brown eyes full of innocence and happiness. When she smiled, she lit up the room. “Baby when you grow up the men will stand up and take notice.”
“Condi give Boo Bear a hug and kiss.”
Connie laughed at Tatiana’s pronunciation of her name. She promptly hugged and kissed the raggedy brown bear that has seen better days. “How long are you guys visiting?”
“I had two job interviews in Omaha on Friday. We stayed one night at the Holiday Inn so Tati could see the tree of lights in the downtown area. We arrived in Kearney yesterday, and we head back to Detroit the day after tomorrow.”
“Why didn’t you tell me that you were coming to Omaha? You could have stayed with me.”
“Nana told me how busy you were helping Samantha, the last thing you needed were house guests. Now tell me what you made for dinner and please tell me there’s a dessert of some kind.”
Connie put Tatiana down and went back to the kitchen with Johana close on her heels. “Well you know the New Year couldn’t start without black eye peas, for luck. I also have feather bones, greens, macaroni and cheese, yeast rolls, sweet potatoes, potato salad, and a pork loin. I would never forget Aunt Mabel’s favorite dessert, Red Velvet cake.”
“Okay cousin, my mouth is watering. What do you want me to do?” Johana washed her hands and helped Connie unpack her cart.
Aunt Mabel loved seeing her niece and granddaughter getting along so well. She remembered a time when Lettie first adopted Connie, and they couldn’t stand each other. “I just want you gals to know that my gentleman friend is coming by for dinner, so mind your manners. Now I’m going to go play with the baby while the two of you sort out everything.
This is the first time Connie heard about a boyfriend. “So who’s this gentleman friend”?
“Your guess is as good as mine. She’s never mentioned her friend before today. Maybe it was a one night stand that led to a beautiful romance.”
Connie plug up her crock-pots; putting black eye peas in one and greens in the other. She was glad she did her prep work before tackling dinner. “Stop talking, you’re going to make me rupture my spleen. The last thing I want to think about is my 85-year-old aunt getting her groove on, especially when I’m alone and single with no prospects.” A handsome face and a pair of sexy green eyes flashed in Connie’s mind. She dismissed the thought and got back to her task.
Johana put the macaroni & cheese and potato salad in the refrigerator. “How was Samantha’s wedding ceremony?”
“I have to tell you, Sam farted around all morning and almost made us late. Of course, she blamed me. I thought that someone as beautiful and endearing as Sam would have an enormous church wedding. The civil ceremony surrounded by close friends and the man she loved was all she needed.”
“I figured between Jenna and Samantha that one of them would have the church wedding. Now, I guess that’s left up to you.” Johana gathered the ingredients for cornbread and started mixing it up as Connie stood there gaping like a goldfish.
“I’ll never get married Johana. I don’t believe in love and that happily ever after bullshit. I could never see myself in a gigantic white wedding gown marching down the aisle. That’s for other people, not me.” She peeled the sweet potatoes and set them aside. “I’ll mix up the rolls and let them rise; I think dinner will be ready around 3:00 pm.”
Johana poured the cornbread batter into a cast iron skillet and set it on top of the stove. She sat down at the table and regarded her cousin with solemn eyes. “I seriously hate it when you sell yourself short. I know that a lot of people who were supposed to love you let you down. I got a feeling that this year is going to bring about a momentous change in your life. I want you to promise me one thing.”
Johana was a couple of years younger than Connie was, but she’s suffered many losses in her life. She lost both her parents during her first year of college, and her husband James who was also Tatiana’s father, died in a car crash. She still had a positive outlook on life, and she’d never let Connie wallow in self-pity.
She sat down at the table and clasped Johana’s hand, “what do you want me to promise you little cousin.”
“I want you to find a good man, have a large church wedding, have a house full of babies, and be happy. There are only four of us left in this family. It’s up to you to build up the family and provide Tatiana with some playmates.”
“I tell you what, I’ll promise to keep an open mind about men if you do the same.” Connie cut Johana off before she could interrupt. “I know how much you loved James, but you’re a young woman with a whole lot to share with some lucky man. So why don’t both of us agree to leave the past in the past and focus on the future. Now give me your pinky and swear to it.”
“You have yourself a deal cousin if Nana can snag a man, we certainly can. I pinky swear!”
Aunt Mabel’s man friend Edward wasn’t exactly what Connie expected. He was a robust man with a ruddy complexion, blue eyes, and a head of wavy black hair men half his age would kill. Of course, he didn’t come alone; his grandson Tyler who is tall, dark, and handsome with devilish silver eyes accompanied him. He’s a doctor at Lincoln General who just happened to be at loose ends today and decided to visit his grandfather.
Dinner was filled with lively conversation and Aunt Mabel’s never ending meddling. She praised both Connie and Johana giving Tyler the opportunity to select between two lovely women though decidedly different. To Connie’s delight Tyler seemed bowled over by Johana’s loveliness and Tatiana’s charm. Johana also seemed to be interested in Tyler.
Edward practically hummed as he ate his dinner. “Connie, Mabel has told me so many good things about you. I didn’t believe her when she told me that your black-eyed peas, and macaroni and cheese was better than my momma’s. Gal I haven’t had good cooking like this since I left Tupelo, Mississippi, you’re gonna make some man a mighty fine wife.”
Connie gave her Aunt Mabel a sly glance. “I’m surprised Aunt Mabel hasn’t whipped you up a home cooked meal. She’s by far a better cook than me.
“I don’t date Mabel for her cooking; we have other things in common that keeps the wood burning in the fireplace.”
Connie almost choked at the euphemism and had to laugh as her aunt sat there giggling like a little high schoolgirl. “Now that everyone’s finishing up who would like a piece of cake. It’s Red Velvet, Aunt Mabel’s favorite.
They sung happy birthday to Aunt Mabel, and Connie made sure everyone got an ample slice of Red Velvet cake. After dessert, Connie and Johana cleaned up the kitchen while everyone else got comfortable in the living room. “What do you think of Edward?”
“Did you see the way Nana was behaving? She was practically purring when he started talking about wood burning in the fireplace. Those two are into each other in more ways than one; I haven’t seen her glow like that since Poppa died.”
“I think before long you and Tyler will have something going on too.”
Johana’s face flamed with embarrassment; she hadn’t been attracted to a man for a long time. She hadn’t dated anyone since high school. James was her first and only love. “That’s not possible Connie, although Tati and I plan to relocate back to Omaha.
“It’s about damn time.”
“I’ve been thinking about moving home for months. I put in applications at Mutual and Fidelity, and I had interviews at both places. Even if, we moved back, I don’t see Tyler and me getting together again. He’s a doctor working and living in Lincoln.
“Johana, Lincoln is only an hour drive away. Samantha and Allen had a real long distance romance, and they made it happen.”
“Yeah he moved to Omaha to be with her, it didn’t stay long distance for very long.” They were interrupted by Tyler’s presence in the Kitchen.
“I didn’t mean to startle you ladies; it’s getting late and it’s time for me to head back home. It was a pleasure meeting both of you.” He nodded in Connie’s direction and shook Johana’s hand his eyes remained glued to her face.
“Hey Johana, why don’t you walk Tyler to his car; I bet you two have a lot to talk about.” If looks could kill, Connie would be pushing up daisies.
“Tyler is a grown man I’m sure he doesn’t want me to tag along…” Her brows furrowed when Tyler cut her off.
“Thank you Connie I think that’s a terrific idea. Grab you coat Johana it’s rather cold outside.” Tyler appreciated Connie’s intervention he’d been racking his brain trying to find a reason to get Johana alone.
Johana made a face at Connie as she went to retrieve her coat, Connie couldn’t help laughing at Johana’s predicament. She turned around to face Tyler, and he was still watching Johana’s retreating backside. “You and your grandfather have it bad for women in this family.”
“Do you have a problem with that?”
His eyebrow rose, and his silvery gaze squinted at her with inquiry. “Don’t get testy I happen to think that you and Edward have very good taste.” Johana came back into the kitchen with uncertainly plainly written on her face. “Enjoy your walk Johana, take all the time you need. I’ll take care of Tati.”
Tyler grabbed Johana’s arm and ushered her out the door before she changed her mind. “Thanks Connie!”
“My pleasure.”
The food was put away, and the kitchen was clean, so Connie joined her Aunt Mabel and Edward. They were wrapped up in each other on the love seat as Tati lay there sleeping on the sofa. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”
“Not at all baby. Edward and I were just waiting for you to finish up in the kitchen before we turned in for the evening. I figured that Johana and Tati could take my bed, and you could sleep on the sofa bed. Edward promised me something remarkable tonight so I’ll see you in the morning.”
Aunt Mabel gave her a hug as she and Edward left for Edwards’s apartment. “Have a good night.”
“Don’t you worry Connie I’ll take good care of Mabel.” He whispered something in Mabel’s ear that made her blush and giggled.
“Well I’ll be a monkey’s uncle, who would have thought that Aunt Mabel still had it in her.” Connie picked Tatiana off the sofa and carried her into Aunt Mabel’s bedroom. She undressed Tati and put on her butterfly pajamas before placing her on Aunt Mabel’s bed. She felt a longing that was unknown to her as she covered the precious child and kissing her goodnight.
She remembered reading somewhere that as women approached thirty the longing to be a mother became an obsession. God must have planted the need for procreation in the minds of females to ensure the survival of the human race. “Sleep well baby.”
“Night Condi.” Tatiana whispered as Connie left the room.
Connie came back into the living room to find a flustered Johana pretending to watch television. “Tati’s sleeping in Aunt Mabel’s bed. You’ve been gone 45 minutes that was some walk.”
“What can I say Tyler is a great conversationalist.”
“Is he a good kisser too?”
“How did you know he kissed me?”
“I didn’t know he kissed you until you told me, but you seemed kind of rattled as if you wanted more than a kiss. I don’t think Tyler is the kind of man to be put off by long distances. Quite frankly I’m surprised you two aren’t in the back seat of his car making it rock.”
“Connie I’m not that kind of woman! I would never abandon myself to a man’s arms leaving my daughter unattended.”
“Calm down Johana, I’m just teasing you. I know good and damn well that you’re a terrific mother; you would never leave Tati to run off with a man. I’m just saying that a woman needs more in her life than her children. Tyler looks like the kind of man who wouldn’t be afraid to take on a readymade family.”
“You got all of that just over dinner.”
“No I got that when he saw your face. Tyler spent most of dinner trying to find out everything about you. I also noticed that he took a particular shine to Tati. He’s what 35 years old, well past the age when a man starts looking for a wife.”
“If Tati’s in the bedroom with Nana I guess I’m sharing the sofa sleeper with you.”
“Actually Aunt Mabel left after you. She said something about her man giving her something unusual surprise. I don't expect to see her until morning.”
“Nana and Edward! Why both of them are over 80!”
“You heard what Edward said about wood in the fireplace, he must have a real unique birthday gift for Aunt Mabel. It looks like romance is in the air for women in this family; I can’t wait to see my knight in shining armor.”
“You will Connie; I really believe there’s someone out there for you.”
Connie got up early and made waffles for Tati and Johana. Aunt Mabel was a no show; she was probably recovering from her night with Edward. She planned to stay a few hours, then she had to head back to Omaha. She thought about her cousin’s predicament and came to a decision. “Johana you know that you’re always welcome to stay with me until you find a job.”
Johana laughed, shaking her head, “Connie that is extremely magnanimous of you. The problem with relatives that move in is that it takes forever for them to move out. I don’t want to move back to Omaha until I know for sure that I have a job.”
“You’re too independent to be a moocher. I just wanted you to know that you have another alternative. Tax season’s here and I could use another personal assistant until you find that dream job you’re looking for.”
“Thanks cousin it’s good to have options.”
Aunt Mabel chose that moment to come waltzing in the apartment. She sat down at the kitchen table waiting patiently for her waffles and coffee. “Good morning and how are my girls doing today?”
Connie sat waffles and coffee in front of her and waited expectantly. “Well aren’t you going to tell us about last night?”
Mabel cackled, “I can’t there’s a child present, besides if I tell you my business it becomes our business. Let’s just say that Edward will probably stay in bed until this afternoon.”
Tatiana refused to be left out of the conversation. “Nana is Mr. Edward going to be my poppa.”
“No baby, Edward is my friend like Boo Bear is your friend.”
Connie gave her aunt a knowing look and refused to be sidetracked. Tati may only be four, but she understood the behavior of adults exceptionally well. She wasn’t going to fall for the Edward is like Boo Bear crap. “So Aunt Mabel when’s the wedding.”
“Edward did ask me to marry him a couple of months ago, but I told him that I had to think about it. I mean seriously, I’m too old to be getting married again.”
“Nana if you get married I could be your flower girl and my mommy and Condi can be maid de honors.”
Connie, Johana, and Aunt Mabel laughed at Tati’s pronunciation, “Johana where does she get this stuff?”
“A little girl in her preschool class was a flower girl in a wedding before the holidays. Ever since then she’s been asking people when they’re getting married so she can be a flower girl.”
“Tell you what pumpkin, if your Nana doesn’t get married, I’ll let you be a flower girl at my wedding.”
Tatiana frowned at Connie, sticking out her bottom lip. “Mommie says that you don’t even have a boyfriend. How long will I have to wait?”
Tati was too quick for a child her age. “I don’t know baby, but when I say my prayers tonight I’ll ask God to send me a boyfriend soon. Okay?
“Okay Condi. Mommie can I go color now?”
“Drink the rest of your milk and then you may color.”
The three adults didn’t speak until she left the room, “My goodness Johana what kind of school do you have my great-grandchild enrolled in where she’s learning about boyfriends and marriage?”
“Believe me Nana there are worse things out there.”
“Uhmm, you better keep on top of that child or she’ll be running you. I have something for the both of you, Connie would you get the red shopping bag out of my closet; it’s sitting right up front.”
“Sure Auntie.” Connie quickly retrieved the shopping back from the closet it was heavier than she expected. She carried it to the kitchen and sat it next to her aunt.
“Thanks baby! Now I just want to tell both of you how much I love you and I wanted to take this opportunity to give you some things before I go home to glory.” Mabel kept talking when she heard the words of protest from Connie and Johana. “I’ve lived a great life, and I want my two best girls to have some of the things I treasure.”
She pulled two wooden boxes out the bag giving one to Connie and the other to Johana. “Just some jewelry I’ve collected over the years and some pieces that were given to me as gifts.”
Connie opened the box she looked at the precious and semi-precious stones in the necklaces and bracelets. She saw a few items that Momma Lettie gave to Aunt Mabel as birthday and Christmas gifts. “Aunt Mabel I honestly can’t accept your jewelry. I think all of it should go to Johana. She’s your real family, and I just wouldn’t feel right about taking your things.”
Mabel clasped Connie’s face in her hands and gazed at her troubled eyes. “Honey, ain’t no use in you telling me that you’re not my sister’s child! This makes you my niece, and I want you to have these treasures. It’s vital that the people I love receive a memorable gift from me while I’m still alive. I don’t want to hear any more nonsense, you belong in this family.”
Mabel pulled two large family albums out of the bag giving one to Connie and the other to Johana. “I had duplicates made from my family photos.”
Connie opened the book and the first picture was of her and Momma Lettie at her six-grade graduation. She flipped through the book at first she was overwhelmed with sadness, and then sadness gave way to joy. There were shots of her at various stages: recitals, high school graduation, college graduation, and the formal dance.
“Remember that dress that Momma Lettie made me for that awful formal dance. The snotty brats of Omaha’s elite thought I was just a white hick from North Omaha. When they saw my dress there were a lot of pissed off little debutantes.”
“Lettie was a talented seamstress; she could whip up anything and make it look like it came off the runway. You got your momma’s cooking skills, but baby you can’t sew worth a lick.”
“Hey I just don’t have the patience for pinning, cutting, and sewing. I’d rather play the drums, and Momma Lettie let me lean to my own understanding.”
Johana turned to the last page of the photo album and tears formed in her eyes. “Connie turn to the last page.”
Connie flipped to the last page, it was the last family photo that including Momma Lettie, Uncle Earl, and Johana’s parents. “We were such a happy family.”
“Baby we still are! The problem with both of you is that you focus too much on loss instead of being thankful for what you have. We’re gonna lose our loved ones, that’s part of life, but that doesn’t mean you give up on living.”
“Message received and understood Nana.” Johana kissed her grandmother’s cheek.
“Aunt Mabel I will cherish my presents and thank you for loving me.”
They spent the morning talking about old times, and Connie felt as if a weight had been lifted from her heart, it was good to be alive.