Chapter 5

It was the second Saturday after the New Year holiday and Connie came into her office early to prepare for the new year's tax rush. She already completed the year-end and tax reports for her clients, which made for a busy December. She was in the process of setting up for the workweek ahead when her phone rang. It was odd for someone to call her on a Saturday at her office. It was tax season, and she had to brace herself for the swarm of business that was sure to ensue.

Beth had not made it in yet, so she picked up the phone. “This is Connie Jacobs.”

“Ooh Constantina your voice sounds so sexy over the phone. From one workaholic to another I thought that you'd be working on a Saturday.”

Connie was ticked off and elated that Thomas called. “Thomas, I’m surprised to hear from you. We didn’t exactly depart on a good note last week.”

“I just thought I’d give you a little time to calm down. I was serious about the land swap deal I mentioned last month. If you're serious about the Cabbage Patch Foundation expansion, you need to hear me out.”

She twirled the pen in her hand as she tried to calm down. “What do you want?”

“That’s a loaded question sweetheart. I thought we’d check out the property today.”

Connie was going to turn him down when thoughts of expanding the foundation filled her head. The need for a new group home far outweighed her personal feelings about Thomas. “Sure Thomas, I’d like to view the property. If it suits the foundation’s needs I may sign the contract today, give me the address, and I’ll meet you there around one o'clock.”

Thomas gave her the address, his mind was running rapid for ideas to spend more time with her. “Okay, I’ll see you at one.”

She made up her mind that this meeting with Thomas would be professional, and she would not fall for his charm. That damn Thomas was too charming! He was just looking for another toy. Men like Thomas were always looking for something new to play with. She would be strong and vigilant and stay out of his cross hares.

The property Thomas wanted Connie to look at was a couple of minutes away from her house. She figured it would take her about 15 minutes to get there from her office if she took the North Freeway. Beth came in 20 minutes later looking sad and upset. "What's wrong Beth?"

"A bunch of us went out to celebrate Chad's birthday, and he acted like a jerk all night. He flirted with every woman he met. I'm through trying to get his attention Connie."

Connie had known for some time that Beth had a serious crush on Chad. She thinks Chad is sweet on her too, but like most men his age he didn't want to settle for one woman. Beth reminded her of Kelly Ripa; short, spunky and serious about her man. "You're a beautiful woman Beth, you're young, and maybe you should forget about Chad and start dating. I know for a fact that Mark the UPS delivery guy stops by every day whether he has a package or not."

"I like Mark, but I don't get that zing from him that I get from Chad. You're right about one thing I'm through wasting my time. Have you hired anyone for the part-time position yet? If not, I have a cousin itching for the job, her hours just got cut from her job, and she could use the money."

"What's her name?"

"Carrie Ann, she attends the Nebraska College of Business. So it's not as if she's not an idiot or anything."

"Have her come by on Monday, and I'll explain the position to her, usually I would have hired someone before now." They worked in silence for the rest of the morning, stacking forms and getting the office ready for the tax season rush.


Connie was a few minutes early, but Thomas still beat her to the property. He walked to her car and opened the door for her. He had on a white sweater, black leather jacket, and a pair of jeans that was taking unfair advantage of her eyesight. He looked good enough to eat, literally. “Hello Thomas.”

“Good afternoon Constantina. Get out of the car and look around. I have a feeling you’re going to like what you see.” Thomas always tried to find a reason to touch her, he reached grabbed her hand helping her out of the car. He held onto her hand as they viewed the property.

“Oh Thomas there’s so much land out here!” She was lost in a trance of possibilities. The Cabbage Patch Foundation could create something magnificent out here without worrying about expansion. She didn’t know she was crying until Thomas wiped the tears from her face.

“I hope these are happy tears.” Thomas had seen Constantina in many moods, this was the first time he has seen her so happy that she was at a loss for words. She has such a generous heart and so easily wounded; he wanted to protect her from the rest of the world.

“This property is perfect Thomas.” She hugged him before realizing the ramifications of her actions.

When Connie tried to pull away from the embrace, Thomas took advantage of the situation and kissed her. He molded his body to hers hoping that she could feel his hardness pushing against her. To his amazement, she kissed him back deepening the kiss until their tongues were dueling with each other.

Connie was drowning in a sea of lust. Thomas tasted like coffee and chocolate, two of her favorite things. Here, she was in the middle of a field in the dead of winter kissing a man who used and discarded women. She put some distance between them losing her balance in the process. “That was getting out of hand.”

Thomas stepped closer to her brushing the hair out of her eyes. “No Constantina I had everything under control until you lost your nerve.”

Connie knew red herring when she heard one, and she refused to touch it. “I’m hungry. What do you say we go to the Village Inn on Sorensen? You can tell me more about the property and give me the paperwork, and I’ll take it to my lawyer.”

Thomas smiled, admiring Constantina’s retreat. “One day you’ll give in Constantina, but for now I’ll settle for lunch.”

Connie watched him walk to his car feeling as though she just dodged a bullet. Once this situation with the property was resolved, she would keep out of Thomas’s way. She liked him, and if she ever had sex with him, she would become his slave.


Connie loved the Village Inn’s breakfast menu she ordered the two-egg breakfast with a soft drink. She studied the contract Thomas gave her as he placed his order. By the time she was through reviewing the contract, the waitress brought back their food.

Thomas looked at all the food on the table and shook his head. “I don’t think we have enough room on the table for all this food. You’re a little thing, but man you sure eat a lot.”

“What can I say I have a healthy appetite and a high metabolism. It doesn’t hurt that I work out every day too. Everything looks in order, but I’ll take the contract to my lawyer to review before I sign on the dotted line.” She folded the contract and put it in her purse. Then she prayed over her food before eating, she just loved breakfast food.

Constantina enjoyed her food; he just wished she could feel that excited about him. She lost her head for a moment back in that empty field, and he took advantage of the situation. “That’s a smart decision, too many people jump into situations without understanding every nuance. When they get burned they want to blame the other party when they should have read the fine print.”

Connie felt as if Thomas were giving her a hidden message. “What is in the fine print that I missed Thomas?”

“That’s just it Constantina, this deal is on the up-and-up. I wanted to do something for you and the foundation. You’re not the only one who’s interested in helping those less fortunate. Since we’re on the subject; why do you act as the spokesperson for the Cabbage Patch Foundation when you obviously hate it?”

“I don’t hate my association with the foundation. Where did you get an idea like that?”

“No honey you misunderstand what I’m saying. I know more than most people of your devotion to the foundation and the battles you fight on its behalf. You obviously hate dealing with the public, so why don’t you hire PR rep.”

“I thought I did a good job of hiding my feelings. I love the work I do for the foundation, but I hate being put on display.”

“How did you get involved with the foundation?”

Connie cut her pancakes into bite size pieces before pouring syrup over them. She noticed that Thomas hadn’t touched his food; he was too busy watching her eat. “Is something wrong with your food?”

Thomas was hungry, but not for food. He wanted to get Constantina in his bed for the rest of the weekend. “No everything is fine.” He picked up half of his patty melt and began eating as she continued her story.

“My best friend Laura established the foundation her freshman year in college. At that time, it was just a place pregnant teenage girls could go to for counseling and help with baby supplies. I met her in the library on campus; I was a sophomore, and she was a junior. We hit it off great, she was the first real friend I had who like me for me.”

“You must be talking about Laura Tierney. I read about her death in the paper. I’m sorry you lost your friend. You must have loved her a lot to become CEO of the foundation.”

“She was like a sister to me. The work she did with the Cabbage Patch Foundation's philanthropic endeavors has aided many young people. I expanded the programs of the foundation, and it’s almost to the point where it’s self-funding.”

“How so?”

“Laura opened an adult toy store to offend her family, but it turned out to be a smart move. Sex sells even in a bad economy, and the first year net sales were a quarter of a million. We have two locations, a warehouse, and we have a website. I'm currently negotiating the sale of The Purple Feather.”

“I always wondered how you got into the adult toy business.”

Connie polished off her pancakes and finished her soft drink. “Are you saying that you don’t think I have what it takes to run an adult toy store?”

Thomas’s imagination ran wild; he would give a lot to see Constantina peddling her wares. “You can invite me to your store anytime you want. I’m willing to purchase anything you have to further the cause.”

“That doesn’t live up to your reputation as a councilman.”

“I’m surprised at you Constantina, being a councilman hasn’t unmanned me which you had proof of earlier today. If you want more proof, why don’t you come home with me and let’s see what kind of trouble we can get into.”

“You’re too much man for me Thomas. You forget that I’ve seen you in action and women who hook up with you don’t fare so well.”

“You underestimate your charm. You have something that I’ve been looking for. Something that I’ve never found in any woman I’ve dated.”

“Really. What’s that? I’ve seen the women you’ve dallied within the past, and I’m not up to their standards at all. They look as if they come straight off the runway.”

“You have courage, and you’re extremely loyal, something I value far more than beauty and style. You’re the kind of woman I should have married in the first place. Instead I married a popular, beautiful woman with a powerful family, and she screwed me over royally.”

“I understand that Thomas. I’ve never had a relationship with a man that didn’t have strings.”

“No strings Constantina. I just like being with you. There’s something about you that appeals to me. I can’t describe it even if I did I would sound like a fool.”

Oh yeah, it was time to steer this conversation back to a cooler topic. Thomas was hypnotizing her with his velvet voice and piercing gaze. She looked down at his plate seeing that he’d only finished half his meal. “You really weren’t hungry at all."

Thomas traced a finger across her knuckles. “I’ve got a hunger Constantina, I’m hungry for you. When you get tired of running from me, I’ll be there waiting.”

“I'm not running from you Thomas. I like sex just like any other woman and I choose my partners on my terms. If I had sex with you that's all it will be, and I'll walk away when it's over. If you’re done I’ll go pay for the meal.”

Did she truly believe that just wanted a quick conquest? “You can run all you want Constantina, but there’s no hiding place.”


Connie was working on a new client's file when a flower delivery arrived. Beth brought the flowers back and sat them on her desk looking at her with anticipation "What?"

"Well aren't you going to uncover them and read the card." Sometimes Beth just didn't understand Connie. If someone had sent her flowers, she would have been over the moon.

The floral arrangement was heavy and larger than her torso. She ripped off the tissue paper. The beautiful arrangement of pale pink roses and Stargazer Lilies astounded her. No one had ever sent her flowers before. She searched for the card, the message read ‘You can’t run from fate!’ it was simply signed TG, for Thomas Galvin.

"Who are they from?"

"Oh there just a thank you from a friend?"

"Right! That arrangement must have costs hundreds of dollars. He must be some kind of friend." Beth chuckled all the way back to her desk.

The fragrance of the flowers permeated the room, she had to get rid of them before Jenna and Samantha showed up. They were taking her to lunch today and will be here any minute. Connie picked up the arrangement and sat them on the break room table. She picked up the tissue paper, threw it in the trash, and palmed the card before she stuck it in her desk. Before she could sit down Samantha and Jenna walked in her office.

“Hey girl, you ready for lunch? I sure hope so; we have to get this pregnant woman some food, and fast before she goes into premature labor.”

“Connie what’s wrong?”

“Uh, nothing. Let me grab my purse, and we can leave.”

“We’re not leaving until I go to the restroom.” Jenna took off her coat and waddled to the back room.

If Jenna went to the back room, she would see the flowers and Connie would never hear the end of their razzing. “Jenna you don’t want to go back there my restroom’s not very clean, why don’t you use the one at the restaurant.”

Jenna pushed Connie to the side, “Never mess with a pregnant woman on a mission.”

Samantha perched herself on Connie’s desk with a look of total disbelief on her face. “What’s going on?”

“Why would you think something’s going on?”

“Connie we’re your friends, you just tried to encourage Jenna to use a disgusting public restroom when you know you scrub yours every day. So what’s in the back room that you don’t want us to see?”

Connie tried to behave normally; she sat down and started drumming her fingers on her desk. “You know me “I always get agitated during tax season.”

Samantha shook her head, giving Connie a knowing look. “Connie you’re the most level head person I know. You can multitask better than anyone, but you’re no good at lying.”

Jenna came back into the office area pulled her wallet out of her purse and handed Samantha a twenty-dollar bill. “She hid them in the back room.” She turned to face Connie with a look of disappointment. “Connie I can’t believe that you would have me pee on myself than have Samantha and I find out someone sent you flowers.”

“Don’t look so surprised we saw the delivery man pull off. We walked in the front door as Beth carried the flowers back to your office. I bet Jenna twenty dollars that you would try to hide them from us.”

Connie tried to act insulted, but Jenna and Samantha’s good-natured ribbing wouldn’t allow her any peace. “I’m glad you guys had a good time at my expense.”

Jenna sat down in a chair facing Connie’s desk and began rubbing her belly. “Cut to the chase did that sexy councilman send you the flowers?” Before Connie could respond, a delivery guy from Jimmy John’s walked in.

“I have a delivery for Samantha Archer.”

Samantha paid the delivery guy, “you can keep the change. Thank you!” She shut Connie’s door, handing Jenna and Connie their sandwiches and drinks before pulling another chair up to next Connie’s desk. “I placed the order earlier, we figured you would be more likely to spill your guts about Mr. Sexy in your office.”

“Thomas and I are working on a business deal, and he sent me the flowers as a thank you. You know that I would never get involved with a self absorbed jerk like him.”

“Ooh give us the dirt! You can’t fool us because we know that you genuinely like him.”

“Connie what’s holding you back? You like him and he obviously wants to jump your bones.”

“If I were single I would jump Thomas in a heartbeat. He reminds me of the guy who played Wind in His Hair in the movie Dances with Wolves.”

“Rodney Grant!” Jenna chimed in between bites of her sandwich.

“Yes that’s his name. Rodney Grant was hot in that movie. His body was built in all the right places. Thomas Galvin has that same intensity in his gaze, except he has those wicked green eyes. He’s so…”

“Dangerous!” Connie didn’t mean to yell, but Jenna and Samantha were getting carried away. “You’re right Samantha he’s sexy, intense, an alpha male to the nth degree. So, what does he want with me? You’ve seen the tricks he squires around town. I’m not like those women; I’m a small time business woman who spends a lot of time working with non-profit organizations.”

“Why wouldn’t a man like Thomas Galvin want you? You’re classier than any of the women I’ve seen him with.” Samantha finished her sandwich and sipped on her drink giving Connie an evil glare.

“Exactly my point! What is his obsession with me?” Connie stood up and started pacing around. “Thomas is dangerous to my equilibrium; he makes me yearn for his touch. No man has ever had that much power over me, and I don’t like it.”

Jenna pondered Connie’s question of few minutes before responding. “Have you ever thought that he might be ready for a serious relationship?” Jenna held up her hands before Connie could respond negatively. “Just think about the men in our lives. Mike was a free living bachelor nailing anything in his path until we met. Allen wasn’t too discriminating with the women he dated until he met Sam.”

Samantha got up and hugged Connie, “Sweetie I know you’re scared about getting serious. Jenna and I h had problems with our relationships, but we had to on love. What if Thomas is your chance at happiness?”

“Sam I’m not good at intimate relationships, I’ve never had an orgasm during sex. How do I tell a man like Thomas about my intimacy issues? I own an adult sex store for goodness sake! He’s going to expect me to be a marvel in the bedroom.”

Jenna got out of her chair, waddled over to Connie, and gave her a hug. “Forget about trying to be something you’re not and just be you. All we’re saying is, give Thomas a chance, maybe he’s the man that will develop your sexual repertoire. One more thing, I sure hope you’re on birth control. Thomas looks like a virile man. If you walk into a bedroom with him without protection, you will be pregnant by the time you come out.”

Connie started laughing so hard she began to hiccup. “Lord, what would I do without my friends?”

“Let the church say amen! You’re still going to the Valentine Day’s dance at Carruther’s this year. Right?”

“Of course I’m going. The foundation is sponsoring the dance.”

Samantha picked up her trash and threw it away. “I picked out a dress and shoes. I’ll drop them off at your house later this week.”

“I just hope this time my breasts are fully covered.”

“I promise you that you’ll love this dress. Trust me. Would I lie to you?”

Connie didn’t like the expression on Samantha’s face. “Sam, omission is the same as a lie.” Samantha didn’t respond, she and Jenna left in a fit of giggles after waving good bye. Connie shut her door and went back to work.
