Chapter 12

Thomas was a wreck, he tried to contact Constantina, but she wouldn't return his calls. He even went back to her house only to find it empty. He hadn't slept or eaten since she left him, he'd been walking around like an old wounded lion with a nail in his paw. If this was love, he didn't need it. He arrived at his office to see his secretary all in a tizzy. "What's wrong Caroline?"

"Two gentlemen are here to see you, a Mr. Archer and Mr. Johnson. I put them in your office."

"Thanks Caroline, please hold all my calls, this may take awhile." He never met the husbands of Samantha and Jenna; he'd only seen them from a distance. One was a cop, and the other was a businessman from Seattle. If they were here to try to keep him away from Constantina, they would have a battle on their hands.

He walked into his office and shut the door. "Gentlemen, I can't say it's a pleasure. Please state your business and be on your way."

"He's got it bad Allen; he looks worst than you did when you first came to town all hot and bothered about Samantha."

Allen was staring out the window when Thomas walked in the office. He had to agree with Mike's assessment; Thomas looked as he'd been run over by the Husker's defensive line. "Yes he's definitely in love with Connie. I'm Allen Archer, by the way, my jokester companion is Mike Johnson." We came here to help you win Connie back."

Thomas watched the men with narrowed eyes. "Now why would you be willing to do that?"

"Well it certainly isn't out of the goodness of our hearts. My wife and her friends are thick as thieves, and what hurts one of them, hurts them all. Basically, your debacled romance is interfering with our lives, so we came to help you get back with Connie."

Mike had to chime in, "what Allen means is, you look as if you have been put through the wringer, and both of us know that feeling. Jenna, Samantha, and especially Connie are the sweetest most caring women, unless you happen to be the men in their lives. I could tell you stories about my courtship with Jenna that would give you gray hairs. Now we're expecting our first child and my wife can't handle any more stress."

Thomas just glared at them, he wasn't a slouch at 6'2, but Allen had him by several inches. The cop had the build of like a linebacker. "So what are your big plans to get me and Constantina back together?"

Allen picked an imaginary piece of lint form his suit. "Samantha tells me that you forgot to disclose that you were the CEO of The Chisum Group. Therefore, Connie thinks you strung her along just to make the land swap deal. Did she leave anything out?"

Thomas grimaced; Allen made the whole situation sound like a shady deal. "I didn't tell Constantina about my affiliation with the Chisum Group because she would have turned down the deal even though she needed that property to expand the Cabbage Patch Foundation. I told her that a client owned the property so her pride wouldn't get in the way. Our women are the most mule headed women in the city. She found out that I was the CEO of the Chisum Group and she ran off thinking the worst possible thing. If she cared about me why would she think I'm capable of such a thing?"

Allen sighed, he was here at his wife's behest. He didn't like being involved in the relationships of other people. He had to admit that Connie has come to mean a lot to him. If she loved this fierce eyed warrior, he would help the situation if for no other reason than to have some peace in his own marriage.

"Love does strange things to people. Out of the three Connie is the most vulnerable. According to Sam, you're the first serious relationships she's had as an adult. I think she loves you, why do you think your betrayal hurt her so much. Samantha and I were apart for several months, when we met up again at her brother's wedding we had one hell of an argument before ending up in bed. Connie internalizes things a lot, she may come to realize that you didn't mislead her, but in the meantime you need to become a constant presence in her life."

"So we've come up with a plan to help you get Connie back. Here's a list of all of her commitments for the next couple of weeks. Connie hates making a scene. Say if you were to show up at these events, there isn't a whole lot she could do except listen to what you have to say."

"So you want me to stalk her. What would your wives think of that?"

Allen looked at Mike, and they both laughed. "Where do you think we got the list from? Our wives can't talk to you because that would be betraying Connie's trust."

"I'd rather you tell me where you're hiding her. I want to take her home and paddle her little ass for doubting me in the first place. I'm angry at her for just assuming the worst; maybe I'll just ignore her until I forgive her."

"You honestly love her don't you? If you didn't, her lack of faith in you wouldn't hurt so much. Despite Allen's earlier claims, we're on your side. Not too long ago we had to battle for the women we love. In addition, we had to deal with their bossy friends. It comes with the territory man if you and Connie give it a go and settle down together we're going to know all of your business whether you like it or not. Don't let Allen's arrogance fool you; I've come to regard him as a good friend."

Allen stuck out his hand for Thomas to shake. "Good luck Thomas. If you believe that Connie's worth the fight, we'll have your back. There's no way you could handle our wives otherwise."

"We'll see you around Thomas. If we can be of help give me a call." Mike shook Thomas's hand and left his card.

"You two are not what I expected."

"What did you expect us to do threaten you if you didn't leave Connie alone?"

"Allen, I expected you to threaten me to stay a way from Constantina, and it's the one thing I can't do. Thank you for stopping by, I'm beginning to feel hope for the first time in two days."


They'd been on the road for hours with no conversation between them. Samantha hadn't seen Connie this despondent since Laura's murder. "Did you order flowers for the funeral?"

"Yes I ordered a floral arrangement and sent a check from The Purple Feather."

"Do you still have plans to sell The Purple Feather?"

"Yes, I have three buyers who are interested in purchasing. I even had one check out the premises and the warehouse; he was impressed with operations."

"You know we haven't had a girl's night out in a long time."

"Yeah, not since you got married."

Samantha noticed that Connie suddenly got interested in the scenery. "Then we should have one before the baby comes because Lord knows once Jenna has that baby we'll really have a hard time scheduling anything."

"You don't have to do that on my account, Sam, I realized that when you and Jenna got married that our friendship would change."

"Connie our friendship doesn't change, husbands come and go, babies become your godchildren, but our friendship will last. Did you think I would give you up because Allen's in my life now? Jenna's my rock and you're my anchor, where would I be without my girls?"

Connie couldn't help it, she was becoming misty eyed again. I never had a friend until I met Laura, and when we began hanging out with you and Jenna I felt as if I belong to something bigger than myself like an extended family."

"You're more than just a friend, I claimed you as my sister." They went a couple more miles when Samantha dared to breach the awful Thomas subject. "Con, do you really think that Thomas tricked you?"

"You know Sam; I think Thomas deliberately misled me about his connection to the Chisum Group because he was concerned I wouldn't have accepted the deal."

"Is he right?"

"It doesn't matter if he's right. We have a trust issue and I don't know if we can overcome that problem."

"Didn't you tell me that sex with Thomas was the best you ever had?"

"Sex isn't everything Sam!"

Samantha snickered at Connie. "Now you're just flat out lying. Sex and money or lack thereof is the top two reasons that couples break up. I would never suggest that a woman stay with a man for sex, but do you know how hard it is to connect with a man these days. Why of course you know, before Thomas came along you were living like a nun."

Beth couldn't stay quiet. "It's extremely hard to connect with a man these days. Especially when every little trick in the world is running after him telling him that he's brilliant."

Connie nodded her head in agreement at Beth. "Sex has a way of clouding the issues in a relationship."

Samantha couldn't count on Beth for support, so she had to be the voice of reason. "Answer me this blue eyes, can you envision your life without Thomas."

"No I can't Sam. Thomas is a loving and caring individual, but how will I know that he withheld information from me for the betterment of the Cabbage Patch Foundation or for the millions that his family business stood to gain from the deal."

"It seems to me that his family was going to make money whether he made the deal with you or not. Connie I'm behind you one hundred percent, and if you can't see your way to forgive Thomas, I'll support you. I'm going to tell you what a good friend told me about Allen. If he weren't worth the trouble, you wouldn’t be in this state. I want you to think long and hard about your feelings for Thomas before you toss him away."

"No fair using my own words against me."

Samantha pulled into the parking lot of the Holiday Inn. "Come on ladies, let's get checked in, and then we'll make our way over to the church.


It seemed as if all of Warren County showed up for his grandfather's funeral. Chad sat through the funeral service holding his grandmother's hand. Many people stood up to say kind words about how his grandfather had helped them in some way. He looked around the church and spotted Connie who smiled at him giving him a brief nod. When he saw Beth, she smiled at him, and he felt the tension in his body begin to uncoil. His relationship with Beth was difficult to explain, he liked her a lot, but he was twenty-one. He was way too young to be getting serious about a girl.

He felt a spark of love for his sister that would see him through the rest of the funeral. Connie drove all the way from Omaha just to support him. He didn't expect her to show up, but he wasn't surprised that she showed up. As they left the church, he looked for Connie, but she was nowhere to be found. He led his grandmother and Aunt Dottie to the family car.

His grandfather would be laid to rest at the family plot; there must have been over two hundred cars in the funeral procession heading back to the family farm. Chad was enjoying the quietness of the family car, his grandmother, Aunt Dottie, and he all seemed to be somewhere else. Papa was the boisterous one always making jokes and complimenting his grandmother on her cooking. His grandmother would disagree, but Chad decided he would quit his job and come back home. He couldn't stand the thought of her being alone on the farm.

Chad helped his grandmother and Aunt Dottie to the gravesite. He sat there numb as his grandfather's casket was lowered into the ground. He never lost anyone close to him before, and the magnitude of his grandfather's death was just beginning to register. If he'd stayed home instead of going off to school, things would have easier for them. He was so selfish, his grandparents gave him everything and he'd given them nothing in return.


Chad looked up when his grandmother called his name; he was so lost in his thoughts that he missed the pastor's gravesite prayer. "I'm sorry Grandma, I was just thinking."

Thelma took hold of Chad's hand. "Son, I know what you're thinking. Your grandfather was sick, and you could not have done anything to prolong his life. You're certainly not going to drop out of school; you only have a few months before graduation. I don't want you to come back home out of some misguided notion. Your Aunt Dottie and Uncle Ben are moving in with me so I won't get lost in that old spacious house. If I'm not mistaken I believe that you have some guests waiting to speak to you."

Chad saw Connie, Beth, and her friend standing outside the gates of the graveyard. Chad helped his grandmother and aunt over the uneven ground. "Come with me Grandma, I want you to meet Connie." They made their way to where Connie was standing with her friends. "Hi Connie thank you for coming, it means a lot. Let me introduce my grandmother Thelma Roberts."

Chad's grandmother reminded Connie of Rue McClanahan, she was so stylish, not what she expected from a farmer's wife. "It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Roberts. This is my friend Samantha Archer and my co-worker Beth Marlin."

"Pleasure to meet you dear, please call me Thelma, Mrs. Roberts was my mother-in-law. Samantha it's a pleasure to meet you too. Beth I've heard a lot about you, I think my boy is kind of sweet on you." She gave Beth a sly wink and laughed at the embarrassment in Chad's face. "We're heading back to the church to eat and fellowship with family and friends. You're more than welcome to join us. I'll wait for you in the car Chad; it's been a long day."

"I'm going to chat with Connie for a minute; I'll be right with you Grandma."

"Take your time Chad."

For the first time in two days, Connie put her relationship with Thomas on the back burner so she could focus on Chad. Chad looked miserable, he was taking his grandfather's death hard, and it showed with every fiber of his being. "I just wanted to come and support you during this trying time."

Chad hugged Connie as if she were a lifeline. "You didn't have to come to the funeral Connie, but I'm so glad you did. It's good to see a familiar face; most of the people here are strangers to me."

"Chad, I don't know if you remember my friend Samantha."

Chad smiled for the first time since his grandfather died. "How could I forget the infamous Samantha?"

"Connie! What awful stories have you told about me?"

"No stories just the truth was enough. Chad if you need anything let me know. Take as long as you need, the store has ample coverage, and our new project can wait until you return."

"I'll be back as soon as I get my grandmother situated. Whatever I decide, I promise you that I will complete the design for the Cabbage Patch Foundation. I've got to go, grandmother seems like a strong person, but she doesn't like large crowds. I'll talk to you soon Connie, thanks again for your support. Chad hugged Connie again before walking away.

"Wait Chad." Beth swallowed her pride and kissed his cheek. "I know how much your grandfather meant to you."

Chad hugged Beth closed to him, he loved the feel of her lips on his body. He was going to have to make a decision about her and quick. "Thanks for coming Beth. I know that you've been upset with me lately, when I come back to Omaha maybe we can go out to dinner or something so I can explain myself."

"I'd like that Chad."

Connie noted that Samantha was quiet for the first time today. "What's wrong you have that look on your face?"

Samantha watched Chad walk away with a questioning look in her eyes. "You know there's something about him that reminds me of you."

Connie looked at Chad's retreating form. "What do you mean?"

"They way you two stand and move your hands while you talk is almost uncanny. Don't give me the furrowed brow. I was just making a casual observation."

Connie watched Chad walk away until he got into the family car. She used to wonder if she had any siblings roaming around it was quite possible. She didn't know her father, and her mother was still knocking around somewhere, both of them could have had more children. If Connie had siblings out there, she bet a year's salary that they don't compare to Chad. "Let's go get something to eat and head back to the hotel."

"You could always go back to the church and eat with the family."

"I don't want to intrude; Chad needs this time with his grandmother. If he needs me, he'll give me a call."


When Chad got into the family car and found his grandmother alone. "Where's Aunt Dottie?"

"She's going to ride over with Uncle Ben. Connie has a compassionate heart; I don't know too many employers who would make a three hours trip for an employee. You two have a lot of similarities, you better tell Connie soon before someone else put's the pieces together."

"You think we look alike?"

"You're both tall and lean; you have some of the same features, especially the nose. I'm just surprised that no one has made a connection sooner."

"I plan to tell her as soon as I go back home." Silence fell between them as the limo went back to church. "Grandma did Papa tell you about the letters from my dad?"

"No son, he never told me that he received any letters from your father. Were the letters in the cigar box?"

"Yes, there was information about Connie and her brother David." He didn't go any further; his grandmother didn't need to know that her son was a murderer as well as a drug dealer.

"Connie's a strong woman Chad, she can handle whatever's in those letters from you father." The limo stopped in front of the church. "Come on son; let's greet your grandfather's friends. He would have loved seeing all of them again, I was always so proud of him; he was such a generous man."

"There will never be another man like Papa." He helped his grandmother out of the car and greeted people as they went back into the church
