Chapter 18

Connie and Thomas waited outside the observation room for hours as Agent Constantine, and his team questioned Chad and Beth about the kidnapping. Connie couldn't keep still she paced back and forth up and down the hallway. She knew she wouldn't be content until she saw for her own eyes that Chad and Beth were truly okay.

"Come on let's sit down before you fall." Thomas grabbed her arm an escorted her to the waiting area. "You're as taut as a guitar string. Chad and Beth are safe Constantina you should be able to relax now."

"I can't relax Thomas until I actually see them. Did you know that Jenna was attacked in her own home by the same man who killed her sister?"

"No baby I didn't know that." He held her hand trying to comfort her.

Try as she might, Connie couldn't stop herself from rambling. "He tried to kill her, but she fought for her life and ended up taking one of his eyes."

"Yeah didn't he end up dying in prison? Jenna's fine now, she's happily married and a new mother. She didn't let one horrible event from her life keep her from moving forward."

"Samantha was terrorized by an ex-boyfriend. He had his cousin ram her vehicle from behind pushing her car into oncoming traffic. She almost died on the operating table. When that didn't work, he had her kidnapped. He was pretending to save her so that Samantha would take him back into her life."

"I remember that day, you had a flat tire on I80 and I ended up driving you to the hospital from Lincoln. You were so determine to see her; when we arrived at the hospital, she and Allen had just gotten engaged. Remember the relief you felt when you realized that she was okay."

"Chad and Beth were kidnapped because my mother wanted to punish me if anything had happened to them that would have been my fault."

"Honey surely you can't blame yourself for every incident that happens."

"I know I'm not being reasonable, but it seems to me that the people I care about are always under attack."

"Constantina you are in no way responsible for the actions of the man who attacked Jenna, or Samantha's ex-boyfriend, and you certainly are not responsible for your deranged mother. You've been carrying around a lot of guilt for situations well beyond your control. You're not responsible for David's death nor are you responsible for Chad and Beth's kidnapping.

"My heart broke in two the day that David died. My mind tells me that I'm not responsible, but when things happen to the ones I love the scared little seven year old in me comes forward afraid that my heart will be broken again."

"Some childhood wounds never heal Constantina, but you're not alone anymore, you're surrounded by people who love you. As long as I live and breathe you'll never have to deal with anything by yourself."

Finally, Agent Constantine and his men vacated the room and Constantina practically knocked them over getting into the room. Beth looked tired and dirty but no worse for wear. "I'm so sorry." Tears wet Connie's face as she hugged Beth.

"I'm okay Connie." Beth pushed her towards Chad, "I'm just glad I had a real hero there to save me." She winked at Chad as Connie fussed over him.

Chad endured Connie's hugs and tears; he'd never seen her so upset. "Connie calm down, I got a couple of scratches and bruises when the garage exploded, other than that I'm fine." Chad looked at Connie's solemn face, her eyes still full of unshed tears. "I'm fine Connie; you're not going to lose me."

"I'm so sorry; Crystalline did this to get back at me. She must really hate me a lot."

Chad grabbed her hand looking into her eyes, it was vital that Connie understand that none of this was her fault. "Connie you've been blaming yourself for not being able to save David. You were seven years old, you were lucky to survive yourself. I had a chance to talk with Crystalline and told her the truth that my father set that fire which ruined your lives. She's been mad at herself all of these years, and somehow she transferred that anger towards you. It was Crystalline who set me free so I could save Beth."

"Do you think she survived the explosion?"

"I don't know Connie, Agent Constantine said they wouldn't know anything until the fire was out and the remains were collected. Crystalline's boyfriend hasn't been cooperative either. Crystalline shot one of the kidnappers in front of me, he was trying to hinder our escape, she wounded him, but I got a feeling he didn't make it out of the house."

"I hope she made it Chad, I would like to face her as an adult and not a scared child."

"I hope so too Connie. She told me to tell you that she was sorry." He reached inside his pocket, pulling out the pendant and handed it to Connie. Crystalline told me to give this to you; she said a little girl should have something from her mother. Inside is a picture of Crystalline with her mother. I think that was her way of saying good bye."


It was late in the evening when Thomas and Connie made it to her house. They took Chad and Beth to Beth's apartment and swung by Connie's office to pick up her car. The FBI cleaned all evidence of the command center and her office was back to normal. The whole day was like some surreal nightmare, but the man beside her, he's real.

Thomas wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her against the fullness of his body. "What are you thinking about?" Her eyes were heavy laden with desire, and he was a willing recipient of her lust.

Connie pushed her mound into his erection. "I was thinking about you and all the things I want to do to you. When everything fell apart for me today, you were there, strong, silent, and supportive." She stepped out of his arms and began taking off her clothes, she didn't stop until she was standing there in her bra and panties. Thomas's green eyes were brimming with desire.

He took of his suit coat and draped it across the sofa. "Don't stop now, I was enjoying the show. Are you sure about this? After the day you had today, the last thing I expect is a sexual romp."

Connie grabbed him by the tie dragging him into her bedroom. "Thomas we don't have sexual romps we make love as if we're the only two people on the planet." She stripped him of his clothes, kissing him strategically all over his body. She wanted to taste him right now. Connie got on her knees yanking down his pants and underwear in one swoop.

Visions of her behavior in the hot tub quickly came to mind. The events of the day stressed her to the max, and the sexual tension inside her was coming to the surface. "Baby take your time we've got all night."

"Take off your shoes and socks and get on the bed. I'm in charge here and if you can't follow a few instructions I'll have to punish you."

Thomas wasted no time following Constantina's instructions. She was like some wild jungle cat in heat, and he was her mate. He'd never seen anything more beautiful than his woman's need for him. "I'm all yours baby, do with me as you will." He jumped on the bed landing on his back eager for her to finish what she started. "Take off your bra and panties, I want to see you."

Connie gave him a devilish grin as she unclasped her bra and slowly eased out of her panties. She crawled between his legs, her mouth zeroing on the bulbous head of his thick length taking it deep into her mouth. Her tongue swirled around the helmet head of his cock. She was determined to drive him crazy, so she explored the bumps, ridges, and veins glorying in the moans coming from deep within Thomas's chest. She took a small vibe out of her bedside table; she spread his cheeks and gently rubbing the vibe over Thomas's puckered hole as she sucked the head of his cock.

"Constantina! What in the hell are you doing?" Thomas wasn't big on anal play, but when Constantina touched his body, she could do no wrong. How long to you plan to draw this out?"

"Lay back and enjoy it Thomas, I'm running this show, and I plan to suck you dry and start the process."

Thomas was holding on by a string, he wanted to let Constantina have her way, but the warrior in him couldn't let her dominate. He quickly pulled her up the length of his body and flipped her onto her back. Spreading her legs, testing her wetness with his fingers. "You are so ready for me; you tease me at your own peril. My lust is riding high Constantina I won't be able to give you the gentle love making you require on a day such as today."

Connie knew that if she teased him unmercifully, the warrior that resides just beneath the surface would come forth to claim his woman. "I don't want a gentle lover Thomas. I see the fire in your eyes, take me Thomas, I'm your woman. I need to feel you deep inside me."

"I will give you the ride you're begging for my sweet Constantina, but, not before I taste you giving you a sample of your own medicine." He spread her nether lips and feasted on her sweetness the fragrance of her driving him to press on. He sucked her clit while roughly frigging her with three fingers forcing her to accept the thick digits. He used the wetness from her pussy to probe her back door. He stuck his middle finger in her ass and sucked her clit until she came.

"Thomas! Please take me now!"

"Not just yet my love." Thomas took his time taking her through one orgasm after another until his desire for her refused to be ignored. "One of these days I'm going to take your tight back hole."

"One of these days I'll let you."

"Soon." He retrieved a condom from Constantina's beside table.

"No Thomas. Let there be nothing between us, I want to feel the warmth of your cum inside me from this day forward."

Thomas explored her mouth as his tongue mating with hers as his cock surged into her hot wetness. He continued his exploration of her body, tasting and nipping her breasts giving her added stimulation. Constantina never disappointed him, she would beg him to take her, but in reality, they took each other. He changed their positioning pulling Constantina up on her knees as he took her from behind. She pushed back against him as he plunged deeper and deeper inside her.

Connie couldn't hold back any longer she came once more before she felt Thomas's warm seed filling her. "Don't stop Thomas, don't ever stop."

Thomas pulled out of her warm sheath, lying back on the bed pulling her on top of his body. Both of them hot and sweaty as if they just completed a 10-mile marathon. Connie's head was on his chest, one leg wormed its way between his, and that is how they slept.


Morning came much too soon for Thomas's liking. Even after a night of intense loving, Thomas still hadn't quenched his thirst for Constantina. He eased her onto her back, getting into his favorite position between her legs. He knew it was time to make plans to ask her to marry him. He loved her so much, and he was thankful that she finally admitted that she loved him. That didn't guarantee that she would agree to become his wife.

"I love it when you wake me up with your long strong strokes. Samantha calls it the slow pole; I just think it's damn fabulous." Connie wrapped her legs around his waist, tasting his mouth as they made love with wild abandonment. She never had sex with a man without using a condom, and that says a lot for her trust in Thomas.

"When I have you like this underneath me, I lose control. Yesterday in your office, I wanted to carry you away and handle the kidnapping on my own. I've been walking around for years like half a man until I met you, not realizing what I've been missing. I don't know when it happened; I certainly wasn't expecting it to happen. I love you so much and don't know how I lived before you came into my life."

"I love you too Thomas, it scares because I'm afraid that it won't last."

Thomas grabbed her hips thrusting harder into her as if he could fuse himself to her. "Honey you can't live your life afraid that the people you love will leave you. I'm not going to leave you Constantina; I plan to be your husband and the father of your children. We're going to grow old together. I will tell our grandchildren stories about our difficult courtship. You made me suffer, when all I wanted to was love you. I can't imagine living my life without you. Will you marry me?"

Thomas's words of love and promises of the future were just as tantalizing as his thick cock stroking the deep well inside her. She arched her back as she came, but Thomas continued to pump inside her until he came with and earth shattering climax. "Oh God Thomas I love you so much. Yes, I will you marry you."

Thomas was so stunned that he couldn't speak, he'd been thinking about the perfect scenario to ask her to marry him, and he just blurted it out. Constantina smiled at him as she tightened her vagina around his pulsating cock. "If you do that to me again you're going to break something."

Her hands clutched his ass pulling him deeper into her, slipping a finger up his ass grazing his prostate, which made him spasm. "I think you'll make a wonderful husband and father."

"Oh shit Constantina!" He didn't think he had any more sperm in his balls, but Constantina's manipulation of his back door made him release everything he had. "I promise to make you happy Constantina."

"Oh baby you already have." Connie ran her fingers through his dark hair, tracing the features of his face when he finally pulled out of her body. She immediately missed the closeness and warmth as he fell back on the bed.

"Are you going to work today?

"No one is going to the office today I'm going to stay at home clean up a little and do some shopping and just relax. She laid on her side, taking a tour of his body with her tongue and fingers. "What's wrong Thomas you're usually so happy in the morning."

"It's Friday, and I have to go to work, when all I want to do is spend the day in bed with you."

She laughed at Thomas before giving him a quick peck on the lips. "We have all weekend to be together."

He had two meetings today that he couldn't put off. Thomas loved his work. This was one time he could confine all of his clients in hell. "I'm glad that you're staying home today, you had a traumatic experience yesterday, and you could use the rest especially since you didn't get any last night."

"Yeah my randy fiancé kept me so busy that I barely slept a wink."

Thomas got out of bed, leaving the bedroom and came back a few minutes later carrying his briefcase. He opened the case and pulled out a small blue velvet box. "For weeks I've been trying to find the perfect way to ask you to marry me." He pulled out a perfect Emerald Cut Sapphire, Diamond three stone ring in 18k white gold and slid it on her finger.

"Oh Thomas it's beautiful. When did you pick this up?"

He climbed back into bed, spooning behind her. "I picked it up in San Diego while out there on a business trip."

"That long ago."

"Baby, I always knew that this, whatever we have between us would end in marriage. My greatest obstacle was getting you to agree. I'll let you be the one to decide what type of ceremony you want. Do you want a civil ceremony like Samantha and Allen's? Would you prefer a quickie ceremony in Vegas like Jenna and Mike's? Do you want a church ceremony that will undoubtedly take several months to plan?"

"The civil service was perfect for Sam and Allen. Jenna and Mike's wedding at the little white chapel in Vegas was beautiful and intimate. For our wedding, we're going to get married in Momma Lettie's church. All of our friends and relatives are going to celebrate a marriage I never thought could be possible. What we have is no ordinary romance Thomas. I want our wedding to be a day that we'll never forget."

"That's what I thought you'd say, so while I was in the living room I called mother. I told her that you would be home alone today, so I asked her to come over and help you plan our wedding. I refuse to wait around for months to claim you as my wife. The wedding is going to take place the Saturday after mother's day."

Connie loved Joanie, but she certainly didn't want to become one of her pet projects. "You big fink!" Connie threw a pillow at his back as he ran into the bathroom. "I'll never get a wedding planned so soon."

Thomas popped his head back out of the bathroom holding out his hand to her. "I'll order the invitations, flowers, rented the banquet hall at the Wingate, and I've got a contact Eddie's Restaurant, he'll jump at the chance to cater the reception. The only thing left for you to do is order the cake, get your dress, and select the bridesmaids dresses."

"Thomas you're being unreasonable!"

Thomas grinned at her, reaching out his hand beckoning her to join him. What do you say that you and I take a quick shower and get dressed? We have the rest of our lives to be together, and I don't want to waste a minute."

Connie's mind did a quick flash of the last two years; it was full of sorrow, death, new life, and love. Life was short, and she didn't want to waste any more time in the past. She and Thomas and a promising future together and she didn't want to waste a minute of it either. She jumped off the bed and ran to Thomas; he picked her up and carried her to the shower.


Crystalline got a new car before she got to Southern Arizona. She figured she had a couple of days before the authorities identified the dead bodies in the house. Poor Jimmy Lee got shot in the leg after he and his cousin fought for the gun. He accidentally shot his cousin while trying to protect her. She had no remorse in shooting his other cousin, he was a creep, and she didn't like the way he watched Chad's girlfriend.

She only managed to find twenty thousand dollars in the house. It was obvious to her the first time she entered Jimmy Lee's cousin's house that he was a meth dealer. Upon further investigation on the property, she found his meth lab. She set the fire to cover her tracks as she made her escape, she was just thankful that Chad and his girl got away from the house before the meth lab exploded.

Now that, she knew the truth about the fire that had taken her sweet baby David, she felt more at peace. One day she would have to make it up to Tina for blaming her for something she was innocent. For now, she would obtain another ID and hang low for a while until the heat was off. She was used to living under the radar; at least she had a little money this time.
