Chapter 19

Connie woke up early Monday morning; she glanced at Thomas, who was out like a light. Poor baby, she used him like a damn sex slave this weekend, and she didn't feel the least bit repentant. She kissed his cheek before going downstairs to workout. She spoke with Chad and Beth a couple of times this weekend they seemed no worse for wear after the kidnapping, but she remembered Samantha saying the same thing.

To her knowledge, Jenna didn't speak to a professional regarding her ordeal, but she did go through a time when she had trust issues. Samantha had nightmares several weeks after her kidnapping. Allen put his foot down demanding that she get help. Samantha started sessions with Dr. Emily Carter from one of the Alegent Health Clinics. Her nightmares didn't magically disappear, but they occurred less often until eventually they went away. Connie made a mental note to get the contact information for Dr. Carter from Samantha.

Connie finished her workout and took a shower in one of the guest bathrooms. She and Thomas were getting their blood tests today before work, later that week they would apply for the marriage license. Thomas just asked her to marry him Friday and already things were falling into place.

Joanie took her out on Saturday, and they ordered the wedding cake from the Cake Gallery. She was no dummy; the appointment at the bakery had to be in place for some time. She never heard of a walk-in appointment for ordering wedding cakes. Her tastes were simple she wanted a white cake with buttercream frosting and none of that whipped crap. She really found those cakes with cream or jelly fillings utterly disgusting. Joanie couldn't believe how quickly they soared through their appointment. Thomas and Joanie were running a game on her, she didn't mind so much. Thomas was trying to keep her stress level to a minimum; it was touching to see how much he cares.

One thing was for certain, they were cutting the cake first at the reception. How many receptions had she attended just to get a lousy piece of cake? They always waited until the last possible moment to cut the cake; well her reception would be different. There would be enough cake for everyone to enjoy and no little slivers of cake either. She laughed to herself if anyone could hear the conversation in her head they would think she was nuts.

Next Saturday she, Jenna, Samantha, and Joanie were going shopping for her wedding dress and the bridesmaids' dresses. Connie had no particular color scheme or style in mind, but she had better come up with something or three highly opinionated women would eat her alive. She played every version of 'Say Yes To The Dress' in her head, and the outcome didn't look promising. She wrapped a towel around her body and put her dirty clothes in the hamper.

"Are you hiding from me?"

Thomas obviously just came from the shower his hair was wet, and he was dressed for work. "Of course not I just didn't want to disturb you. We still have an hour before we have to get the blood tests; I can make you a quick breakfast if you like."

"Why don't you let me handle breakfast, and you go get dress, seeing you in a towel is planting other ideas in my head."

Connie gave him a quick kiss and scurried across the hall to her bedroom. "I'll be back in ten minutes, and I want more than a bowl of cereal."

Thomas patted her ass as she squeezed by him. "I know how to cook, just hurry up, or you'll be eating in the car. Some days they rode into work together, but they wouldn't be doing that for the next several weeks. If he wanted to have a honeymoon with Constantina, he was going to have to pull some late nights and push through the workload on his desk. He also needs to hire another attorney and a few more legal assistants.

Constantina didn't know that he'd been secretly planning the events of their wedding for the last month. The only person he told was his mother. She made the appointment with the bakery to order the wedding cake weeks ago. Her best friend's daughter owns an exclusive boutique, which allowed them to finagle an early appointment with her to look at dresses.

He had his secretary Caroline reserve the Wingate's ballroom for every Saturday in May until he locked down the Saturday after Mother's Day. He gave Constantina the ceremony options, but he was glad she chose the church ceremony. He wanted his family and friends to see his beautiful bride as she walked down the aisle to him.

Thomas wanted everything to be perfect from flowers to the decorations. He didn't want Constantina to feel stressed, so he took over as much he planning as possible. Jenna and Samantha had been instrumental in telling him her favorite colors, flowers, and food. If she ever found out what a controlling swine he is, she would kick him in the junk.

Thomas made a quick batch of buckwheat pancakes and turkey bacon, Constantina entered the kitchen just as he put their plates on the table. He handed her a cup of coffee and like usual she blessed her food and made short work of her breakfast. "Do you always inhale your food?"

Connie smiled at him as she stole a piece of bacon off his plate. "The quick bird always catches the worm."

"I thought that was the early bird. Have you given any thought to where you'd like to go for our honeymoon?"

"Someplace quiet with no people around."

"Do you prefer the beach, or we could take a trip to New York?"

Connie made a face at him, "I'm not the lay on the beach type of woman. I've been to New York, and there's nothing quiet about New York. Why don't we just spend a week at your family's cabin?"

Thomas couldn't believe his ears; most women would throw a fit if their fiancé suggested spending their honeymoon at an old rustic cabin in northeastern Nebraska. "Are you serious?"

"Thomas all I want to spend some quiet time with you. Now we'd better step on it, or we'll be late for our appointment. I don't understand how you were able to get us in so quickly."

"Baby I have motivation on my side and friends in high places."

"More than likely you set the appointment weeks ago. Don't act surprised, I'm on to you Thomas. You're crafty, sneaky, and you'll do anything to get you way. Momma Lettie didn't raise no fool, but I let you get away with it because I love you."

He kissed her before she could get out the front door. "I swear baby, we must be the two best loved people on the planet."


Thomas's best friend and fellow attorney was waiting for him in his office. They were roommates in college, and they had been friends ever since. Aaron was the only friend who stuck by him during trial and his divorce from Elise. "You've got something on our mind so spit it out."

"You look rather like a cat that swallowed the canary. I heard through the grapevine that you and Connie got your blood tests today. I'm proud of you man, you finally got the courage to ask Connie to marry you."

Thomas sat in his chair facing his friend. "I was sweating bullets for a while trying to figure out a way to ask her to be my wife. I certainly never thought I would get married again, but once I met Constantina, I knew she was the woman for me. Of course, you know you're my best man."

"This time I agree with you. So which Saturday in May is the wedding, I take my duties as best man seriously I had to turn down some compelling offers so I could be on standby for you."

"The type of women you date are available every night of the week."

"Don't judge me Tom, most of us don't get to marry the women we love, so we make do the best that we can."

"Aaron you're closer to me than any brother; I would give anything to see you as happy as I am with Constantina. You can't go on punishing yourself because Anna left you. She made her choice, and she chose her father over you."

"Anna was my one true love, and I'll never love anyone else like that again. No woman will ever get close to my heart. That doesn't mean I'm not happy for you."

"I thought the same thing, but life has a way of throwing you curves. Just don't be surprised if a woman comes into your life and knocks you off your feet."

"Now that would be one for the record books.


Connie had spoken with Jenna over the phone several times since Chad and Beth's kidnapping, but this was the first time she'd seen her in about a week. Thomas was working late, so she decided to swing by to see her godson. Jenna must have seen her pull in to the driveway; she was waiting at the door for her when she stepped on the porch.

"Come on in Connie, I wasn't expecting to see you today. I was just getting ready to feed Alexander."

Connie could tell by Jenna's jerky moments that she was still a little put out with her."Are you still upset with me Jen?"

Jenna gave Connie a wry smile, "No so much upset than just a little disappointed. I know that you were Laura's best friend, and that was all I needed to welcome you into my life. You were there for me through some of the lowest points in my life. You're my sister just as much as Laura, and when you're in trouble or hurt, I want to be there for you."

"You know Samantha pretty much same said the same thing." Connie couldn't believe how fast Alexander was growing. He clutched Jenna's breast as if he were afraid she would take it away.

"Alexander is greedy just like his father; sometimes I'm worried I won't have enough milk for him."

"Did someone call my name?" Mike came into the room giving Jenna a quick kiss while rubbing his son's head. He had given Connie a knowing grin before he hugged her. "I hear that congratulations are in order, does that mean that I'm drafted as a groomsman?"

"You sure are, Jenna's a bridesmaid and I know good, and damn well you'll never let another man escort you wife down the aisle."

"The only good thing about the situation is that I know Allen will be roped in too. How's Chad and Beth?"

"They both showed up today at work and put on a brave front. I'm just glad that they have each other."

"Hey son, save some for dad, these breasts belonged to me long before you came on the scene." Alexander laughed.

"Mike!" Jenna punched him in the arm.

Mike picked him up taking the hand towel from Jenna, putting him on his shoulder gently patting his back until Alexander gave off a series of small belches. "Were the suspects bodies identified yet?"

"I haven't heard anything from the FBI, I know this sounds selfish, but I hope Crystalline didn't get caught in that fire."

"Uhmm, identification may take awhile, when bodies are charred beyond recognition they usually have to use dental records. He took the baby and handed him to Connie. "Go spend some time with your Aunt Connie while I greet your momma properly."

"Take all the time you need, Thomas is working late tonight." She smiled at their retreating backs giving her sole focus to baby Alexander. She loved running her fingers over his soft hair, obviously he loved it too; he smiled at her before closing his eyes. "Go to sleep baby." She wondered what her and Thomas's children would look like; she could see her children with the father's black hair and green eyes, and dimples of course. She didn't know how long she sat there before Mike came and got Alexander.

He started to cry at first, upset that his nap had been interrupted. When he saw his daddy he relaxed and went back to sleep. "We're going to leave you two ladies alone; I have to spend some quality time with my son."

"Later Mike."

Jenna came back in carrying two glasses of wine; she sat on the sofa handing one glass to Connie. "Do you know that I've barely gotten a glimpse of your engagement ring."

Connie held out her left hand for Jenna's inspection, "Thomas didn't play fair he asked me to marry him after several rounds of intense love making."

"It beautiful, I've seen that shade of blue in your eyes just when you're about to rip someone a new ass."

"Well according to Thomas that's the color of my eyes during sex, he said it's his favorite shade."

"I'm so happy for you Connie, I'm just glad that Thomas wouldn't give up on you. Samantha and I have been lucky in that same regard. Have you noticed that all of our men are rather arrogant and bossy, I never thought I could fall for a man like that."

"Our men come from another era, they would love to keep us chained to the bed and pregnant. Mike seems like he's adjusting to fatherhood."

"He's so good to us, one thing I don't have to worry about is childcare. Sam and I had a nursery put in with a full time nurse on duty. I know this is a luxury for most mothers, but we've been using this as a selling point to new employees. I think people feel better about working if they can check on their children throughout the day."

"Wow what an excellent idea."

"Most days when I get home Mike comes out to the car and carries Alexander into the house. I have a little time to myself before dinner. I couldn't imagine doing this on my own. We take turns with him at night, he sleeps good, but he doesn't sleep through the night yet. Some days I'm dog tired, but when I see Alexander smile I get rejuvenated."

"Except for this situation with my mother, everything in my life is perfect. I've never been so content and happy before. I owe it to Thomas and my friends. I know I don't tell you enough Jenna, but I appreciate your friendship, I didn't know that befriending Laura would give me a whole new family."

"Here's to family, the ones were born with, and those we claim as our own."

"Amen sister!"


It was after nine o'clock by the time Connie got home. Thomas was in the living room going over contracts. He had a half eaten sandwich and a bottle of beer on the table. "Hey baby."

Thomas took off his reading glasses setting them aside as he got up to greet her. How's everything at the Johnson household?"

Connie surrendered to his kiss. "Everyone's perfect, especially Alexander." She slid off her shoes and joined him on the sofa. "While I was holding him, I started thinking about our children; will they have you dark hair and green eyes, and your strength of character."

"I've often thought about seeing you pregnant with my child, but I imagined a yard full of children with your eyes and your generous heart. We've never talked about children, thought it's obvious that we both want them."

"I've always wanted children, but until now I never met a man I deemed fit to father my children. You'll be an awesome father Thomas, and when the time is right I'll be delighted to be the mother of your children."

"We haven't talked about where we'll live either. On my part, I'm flexible, my house is a bachelor pad, simply a place for me to lay my head. This house has precious memories for you, you have a workout room, and your own sound proof music room I don't want you to move if you're going to feel out of your element."

"Come with me Thomas." She took Thomas by the hand pulling him behind her as they went to the lower level of the house. They went past both the workout and music rooms into another section of the house where Thomas has never been. "This house has more than enough room for one person, but this half of the lower level I never needed." She flipped on the light showing Thomas the space."

"Wow! This space is larger than both of the other rooms together."

"I know you just asked me to marry you, but I've given some thought to where we would live after the ceremony. This space was reserved for Momma Lettie's husband, and after his death, she cleaned out the room and never utilized it again. If we decide to live here or move to another house after we start a family I want you to have your own space that's all about you."

"Oh Constantina you never cease to amaze. One of the things I love about you is your empathy for others. Baby the only things I refuse to live without is you and my 42 inch flatscreen TV."

"It's nice to know that you hold me in such high regard. It's getting late do you want me to get you anything before I go to bed."

Thomas unzipped her skirt and had her panties around her ankles before she could blink. "Yes, you can help me christen my new man cave."

Thomas braced her against the wall as she wrapped her legs around his waist, it took even less time for him to pull out his thick length, embedding it deep inside her. "Whatever you say Thomas I just want you to be happy. I think we should christen every room in the house for equal measure."
