Chapter 21

Connie brought over snacks and finger food for Thomas's bachelor party. Thomas didn't feel that it was necessary seeing as he only had one real friend. She was going to enjoy margaritas with her friends tonight, and she didn't want to feel guilty if he was all alone by himself. "I invited all the groomsmen over for your bachelor party, so I want you to promise me that you'll have a good time."

Thomas helped her unload her car, setting the food on the kitchen table. "I feel like my mother just made a play date for me. I can tell you right now; this is going to be one lame bachelor party. I barely know Allen and Mike; they probably got bullied into coming by their wives."

"That alone gives you something in common. All of you can piss and moan about how your women made you come. The fridge is full of beer, I even made you those double chocolate macadamia cookies you love so much, I left four dozen that's plenty enough for you to share."

"Is that all you have for me?"

Connie saw his heated gaze and quickly moved out of reach. "Yes. A word of warning, if any of you show up to the wedding with a hangover I will make all of you sorry."

"Come here Constantina we have time for a little loving."

"I told Aunt Mabel and Johana that I would be right back, besides you only have ten minutes before your guests start showing up. The next time you see me will be at our wedding."

Thomas groaned as Connie blew him a kiss before disappearing out the front door. Exactly ten minutes later Aaron arrived with a six-pack of beer and a pizza. "Come on in and take a seat."

"I can't believe I'm the first to arrive. Please tell me that I'm not the only person coming."

"Oh no, we're not that lucky, Constantina invited the rest of the groomsmen, and God only knows who else so we should have a smashing good time."

"I have a feeling that we're not going to have the time honored bachelor party with strippers and prostitutes. This wedding of yours is killing my social life this weekend."

"What kind of trashy bachelor's parties have you been attending? If Constantina thought for one moment I had women over here she would castrate me for sure. Before I forget, lay off of Johana, she's not for you."

Aaron set the beer and pizza on the table. He crossed his arms, giving Thomas a stern look. "What in the hell is that supposed to mean? I thought we clicked rather well at the rehearsal dinner last night."

Aaron looked as if he wanted to argue, and Thomas was determined to nip it in the bud. "She's not one of your little bimbos, she's Constantina's cousin. I don't want you to shower her with attention and then drop her like a bad habit."

Aaron chewed on the inside of his jaw as if he were actually considering Thomas's request. "Johana's a beautiful woman; you know how impossible it is for me to resist a beautiful woman."

"She's not like the women you're used to dealing with. She's a lovely person raising a daughter on her own who doesn't need some asshole running a game on her."

Aaron put a hand over his heart. "You wound me Tom, to think that you of all people think so little of me. If it's that important to you, I won't actively press her for a quickie at the reception. If she gives me the least bit of encouragement all bets are off."

Fifteen minutes later Mike, Allen, and Chad arrived. "Gentlemen come on in you met my friend and best man Aaron Colton last night at the rehearsal dinner. The food is in the kitchen, and the beer is in the fridge. I hope all of you know how to play poker or this is going to be a long night." All three men shook Aaron's hand and made a beeline for the food.

"You can bet your ass that our women won't have that problem. Right now, they're drinking margaritas and discussing all of our flaws. So that means that Jenna will be doing most of the talking." Allen gave Mike a wicked grin as he piled his plate full of chicken wings and nachos. Hey Thomas did Connie make any of those Jalapeno poppers?"

"Yeah I think they're in the fridge, she made potato salad too."

Mike held two plates of food in his hands and was still searching the table for dessert. "What did she make us for dessert?"

"I think maybe she forgot about the dessert. Judging by all the food on your plates you wouldn't have room for dessert anyhow."

Mike sat across from Allen who remained focused on his food. "I don't like how this evening is heading; this is not going to be pick on Mike night. Thomas you can't convince me that Connie didn't make us any dessert, you've got to be holding out on us."

Chad sat down next to Mike. "No way Connie didn't make dessert, hand it over."

Aaron sat down next to Allen; he opened the pizza box taken out several slices of pizza, adding it to his plate of food. "I think I may have found something, there was a shopping bag hidden in the garage. Inside the bag were about eight bags of cookies."

"When in the hell did you find time to search the garage?"

"Tom I'm your friend; I just knew you had to be holding out on us." He held up the cellophane bag with six large cookies wrapped inside. "It looks like some type of double chocolate cookie. I can't wait to taste them. I've heard about Connie's baking skills, and I just couldn't believe that she didn't mean for us to have them. So I took the liberty of bringing the shopping bag inside."

Thomas grabbed the bag before the rest of the men could get a hold of it. He tossed a bag of cookies to each man and hid the rest. With these greedy bastards lurking around, he' have to stay on his guard. He took the shopping bag into the garage and locked it in his car. He came back into the house to find Aaron laughing and joking with the rest of the men as if he'd known them for years. So that could only mean one thing, he had become the new object of ridicule.


Connie was enjoying herself immensely. It was great being surrounded by the people she loved. Aunt Mabel was in rare form tonight, she never knew her aunt could be so raunchy. The real fun didn't begin until Tati and Alexander got settled in bed. They played pass the bouquet, wedding trivia and know the bride. Things began to loosen up after the second round of margaritas and they started talking about their men.

"Tell me ladies how did you get your men to agree to the bachelor party?"

"I promised Allen a special massage when we get home. Hell, we almost didn't make it out the house. He doesn't have a lot of patience, so he'll probably be good for three hours before he comes to collect me."

"Well I told Mike that I just knew you would have some sexy party favors to play with later."

"Indeed I do. All of the prizes are sexy party favors. I no longer own The Purple Feather, but I still get a patron's discount."

Joanie sipped her margarita, "I heard a rumor about the buyer for The Purple Feather; you know me, I don't like to spread idle gossip."

Kimberly had a fantastic time. Her mother has always been so open about sex and relationships. At first, she didn't know if she wanted to come to a bridal shower with a group of women so much older than herself. "Come on Connie spill the beans who's the new owner of the store."

"Joanie, it's someone you know quite well or should I say you know her mother quite well."

When everyone looked at her expectedly, she just blurted it out. "Kimmie Creswell."

"Kimmie Creswell! She and I attended the same high school; she was always so shy, practically a wallflower."

Joanie couldn't stop laughing, "No wonder I haven't seen Rachel lately, she probably hiding in her house. I'll have to call her next week to check on her."

"I'll have you ladies know that Kimmie is an enterprising young woman, and I have a feeling she will double the net sales at the store."

Mabel was pulling out the contents of her party bag when Linda arrived with Mack in tow. Mack's eyeballs got three sizes big when he saw the cock ring and anal beads. "Linda come on in and grab a margarita. Mack, is there anything in particular you want me to add to Linda's party favor bag?"

Mack could feel the heat of embarrassment in his face. He pointed to Mabel, "I like what she has in her bag, some lube would be nice too. Linda I'll pick you up in a couple of hours, I'm going to see what the guys are doing. I bet that Thomas won't be passing around sex toys." Mack made a quick exit as the women started booing him.

Beth approached Connie in the kitchen, "well Connie I'm getting ready to leave."

"Are you sure? You didn't really eat anything, are you feeling alright?" Connie had a feeling that not all was perfect in Beth's world. Ever since the kidnapping, she had become quiet and reserve. "Beth do you want to talk about what's troubling you?"

Beth gave Connie the brightest smile she could muster. "Connie I'm just going through some personal stuff, and I just need time to work it out."

Connie gave Beth a comforting hug. "You're having trouble dealing with the aftermath of the kidnapping aren't you?"

Beth felt so stupid even bring this up on the day before Connie's wedding. "I don't feel safe anymore. I don't sleep at night."

Samantha came in search of Connie, only to find Connie and Beth huddled up in a serious conversation. "Hey you two what's going on in here?"

Beth wiped the tears from her face. "Nothing, I'm just being silly."

"Connie would you leave Beth and me alone for a minute, you're needed in the living room. Your Aunt Mabel is getting out of control." Connie hesitated at first, but she thought better of it and left them alone. "Now Beth you just don't seem like the silly type. I was in your position not too long ago, kidnapped from my own home. When I made it back home with my fiancé, things didn't automatically fall into place."

Beth nodded her head in agreement, "Chad has been terrific. He's so understanding and thoughtful. There are times when I actually blame him for the kidnapping."

"Beth I don't know you that well, but I think you could benefit from seeing a professional."

"A shrink! There's nothing wrong with me that time can't cure."

"Oh Beth I'm sorry. It wasn't my intention to upset you. Just think about it that all I'm saying if you need a place to stay one of the condominiums on our floor is vacant. Connie stayed there a while back when she and Thomas had problems. Just answer one question for me and I promise not to bother you again. Are you afraid to come out at night? Do you rush home before it gets dark and refuse to leave?"

"That's two questions Samantha. To answer to your questions is yes. I'm afraid to be alone in my own apartment, and I haven't been able to talk to anyone about it because they don't understand."

"We don't have to try and figure it all out tonight. I've been in your shoes, and I wanted to help." She grabbed a couple of paper towels and blotted the tears on Beth's face. "The offer of the condominium is available whenever you want. Let's go back in there and help our bride bring two horny old women back in line."

Beth laughed and followed Samantha back into the living room. This is the best she's felt since being kidnapped more than a month ago.


Thomas heard the doorbell ring, but chose to ignore it, this was the best hand he had all night. Whoever was outside would just have to wait. Allen played Poker as if he were some kind of machine; he won the last five games without cracking a smile or blinking. "Allen I think you gamble for a living, you're taking this friendly game of poker way too serious."

"Poker is just like running a business, I scoped out the competition, and they are severely lacking. Mike is more interested in the chicken wings on his plate than his hand. Your best friend Aaron is doing everything in his power to help you lose. Chad's head hasn't been in the game since the first round. You're a grouchy groom who's pissed because you're entertaining when you want to spend time with your bride."

"Crap!" Thomas threw is losing cards on the table and conceded once again to Allen. "Okay I'm through playing Poker; it's time to play Blackjack." He got up from the table, answered the door, and wasn't surprised to see Mike's partner Mack. "Shit! Just what I needed, another practical joker."

Mack walked into the house with his arms raised. "Hey I come in peace, I just dropped Linda off at Connie's house. When I came in, they were drinking margaritas and passing around sexy party favors. The only thing you duds have going for you is food." Mack marched into the kitchen to fix a plate and snag a beer.

Allen read the text from Sam and gave a speaking look towards Chad. "How's things going between you and Beth?"

Chad stopped pretending to study his cards he just threw them on the table. "Women are damn hard to understand and I'm sick of trying. Beth was all over me before the kidnapping, now she can barely stand the sight of me."

Mack came back to the table and made a place between Thomas and Chad. "Mike filled me in on the particulars, being a kidnapping victim isn't something you can get over quickly."

Chad ran his fingers through his hair; it was times like this that he missed his grandfather. "At work she seems fine, even cordial most of the time. For the past month, I've tried to get our relationship back to where it was before the kidnapping and she just blocks me out. She won't come out after dark, and we don't talk anymore."

"How old are you son?"

"I just turned twenty-one a few months back."

Mack shook his head making eye contact with the rest of the men at the table. "Is Beth special to you or just another woman you're burning through?"

"Hey I'm not like that..."

"Easy son, I wasn't trying to insult you. When I was twenty-one, I was a major stud on campus. The last thing I was thinking about was settling for just one woman. I didn't marry Linda until I was twenty-seven. Mike was over thirty when he married Jenna. Allen is pushing forty. It took them a long time to find "the one". I'm just warning you that Beth may be dealing with posttraumatic stress. You might want to cool the relationship for now until she finds her way."

"I'm the most patience man in the world; it took me a while to decide to be in a relationship with Beth. We're good together, I tried to talk to her about the kidnapping and she bit my head off."

"Something happened. I just received a text from Sam. She invited Beth to stay at one of the condominiums on our floor. Evidently she's too scared to stay at home."

"Why didn't she say something to me?" Chad was exasperated, he had half a mind to go over to Connie's house and talk to Beth right now.

Mike polished off his potato salad before weighing in on the discussion. He saw Chad's expression skyrocket to hope, anger, and then despair. "Chad I know what you're thinking, and running over Connie's house to have a come-to-Jesus talk with Beth is a waste of time. Those women will be all of you like stink on shit. Trust me, the fact that you're Connie's brother won't save you."

Chad watched the other men shake their heads in agreement. "So what am I supposed to do?"

Thomas shuffled the cards and started dealing. "Give her some space. I'm sure that our women will help Beth with this situation."

Allen looked at his hand and smiled like a tiger assessing his prey. "Thomas is right, give Beth some time to deal with the trauma of being kidnapped. Samantha went through a similar situation: crying jags, fear, and nightmares. She made contact with a therapist, and she was able to put the kidnapping episode behind her. Blackjack!" Allen laughed at the incredulous look on Thomas's face.

"You cheating son of a bitch!"

"I don't have to cheat I have real skills. On that note, it's time for me to pick up my wife."

Mike stood up and prepared to leave. "I need to get my family home too; we have a wedding to celebrate tomorrow. I'll see you guys at the church tomorrow."

Aaron was kind of put out, he would have given everything he owned to be at a strip club right now. "Are they serious, they've been here less than three hours?"

Thomas was dealing the second hand as Allen and Mike departed. "Well Allen is still in the honeymoon stage, and Mike just became a new father. If I had my druthers, I would be going to bed with my woman. She has it in her head that it's rotten luck for the groom to see the bride the night before the wedding. So are you going to play or are you going to whine for the rest of the night."

"I tell you one thing; I'm never going to fall in love."

"Love has a way of sneaking up on the best of us. Read them and weep. Blackjack!"

Aaron swallowed hard, he thought about Johana and the way she made him feel. Is it possibly to fall in love with someone after knowing her only one day. "Like I said, I'm never going to fall in love. I refused to become so whipped that I would leave a perfectly good bachelor party to run after some woman." He didn't like the way that Thomas was deliberately baiting him. "Shut up and deal!"
