Marina certainly is the inspiration for this work. We have worked together on projects in the past and this was the next step for each of us. Her focus is on the magic of how and why honey comes to be. Mine shows where and when honey is born. Each of us following a passion has produced what you now read. Passions, though, are fueled by many fires. My other passion, my best friend and my greatest source of support and balance, Kathy, made this book, and everything, possible. Thanks Kath.


Without Kim, this book would not be complete.

Without Vic, there would not be time to write it.

Without Becky, no one would ever read it.

Without the bees, there would be no honey.

Without beekeepers, there would be no passion.

Without honey lovers, there would be no reason.

A heart-full of thanks to all those who came on the journey and have embraced this sweet work.
