
9781743432785txt_0041_001 ANGIE, I DIDS GO TO FIND FOOD. I tolds . . . tolded . . . Angie?

I told Mum and . . . are you lishening! Angie Angie!

Angie! Aaannnnngggiiieee! That reminds me of a song. A song my dad liked. I know. It was by the Beatles . . . oh no! The Stones, man! The STONES! Stones! Like me. I am STONED, MAN! Stoned like the Stones and singing the Stones. Well, not stoned, but the room is spinning a bit.

Man, my dad loved that song. My dad loved the Stones and he loved me.

Look at me now, Dad! Look at me NOW! I am your amazing crazy Daisy on a beach in Bali, and I was twirling and twirling and twirling, like you used to twirl me when we listened to the Stones.

And you won’t tell Mum, will you, Dad? It will just be our little secret.

Because Mum doesn’t know where I am. Because I lied.

Sssshhhh! Don’t tell.

They are laughing at me, Angie. That is Mike, right there, and Steve and they are laughing, and doesn’t Mike have a nice smile? He is a surfer, Angie. A SURFER! You wait ’til Robbie Chandler hears that I met a surfer and we had BEER together! Yes! Beer! I made them promise not to tell about the beer because, you know, I am ONLY SIXTEEN, so if I don’t tell and they don’t tell and there will be no telling and it will be peachy keen, jellybean.

And, I know, I KNOW that beer has many, many, MANY calories, but I went for a walk and I burned off all the food calories that were left, so there was room for beer calories.

I told Mum I was going to get food and I didn’t lie because I did go on a QUEST to find fruit, but the quest led me to the beach and Mike and Steve were there and they had beer and they told me I was so soooo pretty and I am.

I am pretty and I think I am just going to lie down. It’s hot and I is . . . am . . . tired, and so I’ll just lie down. Just here, by the sea. Don’t worry, Angie. I will wrap you up all nice and safe and warm, and I will just lie down. Just lie down, just by the cool, cool sea.

And maybe, maybe, have a little cry. Just a little one. Don’t tell, Angie, coz Zee Blue doesn’t cry. If anyone asks, we’ll say it was you. We’ll say you were crying.

Bye, bye now, Angie.
