From inside all you can hear is the wind outside as it buffets the wire fences. The books line the shelves, programmes are loaded on the computers, the plates in the kitchens are clean and neatly stacked, the meat in the walk-in refrigerators remains intact, board games are in display cabinets, counters and dice shakers encode hypothetical games. Somewhere a radio plays. A labourer left it switched on… ‘the Prime Minister has announced that 2,000 miles of new roads will be created next year using state funds. In international news, in Basra, an as-yet-unidentified man, of Western descent but married to an Iraqi woman, along with their son, reportedly named Mohamed Smith, died yesterday in a surprise attack by the US armed forces, a reprisal for the recent Sunni suicide attacks on American positions. The family were eating together when a marine, having abseiled down the side of the building, smashed their 4th floor window and threw in a low explosive grenade. And in sports, the footballer Zinedine Zidane has announced his retirement due to injuries suffered in the last 2 seasons, and in the Third Division, Endesa and Ponferradina meet later today in the promotion playoff for the Segunda División B. This is Radio Nacional de España, Radio 5, stay tuned…’