
Scene One



1      Yes, to adore the Everlasting One,
        I come, observant of this temple’s rite,
        To celebrate with you that glorious day
        When on Mount Sinai we received the law.
5      How times have changed! Scarce had that day’s return     
        Been by the sacred trumpet heralded
        Than hosts of worshippers streamed through the gates
        Into the temple, splendidly festooned;
        And all, before the altar ushered in,
10    Bore in their hands the first-fruits of their fields     
        To offer to the universal God.
        The priests were too few for the sacrifice.
        Halting this throng,
an overweening queen
        Has blotted out the glory of these days.
15    The merest handful of the faithful dares     
        Bring back for us, how faintly, former times.
        The others are forgetful of their God,
        Or even, hastening to the shrines of Baal –
        Initiates of his shameful mysteries –
20    Blaspheme the name their fathers called upon.     
        I tremble lest Athaliah should decide
        To have even you dragged from the altar steps
        And wreak her vengeance upon you at last,
        Shedding what’s left of a constrained respect.


25    Whence comes this dark presentiment today?


        Can you pursue God’s ways, and go unscathed?
         Long has she loathed that rare, unswerving faith
         That adds fresh lustre to your diadem.
         Long has your deep devotion to the faith
30     Been treated as sedition and revolt.
         Athaliah, jealous of outstanding worth,
         Hates above all your wife Jehoshabeath.
         If you follow in high priest Aaron’s steps,
        She is our last king’s sister. Mattan, too,
35     Mattan, that cruel, sacrilegious priest –
        Worse than Athaliah even – besieges her:
        Mattan, that execrable renegade,
        Zealous oppressor of all godly men.
        Not only does this Levite, putting on
40     A foreign mitre, minister to Baal.
        This temple galls him, and his impiousness
        Seeks to destroy the God he has abjured.
        To ruin you, no trick is too refined.
        Sometimes he pities, often praises you.
45     He even affects a mild, forgiving air,
        And thus, cloaking his baleful, dark designs.
        Now to the Queen he paints you dangerous;
        Now, to assuage her thirst for gold, invents
        The tale that somewhere, known to you alone,
50     Treasures amassed by David are concealed.
        Lastly the haughty Queen, these two days past,
        Seems shrouded in a sombre reverie.
        I watched her yesterday, and saw her launch
        Glances of fury at the holy place,
55     As if, in that vast edifice, our God
        Hid an avenger armed to strike her down.
        The more I think, the more I am convinced
        That soon her anger will explode on you,
        And Jezebel’s bloodthirsty daughter plans
60     To challenge God, even in His sanctuary.

JEHOIADA                                             D

        He who can still the raging of the sea
        Can also thwart the wicked in their plots.
        Hearkening with reverence to His holy will,
        I fear God, Abner, and fear God alone.
65    Yet I am grateful that your deep concern     
        Opens your eyes to all the risks I run.
        I see injustice galls you inwardly,
        And you are still an Israelite at heart.
        Heaven be praised! But can you stay content
        With idle virtue and with inward wrath?
70     Can faith that acts not be a faith sincere?     
        Eight years ago, an impious foreign queen
        Usurped King David’s sceptre and his rights,
        Wallowed unpunished in our princes’ blood –
75     Foul murderer of the offspring of her son – 
        And now ‘gainst God raises her wicked arm.
        And you, a pillar of this tottering state,
        Reared in the camp of King Jehoshaphat,
        Commander, too, when Joram took the throne,
80     By your mere presence you dispelled alarm
        When Ahaziah’s unexpected death
        Scattered his camp as Jehu came in sight.
       ‘I fear God, and his holy word,’ you say.
        Out of my mouth, thus the Lord answers you:
85   ‘Wherefore parade your ardour for my law?     
        By sterile vows think you to honour me?
        What do I gain from all your sacrifice?
        Think you I need the blood of goat or ox?
        Your dead kings’ blood cries out, and is not heard.
90     Break off all covenants with godlessness;     
        And from my people’s midst cast out offence.
        Then immolate your victims in my name.’


        What can I do ‘midst the despondent Jews?
        Benjamin’s strength is gone; Judah’s effete.
95     The day that saw their royal race extinct
        Extinguished all their daringness of old.
       ‘God has withdrawn himself from us,’ they say.
       ‘God, once so jealous of the Jews’ fair name,
        Beholds unmoved their power now laid low.
100  His patience has at last been wearied, and
        No longer do his dreaded hands for us
        Terrify man with marvels numberless.
        The Ark is mute, and gives no oracles.’


       When did such miracles abound as now?
105  When did God show his power by greater deeds?
        Always will you have eyes that never see?
        Ungrateful race! The greatest miracles
        Will strike your ears but never move your heart!
        Must I recall the wondrous prodigies,
110   Abner, that in our days have come to pass –
        The well-known fate of Israel’s tyrants, and
        The Lord found true in all His menaces?
        Ahab destroyed and drenching with his blood
        The field that he by murder had usurped;
115     Then, near that field, Jezebel put to death –
        Crushed underfoot beneath her horses’ hooves,
        The dogs drinking her wild, inhuman blood,
        And her disfigured body torn to shreds;
        The horde of lying prophets thunderstruck,
120   The fire from heaven fallen on the sacrifice;
        Elijah sovereign of the elements,
        The heavens closed by him and turned to brass;
        The earth three years with neither rain nor dew;
114   The reference is to Naboth’s vineyard (see I Kings 21, i-xvi).
        The dead arising at Elisha’s voice.
125   Behold, then, Abner, by these striking signs
        A God the same now as He always was.
        He can show forth His glory when He wills,
        And He is mindful of His people still.


        But where are all these honours held in store
130   For David, and for Solomon, his son?
        Alas, we hoped that from his blessed race
        Would issue forth an endless line of kings,
        And over every nation, every tribe,
        One would establish his dominion, and
135   Would put an end to discord and to war;
        And kings from all the earth would bow to him.


But why this doubt in Heaven’s promises?


        Where is this son of David to be found?
        Can heaven itself revive the poor remains
140   Of this old tree, withered even to the roots?     
        Athaliah killed the child almost at birth.
        Can bodies eight years dead burst from the grave?
        If in her madness she had been deceived,
        If even a drop of our kings’ blood escaped –


145    Well then, what would you do?


                                                     O happy day!
        How gladly would I recognize my King,
        And at his feet how eagerly our tribes…
        But why delude myself with these vain thoughts?

       The sole successors of our glorious kings
150  Were hapless Ahaziah and his sons.
        By Jehu’s blows I saw the father pierced;
        You saw the children by his mother slain.


        I can reveal no more. But, when the sun
        Has made a third of its diurnal round,
155  And when the third hour calls the world to prayer,
        Be at the temple with this self-same zeal.
        God may reveal by signal benefits
        His Word stands fast, and is for ever true.
        Leave me. I must prepare for this great day.
160   And see, whitening the temple’s crest, the dawn.


        I do not understand this benefit?
        But yonder comes Jehoshabeath. Let me
        Begone, and mingle with the faithful band
        Drawn hither by this solemn ritual.

Scene Two


165  The destined hour has come, and I must speak:
        Your happy theft can be concealed no more.
        The guilty insolence of God’s enemies,
        Profiting from this silence, has accused
        Too long His promise of deceitfulness.
170  Nay – their success has given their madness wings –
        Even on our altar false Athaliah plans
        To offer pagan incense unto Baal!

        Show the young monarch rescued by your hand,
        Reared by us in the shadow of the Lord,
175   He’ll have the valour of our Hebrew kings.     
        Already he is wise beyond his years.
        Before my voice unfolds his destiny,
        I’ll offer him to God, the Lord of kings.
        Mustering at once our Levites and our priests,
        I shall reveal to them their masters’ heir. 180


Knows he his name and noble destiny?


        He answers only to Eliacin,
        And thinks himself some child left motherless
185   Whom pitying I was a father to.


       Alas, what perils did I save him from!     
       In what fresh dangers will he soon be plunged?


You are already troubled, and lose heart?


       To your wise counsels I commit myself.
        The day I snatched him from the jaws of death,
190   I placed his future in your hands alone.     
        Indeed, fearing the violence of my love,
        As much as in me lies I shun the child,
        Lest at the sight of him, my unrestrained
        Concern betrays my secret with my tears.
195   Indeed, these three whole days and three long nights     
        I have given up to weeping and to prayer.
        Meanwhile, can I now ask you what allies,
        What friends stand ready to support our cause?
        Abner the brave, can he be counted on?
        And has he sworn to rally to his king? 200


       Abner, though his fidelity is sure,
        Does not yet even know we have a king.


        But whom will you appoint to guard the boy?
        Will Obed, Amnon, have that honour, since
205   My father’s favours lavished upon them –


They to Athaliah all have sold themselves.


Who then will stand against her followers?


As I have said, our Levites and our priests.


       I know that, secretly assembling them,
210  You have farsightedly doubled their ranks.
        I know they love you, loathe Athaliah,
        And are engaged by solemn oath to serve
        This son of David, still to be revealed.
        But yet, in spite of their consuming zeal,
215  Can they alone restore our monarch’s cause?
        Is zeal enough to compass this great end?
        Surely Athaliah at the first report
        That Ahaziah’s son is sheltered here,
        Will, summoning her mercenary hordes,
220  Surround the temple and break in the doors?
        How against them can holy priests suffice,
        Who, raising to the Lord unworldly hands,
        Can only weep and pray for our misdeeds,
        And never have shed aught but victims’ blood?
225   Pierced by their swords, Joash may in their arms…


        And what of God, the God who fights for us?
        God, who protects the orphan’s innocence,
        And makes His power in weakest vessels shine;
        God who hates tyrants, and who in Jezreel
230   Swore to destroy Ahab and Jezebel,     
        Who struck their daughter’s husband, Joram, down
        And on his son has visited their crimes;
        God, whose avenging arm, though now withheld,
235   Is ever poised to strike this impious race.


        It is this very justice to these kings     
        I fear for my ill-fated brother’s son.
        Who knows if Joash, tainted by their crimes,
        Was not even at his birth condemned with them?
        If, sparing him despite his odious line,
240   God will show mercy for King David’s sake?     
        Alas! his plight when heaven showed me him
        Returns incessantly to harrow me.
        With princes slain the palace floor was strewn.
        A dagger in her hand, implacable,
245   Athaliah urged her soldiers on to kill,     
        And then herself pursued her murderous way.
        Suddenly I was struck by Joash, left
        For dead. I still behold his nurse distraught
        Who at the killers threw herself in vain,
250   And held him sprawling weakly on her breast.     
        I took him, bathed in blood, into my arms.
        My falling tears revived his consciousness,
        And, whether it was fear or a caress,
236 Ill-fated brother: Ahaziah. But he was of a different mother from Jehoshabeath.

       I felt the pressure of his little arms.
255  Let my affection not prove fatal, Lord!
        He only has survived, of David’s line.
        Reared in your house and taught to love your law,
        He knows no other father than yourself.
        If the attack upon a murderous queen,
260  And all its perils, undermines my faith,
        If flesh and blood begin to falter, and
        Are too much with me in the tears I shed,
        Preserve the heir to all your promises
        And for his weakness punish me alone.

265  Your tears, Jehoshabeath, are free from blame,
        But God our Father bids us trust in Him.
        Blinded by wrath, He does not visit on
        The righteous son a father’s godlessness.
        The tiny handful of the faithful Jews
270   Will this same day renew their vows to Him.
        Even as the line of David is revered,
        Jezebel’s sinful daughter is abhorred.
        Joash will touch them by his modesty,
        In which the splendour of his birth shines forth;
275   And God, with His own voice supporting us,
        Will in His temple speak within their hearts.
        Two kings forsworn, in turn, have braved His wrath.
        A king must now be placed upon the throne
        Who will recall that, by His priests’ own hands,
280   The Lord restored him to his forebears’ throne,
        Rescued him from the tomb’s oblivion,
        And thus rekindled David’s flickering torch.
        But if, O Lord, unworthy of his race,
        He’s fated to depart from David’s ways,
285  Let him be stricken like the blossoms when
        Rough winds pass over them and they are gone.
        But, if this child, obedient to your will,
        Shows himself docile to your great designs,
        Return the sceptre to the rightful heir;
290   Into my hands deliver all his foes;     
        Turn the Queen’s counsels into foolishness.
        Deign, Lord, on Mattan and on her to set
        The seal of blindness and of recklessness –
        Those fateful heralds of the fall of kings.
295   Farewell. Time presses. See, your children bring     
        The daughters of the holy families.

Scene Three




        Dear Zechariah, go. Do not delay.
        Accompany your priestly father’s steps.
        Daughters of Levi, young and faithful band,
300   Whom God inflames already with His zeal,     
        Who have so often come to share my sighs,
        My only joy in my despondency,
        These garlands on your head, flowers in your hands,
        Befitted once our glorious festivals.
305   But, in these days of shame and suffering,     
        What better offering can there be than tears?
        But hark! I hear the sacred trumpet sound.
        Soon will the temple doors be opened wide.
        While I prepare for the procession, sing
        Praise to the Lord you’ve come to glorify. 310

Scene Four



       To God belongs the Universe.
        Let us for evermore invoke His name!
        His empire was before the birth of time.
        Let us His benefits proclaim.

315   In vain the evildoers’ horde
        Would silence those who praise the Lord.
        Imperishable is His name.
        Day speaks to day His glory and His power.
        To God belongs the universe sublime.
320   Let us His benefits proclaim.


       To God belongs the universe sublime.
        Let us His benefits proclaim.


        The flowers display His hues as they unfold.
        He makes each fruit mature aright;
325   Nor in due time does He withhold
        The heat of day, the coolness of the night;
        And the field gives them back a hundredfold.


       He bids the sun warm nature with its rays,
       And every day its light shines forth again.
330  But His pure law, His sacred ways
       Are far His richest gift to men.


        Mount Sinai, keep the memory of that day,
        August and solemn to the end of time,
        When on the summit ringed with fire,
335   Wrapped in a cloud, the Lord appeared     
        And let His radiance shine on mortal gaze.
        Wherefore this lightning, why these flames,
        Torrents of smoke and stirrings in the air,
        The thunder, and the trumpets’ blare?
340   Was it to bring about earth’s overthrow     
        Or, to its vast foundations far below,
        Was it to lay its centre bare?


        He came to tell the children of the Jews
        Of the immortal splendour of His laws;
345   And to command this blesséd race     
        To love Him with an everlasting love.


350  O divine, O enthralling law!
        O graciousness that knows no bounds!
        How sweet it is, how many grounds
        To pledge Him our allegiance and our love!     


        He saved our fathers from a cruel yoke,
        Fed them with manna in the desert waste.
        He gives His laws; He gives Himself to us.
        He bids us love Him for such benefits.


355     O graciousness that knows no bounds!


        He made the stormy seas divide for them,
        And from the dry rock made the water gush.
        He gives His laws; he gives Himself to us.
        He bids us love Him for such benefits.

360  O divine, O enthralling law!
        How sweet it is, how many grounds
        To pledge Him our allegiance and our love!


        You who know nothing but a servile fear,
        Ingrates, can such a God not conquer you?
365   Is it, then, for your hearts so difficult,
        Is it so hard to love?
        The slave grovels before the tyrant’s whip,
        But love is children’s birthright. You would wish
        The Lord to lavish kindnesses on you,
370   And yet withhold your love?


        O divine, O enthralling law!
        O graciousness that knows no bounds!
        How sweet it is, how many grounds
375   To pledge Him our allegiance and our faith!


Scene One



375  Daughters, it is enough. Now cease your songs,     
        For it is time to join in public prayer.
        Now it’s for us to celebrate this day,
        And in our turn appear before the Lord.

Scene Two




        But what is this, my son? Why are you back?
        Where are you running, pale and out of breath? 380


O mother!




                            The temple is profaned.

JEHOSHABEATH (starts back)


Abandoned is the altar of the Lord.


I tremble. What has happened? Quick, explain.


       My father, the high priest, as wills the law,
385 Already to our God who feeds us all
        Had offered up the first new harvest loaves,
        And then held up to Him in blood-stained hands
        The reeking entrails of the sacrifice.
        Standing beside him, young Eliacin
390   Like me was serving in a linen robe.
        During this time the priests, with victims’ blood,
        Sprinkled the altar and the worshippers.
       A startled hum arose, and people’s eyes And minds were suddenly diverted to
395 A woman – I blaspheme in naming her – A woman. Yes. It was the Queen herself.



        Into a porch reserved for men alone
        She entered, arrogant, with head erect,
        And even would have passed beyond the bounds
400  That mark the porch where priests alone may go.
        The worshippers all panic-stricken fled.
        My father… How his eyes with anger glowed!
        Moses to Pharaoh seemed less terrible.
        ‘Hence, Queen!’ he cried, ‘from this dread sanctuary!
405  An impious woman has no place herein.
        Brave not the majesty of the Living God.’
        The Queen, darting fierce glances at the priest,
        Opened her mouth to utter blasphemy.
        I know not if the angel of the Lord
410  Appeared to her bearing a shining sword.
        But in her mouth her tongue that instant froze,
        And all her boldness seemed to drain from her.
        Her eyes, affrighted, could not look away;
        Her gaze was fixed on young Eliacin.


415   What! did they let her see Eliacin?


        We both of us were looking at the Queen;
        And equal horror fell upon our hearts.
        But in a trice the priests enclosed us round.
        They hurried us away: I know no more,
420  And came to tell you of this fearful scene.


        Ah! she would wrest him from us. Be assured.
        That is what brought her raging to the shrine.
        Perhaps even now the boy for whom these tears…
        Remember David, Lord! who see my grief.


425  Who is it then for whom you shed these tears?


Is there some danger to Eliacin?


Has he drawn down the anger of the Queen?


From a poor orphan what is there to fear?


Ah! it is she. We must avoid her. Flee.

Scene Three


430 What makes you linger here, Your Majesty?
        Here everything irks you and jars on you.
        Abandon, pray, this temple to its priests;
        Flee from this tumult. In your palaces
        Let peace return to your unquiet heart.

435  I cannot leave. You see my helplessness –
        Go, send for Mattan. Tell him to make haste.
        Happy if by his succour I can find
        The peace I crave for and that flees me still.


Scene Four



Forgive me, Queen, if I dare speak for him.
440  Jehoiada’s fervour should not cause surprise.
        Our God has so commanded for all time.
        The Lord traced out His temple and His shrine,
        Entrusted sacrifice to Aaron’s sons,
        Assigned the Levites place and function, and
445  Above all ordered their posterity
        Never to follow after other gods.
        What! you, the wife and mother of our kings,
        Are you so much a stranger in our midst?
        Do you not know our laws? And must I now…?
450  Here is your Mattan. I will take my leave.


       Your presence, Abner, here is still required.
        Forget Jehoiada’s rash audacity
        And all this superstititious nonsense which
        To other nations bars your temple’s gates.
455  A far more pressing subject stirs my fears.     
        I know that, reared in arms from childhood’s days,
        Abner is loyal, rendering to God
        And also to his kings what is their due.

Scene Five



        Mighty Queen! is this your place? What cares
460  Assail you now, what terrors chill your heart?     
        What seek you here, among your enemies?
        Can you set foot on this unhallowed ground?
        Have you forgotten your unbounded hate –


        Each one of you, lend an attentive ear.
465  I do not mean to summon up the past,     
        Nor to account for blood that I have shed.
        What I have done, Abner, I had to do.
        I do not take for judge a reckless mob,
        Whatever in its insolence it says.
470  Heaven itself has justified my deeds.     
        My power, based on resounding victories,
        Commands profound respect from sea to sea.
        Through me, deep calm reigns in Jerusalem.
        No longer does the Jordan see its banks
475  By nomad Arabs or proud Philistines     
        Laid waste, as in your kings’ time, constantly.
       The Syrian treats me as a queen and friend.
        And, last, the base oppressor of my house,
        Who was to wreak his barbarous will on me –
480  Jehu, proud Jehu, in
        Trembles. Beset on every side by foes
        Roused by my art against this murderer,
        He leaves me here, unchallenged sovereign.
        I long enjoyed in peace my statecraft’s fruits.
485  But now for some days an obsessing care
        Has undermined this my prosperity.
        A dream (should I be worried by a dream?)
        Feeds an anxiety that gnaws my heart.
        I shun it everywhere: it haunts me still.
490 ’Twas in the horror of an endless night.
        My mother Jezebel appeared to me,
        Decked out as on the day she met her death.
        Her trials had not crushed her spirit yet.
        Indeed her face, still bright with borrowed charms,
495  Painted, adorned, sought vainly to repair
        The unrelenting outrage of the years.
       ‘Tremble,’ she said, ‘who followed in my steps.
        The cruel Jewish God over you too
        Prevails. You’ll fall into his dreaded arms,
500  My daughter.’ Uttering these fearful words,
        Over my bed her shade appeared to bend.
        I held out both my hands to welcome her,
        But found them clutching at a loathsome mess
        Of mangled flesh and bones dragged in the mire,
505  Of blood-stained shreds and hideous, tattered limbs,
        That ravenous dogs tore from each other’s jaws.




        In this turmoil there appeared to me
        A stripling covered in a gleaming robe,
        Like those in which the Hebrew priests are clad.
510  My drooping spirits at his sight revived.     
        But while, recovering from this baleful shock,
        I gazed upon his gentle, modest air,
        Sudden I felt the sharp and deadly steel
        Plunged by the villain deep into my heart.
515  This mixture of such strange and diverse things     
        May seem the work of mere coincidence.
        I myself for a time, shamed of my fear,
        Rejected it as sombre fantasy.
        But yet by this same vision haunted still,
520  Twice as I slept it came to me in dreams.     
        And twice my harrowed eyes were visited
        By the same child ready to pierce my heart.
        Weary at last of these obsessing fears,
        I was about to offer prayer to Baal,
525  And seek repose upon his altar’s steps.     
        What cannot fear do to a mortal’s heart!
        Driven by a whim into the temple of
        The Jews, I thought I might appease their God.
        I felt that presents might assuage his wrath,
530  And mollify this God, whoe’er he be.     
        Pontiff of Baal, forgive my weakness. For
        I entered. People fled. The sacrifice
        Stopped. The high priest, enraged, advanced on me.
        Even as he spoke to me, O dread surprise!
535  I saw the very child that threatened me,     
        Just as depicted in my frightening dream.
        I saw him. The same air! the same white robe!
        His walk, his eyes, his features, all the same!
        Walking beside the high priest, it was he.
540  But soon the boy was spirited away.     
        That is the problem that detains me here
        On which I wanted to consult you both.
        What, Mattan, does this prodigy portend?


Fearful the dream and what it signifies!

545  But, Abner, you have seen this fateful child.
        What is he like? Of what race? Of what tribe?


        Two boys were at the altar ministering.
        One of them is the priest Jehoiada’s son.
        The other, I know not.


                                                   Why hesitate?
550  You must secure possession of them both.
        You know how I respect Jehoiada, and
        That I do not seek vengeance for my wrongs,
        That in my counsels equity prevails.
        But yet, would he even for a moment let
555  The offender live, were it his only son?


But what crime can a child be guilty of?


Heaven shows him with a dagger in his hand.
        Heaven, wise and just, never does aught in vain.
        What need you more?


                                    But, acting on a dream,
560  Are we to stain our swords deep in his blood?
        You know not of what father he is born,
        Or who he is.


        He’s feared. Let that suffice.
        If of illustrious parents he is sprung,
        His glorious rank should hasten on his doom.
565  If fate has placed him in the vulgar throng,     
        What matter if base blood at random flows?
        Is such a halting justice fit for kings?
        Often their safety hangs on prompt despatch;
        We hamper them by being overnice.
        Those who are suspect to them are condemned. 570


       Shame, Mattan, shame! What language for a priest!
        I, bred admidst the slaughter of the wars,
        The strict executor of kings’ decrees,
        I raise my voice to plead the wretches’ cause.
575  And you who owe to them a father’s love,     
        You, minister of peace in times of wrath,
        Cloaking your spite in spurious piety,
        Blood flows too slowly for your liking. Queen,
        You ordered me to speak without pretence.
580  What, after all, is this great cause for fear?     
        A dream, a child that your prejudging eye
        Thought, perhaps wrongly, that it recognized.


        It may well be. Perhaps I was deceived.
        Perhaps I was beguiled by empty dreams.
585  But let us look more closely at this child.     
        We must at leisure scrutinize his face.
        Let them be brought before me, both of them.


I fear –


                    You hesitate to do my will?
       Wherefore this curious unwillingness?
590  It might inspire me with the strangest doubts.
        Let them be brought here by Jehoshabeath.
        I can, when I desire speak as a queen.
        Your priests, if you would know the truth, have
        For being gratified at my restraint.
595  I know the lengths that their unbridled tongues
        Go to attack my conduct and my power.
        Yet still they live, and still their temples stand.
        My patience, though, is almost at an end.
        Let the high priest curb his fanaticism,
600  And not provoke me by a fresh affront.

Scene Six



                    Now I can speak out at last. And now
        I can reveal the full, unvarnished truth.
        Some budding monster in this temple lurks.
        Ah! Queen, wait not until this stormcloud bursts.
605  Abner was with Jehoiada ere the dawn.
        You know how much he loves his Jewish kings.
        Perhaps Jehoiada wishes in their place
        To set the child with whom heaven threatens you,
        Be he his son or not.


                                              Yes, you unseal
610  My eyes. I see what heaven warns me of.
        But I must be relieved of all my doubts.
        A child’s unlikely to conceal his thoughts;
        A single word reveals a grand design.
        Let me, dear Mattan, see him, question him.
615  You meanwhile go, and smoothly, silently,     
        Have all my Tyrian soldiers spring to arms.

Scene Seven


JEHOSHABEATH (to the two Levites)

        O! you, on these two boys so dear to us,
        Ministers of the Lord, keep careful watch.


(to Jehoshabeath)

Be reassured. I will take charge of them.


620  The more I think, the more I look at him,     
        It’s he. Again black horror grips my heart.
        Wife of Jehoiada, is this boy your son?


Who, he?


                Yes, he.


                        No, he is not my son.

This boy is he.


                        Who is your father, child?
625       Tell me, reply.


                 The heavens until this day –


And why so eager to reply for him?
        It is for him to speak.


                                      He is so young.
What explanations can you ask of him?


        His is the age of innocence. His years
630  Have not yet learned to falsify the truth.
        Let him speak out on all that touches him.


Deign, Lord, to place your wisdom on his lips.


What is your name?


                     My name’s Eliacin.


Your father?


                                        I’m an orphan, so they say,
635  And thrown into the arms of God since birth.
        I never knew who my real parents were.


You have no parents?


                     They abandoned me.


How, and since when?


                     Since ever I was born.


Do you not know at least your fatherland?


640    This temple is my home. I know naught else.


Where do they say they chanced upon you first?


Midst cruel wolves ready to fall on me.


Who brought you to this place?


                                                    A woman who,
        Unknown and nameless, was not seen again.


645    Who in your earliest years took care of you?


       When did God ever let his children starve?
        The Lord to the young ravens gives their food.
        The whole of nature shares His benefits.
        Each day I call on Him; His father’s care
650  Nourishes me from His altar’s offerings.


       What miracle disturbs and baffles me?
        The sweetness of his voice, his youth, his charm
        Make hatred imperceptibly give way
        To what? to feeling pity? Can that be?

655  This is the fearful enemy, O Queen!
        The falseness of your lying dreams is clear,
        Unless the fatal blow you trembled at
        Is but the pity that dismays you so.

ATHALIAH (to Joash and Jehoshabeath)
        You’re leaving?


                             You have heard his story. He
660     Might try your patience by a longer stay.


No, no. Come back. What is your daily task?


        I worship God; His laws are taught to me,
        And in His sacred book I learn to read.
        Already I’ve begun to write it out.

665     What says this law?


                                      God wishes to be loved.
        Blasphemy of His name He will avenge.
        He is a father to the fatherless,
        Withstands the proud, and smites the murderer.


        I see. But all the people living here,
670  What do they do?


                     They praise and bless the Lord.


Does God wish to be worshipped all the time?


All that’s profane is banished from His shrine.


What are your pleasures then?


                                 Sometimes I hand
        The high priest at the altar incense, or
675  Listen to God’s unbounded greatness sung,     
        And see the solemn order of His rites.


       What! this is all you have to pass the time?
        I pity any child so stern a fate!
        Come to my palace. See my splendour there.


680    I, and forget God’s gracious benefits? 


No, I would never force you to forget.


You do not pray to Him.


                     But you may pray.


But I would see another worshipped too.


           I would serve my God. You can serve your own.
685     Both Gods are powerful.


                                     You must fear mine.
        He is the only God, and yours is nought.


Pleasures will crowd on you when you’re with me.


The wicked’s bliss like water flows away.


Who are the wicked?


                       Ah! forgive him, Queen.
690     A child–

ATHALIAH (to Jehoshabeath)

                       I like the way you teach the boy.
        In short, Eliacin, you’ve won my heart.
        You are, it’s clear, no ordinary child.
        You see, I am a queen. I have no heir.
        Discard this lowly robe and calling. Come,
695  You may partake of my unbounded wealth.
        This very day, try out my promises.
        At table, everywhere, sit by my side,
        And I will treat you like a child of mine.


Of yours?


                       Yes. You are silent?


                       What a father
700  I would leave, and for…




                       For what a mother!

ATHALIAH (to Jehoshabeath)

        His memory is good. In all his words,
        I recognize Jehoiada’s hand and yours.
        This is how you corrupt this candid youth,
        And put to use the peace I leave you in.
705  You cultivate their fury and their hate.     
        Only with horror do you speak my name.


        Can we conceal the tale of our mishaps?
        These the world knows, and these you glory in.


       Yes, my just fury – I am proud of it –
710  Avenged my parents on my progeny.     
        I saw
my father and my brother slain,
        Down from the palace heights my mother hurled,
       And in one day slaughtered at one fell blow
       (A sight of horror) four score sons of kings.
715  And why? Some obscure prophets to avenge,
        Whose wild and lawless ravings she had curbed.
        And I, unfeeling daughter, craven queen,
        Slave of a coward’s fitful pity, I,
        Should I not have returned to this blind rage,
720  At least murder for murder, crime for crime,
        And treated all your David’s issue, even
        As you did Ahab’s poor, ill-starred remains?
        Where would I be, had I not steeled myself
        And stifled my maternal tenderness;
725  And if my hand, shedding my own son’s blood,
        Had not put down your plots by one bold stroke?
        And thus, in short, your God, implacable,
        Between our houses broke all amity.
        Yes, I loathe David’s line; and that king’s sons,
730  Though of my blood, are yet no kin of mine.


All has gone well for you. But God will judge.


        This God, your only refuge, for so long,
        What will His prophecies avail you now?
        Let him but give you this much-promised king,
735  This son of David’s line in whom you hope.
        We’ll meet again. Farewell. I leave content.
        I wished to see. I saw.

ABNER (to Jehoshabeath)

                                                                            True to my pledge,
        What you entrusted to me I restore.

Scene Eight



JEHOSHABEATH (to Jehoiada)

Heard you this overweening Queen, my lord?


740  Yes, I heard everything, and pitied you.     
        These Levites at my side stood all prepared
        To aid you, and resolved to die with you.
                                       (to Joash, embracing him)
        May God watch o’er you whose unflinching heart
        Has just borne witness to His noble name.
745  Abner, I thank you for your services.     
        Recall the hour Jehoiada waits for you.
        And we who, by this impious murderous Queen,
        Have had our eyes defiled, our prayers disturbed,
        Let us go in, and, with the blood I shed,
750  Wash even the marble that her feet have trod.

Scene Nine



       What star upon us shines today?
        What will this wondrous child grow up to be?
        For he defies her arrogant display
        Of riches: nor is led astray
755   By its imposing, dangerous spell.


       While everyone Baal’s altar seeks,
        Rushing to worship at his shrine,
A child, undaunted, publishes
        That God alone’s divine,
760  And speaks even as Elijah spoke
        Before this other Jezebel.


        Who will reveal to us your origin?
        Dear child, are you some holy prophet’s son?


        Thus, one beheld the pleasing Samuel
765  Growing within the temple of the Lord
        As he became the Hebrews’ oracle.
        May you like him, too, comfort Israel.


        O let him now rejoice,
        The child loved by the Lord,
770  Who early hears His voice
        And whom God has instructed in His word!
        Reared far from the world, he is adorned
        From birth with every excellence.
        The wicked by him scorned
775  Can never taint his innocence.


        Blesséd, blesséd the child,
        Whom God instructs and keeps still undefiled.


        As in a hidden vale confined,
        On the banks of a crystal stream
780  Grows, sheltered from the cold north wind,
        A lily, nature’s loveliest dream,
        Reared far from the world, he is adorned
        From birth with every excellence.
        The wicked by him scorned
785  Can never taint his innocence.


        Blesséd a thousand times,
        The child God makes obedient to His laws.


        Ah! Lord, how virtue at its birth
        Must vanquish perils and must walk unsure.
790  A soul that seeks you, and that would be pure,     
        Must battle endlessly.
        How many enemies make war on it.
        Your saints, God! whither can they fly?
795  The sinners cover the earth.


        Palace of David, city that he loved,     
        And famous mount where God Himself has dwelt,
        How have you drawn heaven’s anger down on you!
        Zion, dear Zion, can you suffer her,
        An impious foreigner,
        Seated alas! on the throne of your kings? 800


        Zion, dear Zion, can you suffer her,
        An impious foreigner,
        Seated alas! on the throne of your kings?

THE SAME SOLOIST (continues)

        Instead of the enchanting songs
805  In which King David poured his raptures forth     
        And blessed his God, his Father, and his Lord,
        Zion, dear Zion, can you suffer her
        And the god of this impious foreigner
810  Who now blasphemes the name your kings adored?


        How long, O Lord! how long must we behold     
        The evildoers rise against your rule?
Even in your holy place they challenge you.
        They call demented those that worship you.
        How long, O Lord! how long, must we behold
815  The evildoers rise against your rule?


        This uncouth virtue, what does it avail?
        They say. Such varied and such soft delight
        Why do you flee? Your God can do
        Nothing to help you in your fight.

820  Let us make merry, cry these evil ones.
        Flitting from flower to flower, from joy to joy,
        Let us each hour employ.
        Mad is the man who in the future trusts.
        How many fleeting years are left to us?
825  Let us make haste; enjoy life while you may.
        Will we be here tomorrow, who can say?


        Let them, O Lord! tremble and cry with fear,
        These wretched sinners who will ne’er behold
        Your holy city splendid.
830     But we to whom, Lord, you unfold
        Your wisdom, we revere
        Your greatness that endures till time is ended.


        What will remain of all these vain delights
        In which their souls are plunged. Only a dream,
835  Which they will recognize
        With terrified surprise.
        And, while the poor man finds release
        In the full sweetness of your peace,
        They will drink deeply from the bitter cup
840  That you’ll present on the dread day of wrath
        To all the guilty race.


        O grim awakening!
        O dream that leaves no trace!
        Dangerous misreckoning!


Scene One


845  Young maidens, go, and tell Jehoshabeath
        Mattan in secret would have speech with her.


Mattan! May you confound him, Lord of heaven!


They scatter – look! – and flee without a word.


Let us go in.

Scene Two



                    Stop! whither are you bound?
850  Beyond this point beware lest you advance.
        It is the holy minister’s abode,
        And from it all profane are barred by law.
        Whom do you seek? My father on this day
        Flees the idolater’s defiling sight.
855  And even now, prostrate before the Lord,
        My mother in this duty is absorbed.


        My son, be not dismayed. For we shall wait.
        It is your mother that I wish to see.
860  I come here with an order from the Queen.

Scene Three



        Their very children have their reckless pride.     
        But at this juncture what’s the Queen in mind?
        Whence this confusion in her purposes?
        Offended by Jehoiada’s insolence,
        And in a dark dream threatened by a child,
865  She was about to immolate that priest,     
        And in this shrine at last place Baal and you.
        Already you had told me of your joy,
        And I had hopes to share in this rich prey.
        What makes her so infirm of purpose?


870  These last two days she has not been herself.     
        She is no more that bold, clear-sighted Queen,
        Towering above her timorous woman’s sex,
        Who fell upon her startled enemies
        And never let the crucial moment pass.
Fear of a vain remorse unnerves her will.     
        She drifts; she wavers. In a word, she is
        A woman. I had filled her heart with gall.
        Already, stunned by heaven’s menaces,
        Herself, entrusting me with her revenge,
880  Had told me urgently to call her guards.
        But whether, brought before her, this same child,
        Abandoned by his parents, so it’s said,
        Had lessened the alarm her dream had caused,
        Or whether he had cast a spell on her,
885  I found her wrath half-hearted and unsure,
        Deferring vengeance till another day.
        All her plans seemed to war among themselves.
        ‘I’ve had inquiries made about this child,’
        I told her. ‘Now they vaunt his ancestry.
890  Jehoiada shows him to the malcontents,
        Makes skilful use of lying oracles,
        Presents him to the Jews as if he were
        Another Moses.’ At these words she flushed.
        Never did lie strike home more speedily.
895 ‘Must I repine in this uncertainty?
        Enough,’ said she, ‘enough of inner strife.
        Convey this order to Jehoshabeath.
        The fires will soon be lit; the swords be drawn.
        Nothing can save their temple from its doom
900  Unless this child’s a hostage for their word.


        Well, for a child whom they know nothing of,
        Whom chance perhaps has thrown into their arms,
Will they behold their temple overgrown


        The priest’s the most inflexible of men.
905  Ere he deliver over to my hands
        A child he consecrated to his God,
        You’ll see Jehoiada face the grimmest death.
        And their attachment to the child is clear.
        If I have understood the Queen aright,
910  The priest knows more about him than he says.
        Whoever he may be, he’ll prove their doom.
        They will withhold him. I will do the rest;
        And hope at last avenging fire and sword
915  Will free me from this odious temple’s sight.


        What can inspire in you so fierce a hate?     
        Is it the fervour that you feel for Baal?
        I – as you know, of Ishmael’s stock – I serve
        Neither the God of Israel nor Baal.


        Can you suppose that such unthinking zeal
920  Can blind me to a paltry image, to     
        A fragile piece of wood that on its shrine
        Daily the worms devour, despite my aid?
        Born as a minister to this temple’s God,
        Who knows but I would still be serving Him,
925  If love of greatness and the thirst for power     
        Could be confined within His narrow yoke.
        What need I, Nabal, recapitulate
        My famous quarrel with Jehoiada when
        I battled with him for the censer’s prize,
930  My intrigues, struggles, tears, and my despair?     
        Vanquished by him, I took another line,
        And gave my soul entirely to the court.
        By slow degrees I gained the ear of kings,
        And soon I rose to be their oracle.
935  I read their heart; I flattered their caprice.     
        I strewed with flowers the edge of the abyss;
        Nothing was sacred to me but their whim.
        My judgement veered with every word of theirs.
        Just as Jehoiada’s stark austerity
940  Grated upon their pleasure-loving ear,     
        They were enthralled by my dexterity,
        Concealing from their eyes the baleful truth,
        Putting a fair complexion on their lusts,
        And above all lavish with wretches’ blood.
945  Athaliah built a temple in the end
        To the new god that she had introduced.
        Jerusalem wept at this outrage, and
        The Levites’ band in consternation raised
        Blood-curdling wails that rent the firmament.
950  I alone, setting an example to
        The timorous Jews, welcomed this pagan move.
        Thus did I earn the triple crown of Baal,
        And, striking terror in my rival’s heart,
        With the tiara on my brow I walked
955  His equal. At the height of glory, yet,
        The nagging memory of the God I left
        Still casts a lingering terror on my soul.
        That is what stokes my raging fury’s fires.
        Happy if, wreaking vengeance on His shrine,
960  At last I prove His hate of no avail.
        And, amidst ruins, ravages and dead,
        Lose my remorse by dint of violence.
        But here’s Jehoshabeath.

Scene Four



                                     Sent by the Queen,
        To bring back calm and to dispel your hate,
965  If I now turn to you, in whom heaven placed
        So mild a soul, Princess, be not perturbed.
        A rumour I suspect of being false,
        Confirming warnings she received in dreams,
        Was opening the vials of her wrath
970  On the high priest, accused of dangerous plots.
        I do not wish to vaunt my services.
        Jehoiada is, I know, unjust to me.
        But we must render good for evil. Thus,
        I come to you laden with words of peace.

975  Live. Celebrate your feastdays undisturbed.     
        She wants a pledge of your obedience, though.
        It is – I tried in vain to put her off –
        It is the orphan child she says she saw.




            I am somewhat ashamed.
980  She makes too much, perhaps, of a mere dream.     
        But you proclaim yourselves her mortal foes
        Unless this child is given to me at once.
985  The Queen, impatient, waits for your reply.


This is the peace she sends you to announce!


        Can you, even for a moment, hesitate?     
        Is peace by this compliance dearly bought?


        Strange would it be if now, discarding guile,
        You overcame your innate wickedness;
        If the deviser of such evil deeds
        Could be the author of the slightest good. 990


        Why this complaining? Have we come in wrath
        To wrench your Zechariah from your arms?
        Who is this other child so dear to you?
        I too find this attachment curious.
995  Is he for you a treasure of such price?     
        Is he a heaven-sent deliverer?
        Think well, for your refusal may confirm
        A rumour that already is abroad.


What rumour?


                       That the child’s of noble birth

1000     And the high priest has great designs for him.


And since this rumour fans your anger’s fire –


        It is for you to show me I am wrong.
        I know that you, implacably opposed
        To lying, would give up your very life

1005          If to continue living were to cost
        A single syllable against the truth.
        Have you no clue to the boy’s origin?
        Does utter darkness, then, enfold his race?
        And you yourself, do you not know his stock,

1010          Or from whose hands Jehoiada took him? Speak.
        I’m listening and shall take you at your word.
        Princess, do honour to the God you serve.


        Ungodly priest! how dare you thus to name
        A God you teach your hearers to blaspheme.

1015          How can your lips bear witness to His truth,
        You, sitting in the seat of pestilence,
        Where falsehood reigns and spreads its poison, you,
        Reared in imposture and in treachery?

Scene Five



         Where am I? Is not this the priest of Baal?
1020 Daughter of David, can you speak to him?     
         You let him speak to you, and do not fear
         That from the wide abyss beneath his feet
         Will issue flames that straight will burn you up,
         And that these walls will fall and crush you both?
1025 What does he want, this enemy of God,     
         Who has the impudence to foul this air?


        How like Jehoiada is this violence!
         But he should show more prudence, and respect
         A queen, nor offer outrage to the man
1030 Whom she has deigned to choose as messenger.


        Well then, what baleful tidings does she send,
         And what the ghastly order brought by you?


I have informed your wife of the Queen’s will.


        Get thee behind me, impious fiend! Go, fill
1035  Beyond the brim the cup of horror. God     
         Prepares to join you to the race forsworn –
         Abiran, Dathan, Doeg, Achitophel.
         The dogs to whom he threw down Jezebel,
         Waiting until his wrath descends on you,
         Are at the door and clamour for their prey. 1040

MATTAN (disconcerted)

        Before the dusk, you’ll see which of us two
         Will be – Let’s leave.


                                  But whither do you stray?
         What wild confusion stuns your troubled mind?
         This is your way.

Scene Six



                      The storm’s about to break.

1045           The frenzied Queen demands Eliacin.
         Already, people have begun to pierce
         The mystery of his birth, and your designs.
         His father was by Mattan all but named.


Who can have told Mattan the secret? Who?

1050     Did your confusion not disclose too much?


         I strained my every nerve to master it.
         Meanwhile, believe me, danger is at hand.
         Let us preserve this child for happier times,
         And, while the wicked plot among themselves,

1055          Before he is surrounded, snatched from us,
         Let us conceal him for a second time.
         The gates, the roads are open to him still.
         Must we transport him to the desert’s waste?
         I am prepared. I know a secret way,

1060          By which, unnoticed and invisible,
         Crossing with him the torrent Kidron, I
         Can reach the desert where King David once
         In tears, seeking like us safety in flight,
         Avoided his
rebellious son’s pursuit.
1065  Lions and bears are far less terrible… 
         But why refuse the aid that Jehu gives?
         This is perhaps the answer to our prayers.
         Let us entrust the boy to Jehu. We
         Can take him to his realm this very day,
1070  For to Samaria the way is short.     
         Jehu has no inexorable heart,
         And David’s name finds favour in his eyes.
         Lives there so cruel or so harsh a king,
         Unless his mother was a Jezebel,
1075  Who would not pity such a suppliant?     
         Is not his cause the cause of every king?


        What timid counsels dare you offer me?
         How can you place your trust in Jehu’s aid?


        Does God forbid all foresight or concern?
1080  Would you not err by overconfidence?     
         And, using mortals for his sacred ends,
         Did God not place weapons in Jehu’s hand?


        Jehu, chosen in His wisdom by the Lord,
         Jehu, in whom I see you place your trust,
1085  Has proved unmindful of heaven’s benefits.     
         Jehu leaves Ahab’s daughter undisturbed,
         Follows where Israel’s faithless kings have trod,
         Keeping the temples of the golden calf;
        And, last, in the high places Jehu dares

1090          To offer incense God cannot abide.
         He has, to serve God’s cause, and right God’s wrongs,
         Neither pure heart nor hands unstained enough.
         No. Let us to the Lord alone cleave fast.
         And, far from hiding our Eliacin,

1095          Place on his head the royal diadem.
         I shall even now advance the destined hour
         Before Mattan can hatch his baleful plots.

Scene Seven

(followed by the chorus and by several Levites)


Well, Azariah, is the temple closed?


I myself saw the closing of the doors.


1100     No one remains but your armed priests and you?


        Twice round the sacred courts I made my way.
         All fled, dispersing without turning back,
         Like wretched sheep sent scattering by fear,
         And God is by his Levites served alone.

1105           Ah! never since the Jewish people fled
         From Egypt did such terror strike their hearts.


Nation of cowards, born for slavery,
         Bold against God alone. Let us pursue
1110  Our work. But what detains these children here?


How can we part from you, my lord? Are we     
         Strangers within the temple of our God?
         Our fathers, brothers – all are by your side.


Alas! if to avenge Israel’s disgrace
         Our hands can not, as Jael did of old,
1115  Pierce the foul forehead of God’s enemies,     
         We can at least offer our lives to Him.
         When you are fighting for His temple’s cause,
         We can at least invoke Him by our tears.


These then, eternal Wisdom, are Your troops!
1120  Priests, children, arming to defend Your cause!     
         If You are with them, who can make them quail?
         You can recall us, even from the tomb.
         You strike and cure, You ruin and revive.
         Secure, not in their own deserts, but in
1125  Your name so frequently invoked for them,     
         Your oaths sworn to the holiest of their kings,
         And in this temple where Your dwelling is,
         Which will endure for ever like the sun.
         But why this sacred fear that grips my heart?
1130  Is it the Spirit that comes over me?     
         It is. It warms me, speaks to me. Before
         My eyes the obscure centuries unfold.
         Levites, lend me your music’s harmonies,
         And serve the inspiration of my soul.

1135(sing to the sound of the whole orchestra)

Let the voice of the Lord be heard,     
         And on our hearts His holy word
         Fall as there falls upon the lawn
         In spring the freshness of the dawn.


Ye heavens, give ear to me, and hear, O earth!

1140     Jacob, say not the Lord is slumbering.
         Sinners, begone from hence. The Lord awakes.
(Here the orchestra begins anew, and Jehoiada at once starts to speak again)
         How is the fine gold changed to basest lead?
Who is the priest slain in the holy place?
         Weep, weep, Jerusalem, deceitful town,

1145     O you! who kill the prophets of the Lord,
         God is divested of His love for you.
         Your incense is polluted in His eyes.
These women, children, whither take you them?
         The Lord has laid the queen of cities low,

1150     Its kings rejected, and its priests enchained.
         God will have none of your appointed feasts.
         O mighty cedar trees, burst into flames.
    Temples, collapse!
         City, what hand has ravaged all your charms?

1155     O that my eyes were as two founts of tears
    To weep for your mishaps!


O holy temple!




                                                                      God of Zion!
         Recall your ancient kindnesses to it.
(The orchestra begins once again, and Jehoiada, a moment later, interrupts it)


What new Jerusalem ascends
1160  From out the desert in a blaze of light,     
         With, on its forehead, an immortal mark?
         Sing, peoples of the earth!
         Jerusalem is born again.
         Whence come from every side
1165  These children that it did not bear?     
         Lift up, Jerusalem, lift up your head.
         See all these kings astounded by your fame.
         Kings of the nations shall bow down to you
         And kiss the dust from off your feet.
1170  The nations vie in marching to the light.     
         Happy the man who feels his soul inflamed
         With Zion’s holy zeal.
         Skies, shed your dew, and earth
1175  Give your Redeemer birth.


But whence will come this signal favour if     
The kings from whom the Saviour must descend –


Prepare, Jehoshabeath, the diadem
         Which David bore himself upon his brow.
                                (to the Levites)
         And you, to arm yourselves, come, follow me
1180  To where lies hidden, far from the profane,     
         This terrible array of swords and spears
         Which once were drenched with blood of Philistines,
         And which victorious David, crowned with years,
         Had consecrated to his Saviour, God.
1185  Can they be wielded for a nobler aim?     
         Come, I will share these weapons out myself.

Scene Eight



        What fears, my sisters, and what wild alarms!
         Are these, Almighty God, the offering,
         The first-fruits and the perfumes we

1190     Were to have placed upon your shrine today?


        What grim sight strikes our timid eyes!
         Who would have thought that we would see
         The murderous sword, the deadly spear
         Gleam in the house of peace?


1195          Why, in this peril is Jerusalem
         Indifferent and silent for its God?
         Why sisters, to protect us all
         And break the silence, is not Abner here?


Ah! in a court that has no other choice

1200           Than force and violence,
         Office and honours are
         The prize for blind and crawling deference.
         Sisters, for sad-eyed innocence
         Who would dare raise his voice?


1205           In this dire peril and in this turmoil
         For whom do they prepare the diadem?


        The Lord has deigned to speak.
         But what He to His prophet has revealed
         Who can explain to us?
1210  Does He arm as our certain shield?     
         Does He arm to undo us all?


        O promise! menace! darkest mystery!
         What blessings, what misfortunes are foretold!
         How can such wrath be reconciled
1215  With so much love? 


        Zion will be no more. A cruel flame
         Will raze its temples to the ground.


        God watches over Zion. And it rests
         Upon His everlasting word.


I see its brilliance melt before my eyes. 1220


I see its light shining throughout the world.


Zion is swallowed in a deep abyss.


Zion’s head towers to the heavens.


What sad abasement!


                                                                                    Glory without end!


1225     Ah! cries of woe!


                                                                   What songs of victory!


        Be no more troubled, for one day our God
         Will this great mystery unveil.


        Let us revere His wrath.
         Let us trust in His love.


1230          Who can disturb the peace,
         God, of a heart that loves the Lord?
         It seeks in all to do His will supreme
            And never seeks reward.
         On earth, in heaven itself

1235        Can any joy surpass the peace that reigns
       In hearts that love the Lord?


Scene One



        Eliacin, with slow majestic gait,
         With Zechariah and his mother comes.
         What do they carry, sister, in these veils?
         What is this sword that marches at their head? 1240

JEHOSHABEATH (to Zechariah)

        My son, place on the table reverently
         The dreaded volume of our holy law.
         And you too, dear Eliacin, lay down
         This diadem beside the book divine.
1245  Levite, Jehoiada orders you to place     
         Beside the crown the sword that David bore.


        Princess, what is this novel spectacle?
         Wherefore this book, this sword, this diadem?
         Since God received me in His temple here,
         Never such preparations have I seen. 1250


Your doubts, my son, will soon be all dispelled.


        You try this diadem upon my brow?
         Beware lest you profane its sanctity.
         Recall the mighty king who wore it once.
         A wretched child abandoned to the bears – 1255

JEHOSHABEATH (trying the diadem on him)

No more. I merely do as I am bid.


        But I hear sobbing issue from your lips!
         You’re crying. Why? Whom are you sorry for?
         Am I today as a burnt offering,

1260           Like Jephthah’s daughter, by my sacrifice
         Destined to assuage the anger of the Lord?
         A father can demand all from his son.


        Here is the man who’ll tell you heaven’s will.
         Fear nought. And we, let us go hence.

Scene Two


JOASH (running into the high priest’s arms)

1265     My father!


                                                                             Well, my son?


                                                                                                         What is afoot?


        It is but right, my son, that you should know.
         You must, before the others, be informed
         Of God’s designs for you and for His race.
         Arm yourself with new courage and new faith.

1270         Now is the time to show that ardent zeal
         Which I have deep implanted in your heart,
         And to repay to God what’s due to Him.
1275  Are you possessed by such a noble urge?


I will, if God desires, give Him my life.


        Oft have you heard the story of our kings.     
         Do you recall, my son, to what strict laws
         A king that’s worthy must subject himself?


        A righteous king, God has Himself declared,
         Puts not his trust in riches and in gold.
1280  He fears the Lord, and keeps before his eyes     
         His precepts, His stern judgements, and His laws,
         And does not make his brothers sweat beneath
         A heavy burden.


                         If you had to choose
         Which king would you, my son, resemble?


1285  David, full of devotion for the Lord,     
         Seems to me the ideal of a king.


         And so you will not follow wickedness
1290  Like Joram, Ahaziah, and the rest.


O father! I –


                                                                                       Go on. What do you feel?


Perish whoever may resemble them!     
(Jehoiada prostrates himself at his feet)
         Why do you thus abase yourself to me?


         I do you reverence, Joash, as my king.
         Be worthy of your forebear – David.




           You’ll learn by what a signal grace

1295           God, thwarting mad Athaliah’s dark designs,
         When in your breast her dagger had struck home,
         Chose you, and from the slaughter rescued you.
         You have not yet escaped her furious rage.
         With the same ardour that she tried to kill

1300           The last of her son’s progeny in you,
         Her cruel heart, resolved upon your death,
         Pursues you still despite your altered name.
         But I, under your banners, have arrayed
         Forces that thirst to battle for your cause.

1305           Come in, chiefs of the sacred families,
         Who hold in turns the priestly ministry.

Scene Three


JEHOIADA (continues)

These will avenge you on your enemies.
1310  Priests, here is the king I promised you.


Why, it’s Eliacin!


What! this sweet child –


         He is the lawful heir of Judah’s kings,     
         The last of ill-starred Ahaziah’s sons,
         Reared, as you know, as Joash. Everyone,
         All Judah, pitying, like you, the fate
         Of this frail flower cut down before his time,
1315  Thought him enveloped in his brothers’ death.     
         The treacherous blade struck him to earth like them.
         God turned aside from him this deadly blow,
         Kept the last spark of vigour in his heart,
         And let my wife elude the murderers,
1320  Carry him off all bleeding on her breast,     
         And me, the sole accomplice of her theft,
         Hide in the temple both the nurse and child.


         Father, how can I ever make return
1325  For so much love, so many benefits?


         Keep for another time this gratitude.     
              (to the Levites)
         Here then is your new king; your only hope;
         I have preserved him for you, till this day.
         Servants of God, the last act is for you.
         Soon will the murderous child of Jezebel,
1330  Learning that Joash here is still alive,     
         Return to plunge him back into the tomb.
         Already, without knowing him, she seeks
         To slaughter him. You must forestall her rage.
         Finish the shameful bondage of the Jews,
1335  Avenge your princes’ death, restore your law,     
         And force both tribes to recognize their king.
         The enterprise is great and perilous.
         It’s to attack an overweening queen,
         Beneath whose banner march unnumbered hordes

1340           f reckless foreigners and turncoat Jews.
         In God whose interest guides me is my strength.
         Remember, in this child all
Israel dwells!
         Already an avenging God begins
         To cloud her mind. I have, outwitting her,

1345           Assembled you. She thinks us here unarmed.
         Let us proclaim and crown young Joash now.
         Then, valiant soldiers of our newfound prince,
         March, calling on the Lord of Battles’ name,
         And, stirring faith anew in slumbering hearts,

1350           Even in her palace seek our enemy.
         And what faint hearts plunged in a craven sleep,
         Seeing us in this holy band come on,
         Will not at once fall into step and fight?
         A king that in His temple God has reared,

1355           Aaron’s successor, followed by his priests,
         Leading the sons of Levi on to war
         Who hold in their own hands the arms revered
         That David consecrated to the Lord.
         God will spread terror on his enemies.

1360           Wade staunchly in the blood of infidels.
         Cut down the Tyrians; smite the Israelites.
         Are you not sprung of those famed Levites who,
         When fickle Israel in the wilderness
         Sinned bowing down before the golden calf,

1365           Pious assassins of their nearest kin,
         Hallowed their hands in blood of infidels,
         And won for you the honour, by that deed,
         To serve alone the altars of the Lord?
         But even now you burn to follow me.

1370           Swear, above all, upon this sacred book
         To the king heaven restores to you this day
         To live, to battle and to die for him.


         We swear for all our brothers and ourselves
         To place King Joash on his father’s throne,
1375  And not lay down the sword placed in our hands     
         Till he’s avenged on all his enemies.
         If one of us should fail to keep his pledge,
         May he, O Lord! feel Thy avenging wrath.
         May he and his, their birthright lost to them,
         Be as the dead whom You no longer know. 1380

JEHOIADA (to Joash)

         And you by this, your never failing rule,
         Swear to abide until your dying day.


How could I not be guided by that law?


         My son – I still dare call you by that name –
1385  Suffer my fondness and forgive these tears     
         Drawn from me by my justified alarm.
         Reared far from the throne, alas! you know
         Naught of the poison of its baleful spell,
         Naught of the heady joys of boundless power,
1390  And the beguiling voice of flatterers.     
         Soon they will tell you the most sacred laws,
         Fit for the lowly herd, must bow to kings;
         That nothing but your will need hold you back;
         That to your greatness everything must yield;
1395  The people are condemned to tears and toil,     
         And by a rod of iron must be ruled;
         If not oppressed, it will one day oppress.
         And thus from snare to snare, to the abyss,
         Leading astray the candour of your youth,
1400  They in the end will make you hate the truth     
         And paint you virtue in a hideous guise.
         Alas! they have depraved even Solomon.
         Swear on this book before these witnesses
         Always to put your God above all else;

1405           Scourge of the wicked, haven of the good,
         You will as judge between the poor and you,
         Take God; for once, clad in the linen coat,
         Like them you were an orphan, and were poor,


I swear to follow what the law ordains.

1410     Punish me, Lord, if I forsake your ways.


         Let us anoint you now with holy oil.
         Come in, Jehoshabeath. You may appear.

Scene Four


JEHOSHABEATH (embracing Joash)

King! son of David!


           You’re my mother. You!
         Embrace your brother, Zechariah, come.

JEHOSHABEATH (to Zechariah)

1415     My son, fall prostrate at your new king’s feet.

JEHOIADA (while they embrace)

May you live always so in amity.


And so you know the blood from which you spring?


Yes, and I know whose hand you saved me from.


Then I may call you, Joash, by your name.


Joash will never cease from loving you. 1420


What! That is…



(enter a Levite)

                                                                                                Levite. Quick. Report.

Scene Five



         I know not what is planned against the Lord,
         But bronzen arms resound on every side.
         Amidst the standards leaps the gleam of fires.
1425  Athaliah, it is sure, musters her hordes.     
         Already every road to help is closed.
         The sacred mount on which the temple stands
swaggering Tyrians is encircled round.
         With blasphemies, one of these men revealed:
         Abner, in chains, cannot defend us now. 1430


         Dear child, by heaven in vain restored to me,
         Alas! to save you what have I not done?
         David, your father, is by God forgot.

JEHOIADA (to Jehoshabeath)

What, fear you not to draw His anger down

1435           On you and on this child so dear to Him?
         And, even if God, calling him back to Him,
         Willed the extinction of all David’s house,
         Are you not on the sacred mountain where
         Abraham raised against his innocent son,

1440           Without a murmur, an obedient hand,
         And, offering his old age’s progeny,
         Left it to God to keep His promises,
         And sacrificed with this beloved son –
         An only child – the future of his race.

1445           Let us divide our forces. Ishmael, you
         Will guard the side that faces to the east.
         You, north. You, west. And you, the south. Let none
         Through rash, imprudent zeal disclose my plans,
         Be he a Levite or a priest, and let

1450           None sally forth in haste before the time.
         Lastly, let all, by the same spirit moved,
         Guard to the death the place assigned to them.
         In his blind rage, the foe considers us
         As wretched sheep bound for the slaughterhouse,

1455           And thinks to find but fear and disarray.
         Let Azariah now escort the King!

                   (to Joash)

         Come hither, scion of a valiant race.
         Fill with new daring those defending you.
         Before their eyes put on the diadem.

1460     Perish, if you must perish, as a king.

           (to Jehoshabeath – and then to a Levite)

         Follow this man. And you, give me these arms.
         You, children, offer up to God your tears.

Scene Six



         Forth, sons of Aaron, go.
         Never did greater issue steel
1465  Your forebears’ zeal.     
         Forth, sons of Aaron, go.
         It is your King, your God, for whom you fight.


         Where are the mighty thunderbolts,
         That You, in righteous anger, launch?
1470  Are You the jealous God no more?     
         Are You no more the God of Vengeance, Lord?


         Where, God of Jacob, is Your loving-kindness now?
         In the dark horror all around,
         Do You hear only our offences’ sound?
         Are You no more the God of Mercy, Lord?


Where, God of Jacob, is your loving-kindness now?


         It is to You that in this war
         The arrows of the wicked are addressed.
         ‘Let us’, they say, ‘suppress
1480  God’s festivals on earth.     
         Let us deliver mortals from His yoke,
         Massacre all His saints, destroy His shrines,
         That of His glory, of His name,
         All trace be blotted out,

1485     And neither He nor His Anointed reign.’


         Where are the mighty thunderbolts
         That you, in righteous anger, launch?
         Are you the jealous God no more?
         Are you no more the God of Vengeance, Lord?


1490           Sad remnants of our kings,
         The last dear blossom of so fair a stem.
         Alas! beneath a cruel mother’s knife
         Are we to see you fall a second time?
         Sweet prince, say, did some angel at your birth

1495           Defend your life against your murderers?
         Or were your ashes by the living God
         In the dark tomb revived?


         God! must a father’s or a grandsire’s sins,
         Must their revolt be visited on him?

1500     And must your pity always pass him by?


         Where, God of Jacob, is your loving-kindness now?
         Are You no more the God of Mercy, Lord?

         Dear sisters, hear you not
         The Tyrians’ fearful trumpet sound to war?


1505          I even hear the troops’ barbarian cry,
         And shudder with affright.
         Let us fly, quick, let us withdraw
         To the protective night
         Of the dread sanctuary.


Scene One



Well! Zechariah, what can you report? 1510


         Redouble to the Lord your ardent prayer.
         It may well be that our last hour is near.
         For the grim fight, sister, the order’s given.


And Joash?


          Joash has even now been crowned.
1515  The high priest has anointed him with oil.     
         O heavens! what gladness shone in every eye
         To see this king delivered from the grave.
         Where the knife struck, one still can see the marks.
         We saw before us pass the faithful nurse,
1520  Who in the bowels of this vast edifice     
         Guarded the boy committed to her care –
         God and my mother her sole witnesses.
         Our Levites with emotion and delight
         Wept, mingling sobs and gladness in their cries.
1525  He midst these transports, modest, affable,     
         Shook hands with one, upon another smiled,
         Swore to be guided by their honest vows,
         And called each one his father or his friend.


And has this secret now been spread abroad?


1530           It is confined within the temple’s bounds.
         The sons of Levi, variously assigned,
         In deepest silence guard the temple’s doors.
         All of them must rush forward like one man,
         And, as a signal, cry: ‘Long live the king.’

1535           But Joash is forbidden to take part.
         To guard him Azariah stays behind.
         Meanwhile the Queen, a dagger in her hand,
         Mocks the weak ramparts of our doors of bronze,
         And waits for her machines of death to break

1540           Them down. She’s breathing ruin, fire and blood.
         Sister, some priests at once proposed to hide
         At least the Ark of Israel’s covenant
         Deep in a hollow that our fathers dug.
         ‘Insulting, groundless fear,’ my father said.

1545           ‘The Ark that brought so many towers low
         And forced the Jordan to retrace its course,
         So oft victorious o’er the nations’ gods,
         Must it now flee a woman’s insolence?’
         My mother, near the king, in mortal fear,

1550           Her eye now on the altar, now the prince,
         Silent, and sinking under the suspense,
         Would draw salt tears from even the stoniest eyes.
         The King from time to time embraces her,
         And comforts her. Dear sisters, follow me,

1555           And, if our King must meet his fate today,
         Come, let us in that death be linked with him.


         What shameless hand is hammering at the door?
         What makes these Levites now run to and fro?
         And what precaution makes them hide their arms?

1560     What! is the temple forced?


                        Be not alarmed:

God sends us Abner.

Scene Two



                                       Do I see aright?
         Abner? How did you find a way to us
         Through the vast army that besieges us?
         For Ahab’s sacrilegious daughter had,
1565’Twas said, to further her inhuman plans,     
         Laden with shameful chains your noble hands.


         It’s true. She feared my courage and my zeal;
         But that’s the least reward reserved for me.
         In a grim dungeon locked by her command,
1570  I waited till, the temple burnt to ash,     
         She came, by seas of blood still unassuaged,
         To free me from a life unbearable
         That should have been a thousand times abridged
         By grief at living longer than my kings.


Your pardon – by what miracle obtained? 1575


         God alone sees into this cruel heart.
         She sent for me, and, with distracted mien:
         ‘You see this temple circled by my troops.
         Avenging swords will raze it to the ground.
1580  Your God cannot defend it against me.     
         His priests, however – but you must make haste –
         On two conditions can redeem themselves.
         Eliacin must be delivered up
         With treasures I am sure are known to them,

1585           That once by your King David were amassed
         And given the high priest, sworn to secrecy.
         Go, tell them they may live, but at this price.’


What course, dear Abner, think you we should take?


Why, all the gold of David, if it’s true

1590           You keep some secret treasure of the King,
         And all things rich and rare that you have still
         Saved from the clutches of this grasping Queen,
         Give them. Would you desire foul murderers
         To break the altar, burn the cherubim,

1595           And, desecrating with their hand the Ark,
         Defile the sanctuary with your blood?


         But would it, friend, befit a noble heart
         To send to death a poor, unhappy child,
         A child that God Himself entrusts to me,

1600     And thus to buy our safety with his life?


         Alas! God sees my heart. Almighty God,
         Let but the Queen forget this child, and let
         Her cruelty, content with Abner’s blood,
         Thereby placate the heavens that torture her.

1605           But what avails him all your vain concern?
         If all should perish, will he die the less?
         Does God command you the impossible?
         Once in obedience to a tyrant’s laws,
         Moses, abandoned to the river Nile,

1610           Was almost at his birth condemned to die;
         But God, preserving him against all hope,
         Caused that same tyrant to adopt the child.
         Who knows what lies in store for him, if God,
         Tracing for him an equal destiny,

1615  Has not already touched with pity’s dint     
         The implacable assassin of our kings.
         At least – Jehoshabeath has seen it too –
         Just now standing before him, she was moved.
         I saw the violence of her wrath abate.
                                      (to Jehoshabeath)
1620  But in this danger you are silent! What!     
         For a mere stranger, for a child, you let
         Jehoiada, to no purpose, send to death
         You, his son, all these priests, and let the fire
         Burn the one place where God desires to be
1625  Adored. Would you do more were this young child     
         Sprung from the Hebrew kings, your ancestors?

JEHOSHABEATH (aside to Jehoiada)

You see his deep devotion to his kings.
         Why not speak out?


                                                                           The time is not yet come.


           It is much later than you think, my lord.
1630  While you’re uncertain as to your reply,     
         Mattan, flashing with rage, implores the Queen
         To give the signal for the massacre.
         Must I fall at your venerated feet?
         Ah! by the Ark, open to you alone,
1635  In which there dwells the majesty of God,     
         However harsh the terms imposed on you,
         Try to avert this unexpected blow.
         Give me only the shortest breathing space.
         Tomorrow, this same night, I shall take steps
1640  To make the temple safe, avenge God’s wrongs.     
         But, as I see, my tears, my arguments
         Avail but little in persuading you.
         Your austere virtue is unmoved by them.
         Well, then, find me some sword, and, where the foe

1645           Lies waiting for me at the temple’s doors,
         Let Abner die at least a soldier’s death.


         I yield, and take the course that you propose.
         Let us ward off this many-headed threat.
         It’s true we have King David’s treasure here.

1650           It was committed to my faithful care –
         The last hope of the poor despairing Jews –
         That I concealed far from the light of day.
         But, since you must reveal it to your Queen,
         Our doors will open. She will be content.

1655           Let her come in with her most valiant chiefs,
         But let her from our holy altars bar
         The unbridled fury of an alien rout.
         Spare me the horror of the temple’s sack.
         Can children give her umbrage, or can priests?

1660           Settle her escort’s number with the Queen.
         As for this child, so dreaded and so feared,
         I know you are an honourable man.
         I in her presence shall explain his birth,
         And you shall judge between the Queen and him.


1665           I shall even now take him beneath my wing.
         From this time on, I will protect the boy.
         Fear nought. I haste to her who sent me here.

Scene Three



Great God! now is your hour. Your prey is here.
         Listen, dear Ishmael.
                             (He whispers to Ishmael)


                                                                            Mighty Lord of Heaven,
1670  Cover her eyes, as once you covered them     
         When you deprived her of her crime’s reward,
         And hid this tender victim in my breast.


         Go, Ishmael, quickly. There’s no time to lose.
         Follow these firm commands in every point,
1675  And, as she enters in and passes by,     
         Let everything breathe the profoundest calm.
         Children, prepare a throne for Joash; then
         Let him, leading his priestly soldiers on,
         Advance. Send, too, for his devoted nurse.
1680  But Princess, dry the river of your tears. 
                            (to a Levite)
         You, once Athaliah, drunk with feverish pride,
         Has crossed the threshold of the temple door,
         Let there be no more going back for her.
         See that at once the martial trumpet’s sound
1685  Spreads sudden fear throughout the enemy.     
         Summon the people to their King’s defence;
         Let the astounding news ring in their ears –
         The miracle that Joash is preserved.
         He comes.

Scene Four


JEHOIADA (continues)

                                                             O sacred Levites, priests of God,
1690  Surround this place, but do not show yourselves.     
         Letting your ardour be controlled by me,
         Wait to appear until I call on you.
                      (They all hide)
         King – I believe this hope is justified –
         Come and behold your foes fall at your feet.

1695           She whose wild rage pursued you as a child
         Hither, to compass your destruction, strides.
         But fear her not. Remember, all around,
         The angel of the Lord stands guard on us.
         Ascend your throne and then.… But look, the door…

1700     Allow me for a time to draw this veil.

(He draws a curtain)

Your colour changes.


                                                                          Without turning pale,
         Can I see cut-throats fill the temple? What!
         Do you not see this escort numberless…?


I see the temple door swing to again.

1705     Everything’s safe.

Scene Five


ATHALIAH (to Jehoiada)

                                                               Ah! rebel, there you are,
         Vile instigator of subversive plots,
         Who only in disorder put your trust,
         Supreme authority’s relentless foe.
         You placed reliance on your God’s support.

1710           A futile hope! Are you now undeceived?
         He leaves your life and temple in my power.
         And on the altar where you sacrifice
         I ought… But I must take what’s offered me.

         What you have promised, think to execute.
1715  This child, this treasure to be given up,     
         Where are they?


                                                                   You will straight be satisfied.

Together they will be revealed to you.

                                                            (The curtain is drawn back)

Come forth, O worthy scion of our kings!
         Behold our holiest monarch’s heir. At least
1720  You recognize the marks your dagger left.     
         Here is your King, here Ahaziah’s son.
         Do homage to him, all, and Abner, you,
         As well.



ATHALIAH (to Jehoiada)



                                                                                    Do you see this nurse,
         Who, as you know, suckled him at that time?
1725  My wife from your mad frenzy bore him off.     
         This temple hid him. God watched over him.
         Of David’s treasures none but this remains.


         Your crime will be this child’s undoing. From
         An odious phantom, troops, deliver me.


1730         Troops of the living God, defend your King.

(At this point, the back of the stage opens. The inside of the temple becomes visible, and armed Levites emerge from all sides on to the stage)


         Where am I? Treason! O unhappy Queen!
         By arms and foes I am encompassed round.


         You search in vain. For there is no escape.
         And God on every side envelops you.

1735           This God you braved has given you o’er to us.
         Account to Him for all the blood you’ve shed.


         What! fear has chilled my wretched soldiers’ hearts.
         Dastardly Abner, you have trapped me.



God is my witness…


                                                                             Wretch! forget your God.

1740     Avenge me.

ABNER (throwing himself at Joash’s feet)

Upon whom? Joash, my King?


         He, Joash? he your King? Think, traitors, think.
         My arms still hold you in an iron ring.
         I hear my army calling me. They come
1745  To rescue me. Tremble, rebellious band.

Scene Six


ISHMAEL (to Jehoiada)

         The temple’s free; its enemies no more;     
         The foreigners in flight; the Jews submit.
         As smoke is scattered in the air by wind,
         The Almighty’s voice has driven off this host.
         Our Levites from our sacred courts on high
1750  The son of Ahaziah have proclaimed,     
         His childhood rescue from the murderers’ sword,
         And Ahab’s daughter fallen into the snare.
         The trumpet sounded on all sides at once.
         This and their cries in the astounded camp
1755  Spread the confusion and the sudden fear     
         With which once Gideon smote the Midianite.
         The Tyrians, casting arms and shields away,
         By devious ways were first to disappear.
         Some panic-stricken Jews as well took flight.
1760  But all the rest, marvelling at God’s designs,     
         For Joash loudly have declared themselves.
         In short, the people with one mind rejoice.
         Women, and children and old men embrace,
         Bless God, and bless the ruler sent by Him.
1765  All sing of David’s son restored to life.     
         Baal in this holy city is abhorred.
         His temple’s doors are smashed. Mattan is slain.


         God of the Jews, you conquer. Yes, it’s he!
         Vain is my effort to deceive myself.
1770  I see the mark left where I had him stabbed.     
         It’s Ahaziah’s bearing, gesture, face.
         All conjures up a line that I detest.
         And David triumphs. Ahab is destroyed.
         Pitiless God! yours was the guiding hand,

1775           You, who, with easy vengeance luring me,
         Set me against myself perpetually.
         Now for a child arousing my remorse,
         Now dazzling me with treasures and with gold
         I feared to give to pillage and the flames.

1780           Let him reign then, your son, your handiwork,
         And, to inaugurate his empire, bid
         Him plunge his dagger deep into my breast.
         His mother dying wishes this for him.
         Wishes? Nay, flatters herself, firmly hopes

1785           That, restive to your yoke, tired of your law,
         Faithful to Ahab’s blood received from me,
         Even as his grandsire, like his father too,
         David’s accursed heir will quite destroy
         Your honour, violate your altars, and

1790           Avenge Athaliah, Ahab, Jezebel.


         Drag her at once from out the temple’s bounds
         So that its sanctity be not profaned.
         Holy avengers of your murdered kings,
         Go and appease their blood that cries aloud.

1795           And anyone who dares espouse her cause
         Deliver to the fury of the sword.

Scene Seven



         God, who behold my sorely troubled heart,
         Avert her malediction far from me.
         Grant it may never come to pass, O Lord!

1800     If ever I forget You, let me die.


        Summon the people. Show them all their King.
         Let them swear new allegiance to his throne.
         King, priests, and people full of gratitude,
         Let us confirm our covenant with God,
1805  And, with a heart that’s truly penitent,     
         Vow to commit ourselves to Him afresh.
         Abner, resume your place beside the King.

Scene Eight


JEHOIADA (to the Levite)

Has justice on this impious Queen been done?


         The sword has purged the horror of her life.
1810  Jerusalem, that long had borne her rage,     
         At last delivered from her odious yoke,
         Rejoices as she lies steeped in her blood.


         From this grim end, the sanction of her crimes,
         Learn, and do not forget, King of the Jews,
1815  Kings have a judge in heaven, virtue a shield,     
         And there’s a father to the fatherless.