Chapter Review

  1. There are three rhythms that are always irregularly irregular. These are _______ __________, ___________ _______ _________, and ____________ ________ ___________.

  2. MAT is caused by at least three ectopic atrial pacemakers and has a rate of greater than 100 BPM. True or False.

  3. The rates in MAT never go above 150 BPM. True or False.

  4. Fusion often occurs in MAT between P waves and T waves. Occasionally, fusion between P waves and QRS complexes can also occur. True or False.

  5. Aberrantly conducted complexes are rarely seen in MAT. True or False.

  6. A rhythm strip shows MAT with a heart rate that is variable throughout. In one section, the rate is 80 BPM. In another, the rate is about 225 BPM. Most of the strip is about 150 BPM. What is the overall rate of the strip?

A. 80 BPM

B. 120 BPM

C. 150 BPM

D. 225 BPM

  7. Aberrancy is usually of a _______ bundle branch block morphology.

  8. MAT is usually found in patients with COPD or respiratory failure. True or False.

  9. MAT is found only in patients with COPD or respiratory failure. True or False.

10. MAT usually resolves when the underlying condition is corrected. True or False.