1. A rhythm is considered to be of ventricular origin if the ectopic pacemaker is found below the bifurcation of the bundle of His. True or False.
2. A complex of ventricular origin may be partly spread through the normal conduction system. This can affect the width of the complex dramatically, but all of them will be over _______ seconds wide.
3. Characteristics of a ventricular complex include:
A. Wide, bizarre-looking complexes
B. Width greater than or equal to 0.12 seconds
C. Inverted P waves may or may not be found
D. ST-segment and T-wave abnormalities
E. All of the above
4. The morphology of every complex originating from any one ectopic focus will always appear the same on the ECG. True or False.
5. In general, ectopic foci starting in the _____ventricle will have a _____ bundle branch block morphology.
A. Left, left
B. Left, right
C. Right, right
D. Right, left
E. B and D
6. The QRS interval’s direct measurement will be the same in every lead of an ECG. True or False.
7. The true QRS interval will be exactly the same in every lead of an ECG. True or False.
8. The P wave, if one occurs, in a ventricular complex has to be __________.
9. The RP interval will vary in ventricular rhythms depending on the location of the ectopic pacemaker and the route taken by the impulse to reach the AV node. True or False.
10. Ventricular rhythms are frequently associated with _______-_______ or complete heart block.