1. When there are at least ________ ventricular escape complexes in a row, we call that an idioventricular rhythm.
2. You should always give pharmaceutical agents to eradicate a ventricular escape rhythm. True or False.
3. The ___________ are the last fail-safe pacemaker for the heart.
4. The rates for an idioventricular rhythm are:
A. 10–35 BPM
B. 20–30 BPM
C. 20–50 BPM
D. 30–60 BPM
E. 50–100 BPM
5. The rates for an accelerated idioventricular rhythm are:
A. 10–35 BPM
B. 20–30 BPM
C. 20–50 BPM
D. 30–60 BPM
E. 50–100 BPM
6. Accelerated idioventricular rhythm is associated with:
A. Wide, bizarre ventricular complexes
B. Capture beats
C. Fusion beats
D. All of the above
7. One of the most common causes of accelerated idioventricular rhythm is ______________.
8. Reperfusion arrhythmias refer to arrhythmia disturbances that occur during the reperfusion phase of thrombolytic therapy for an AMI. Accelerated idioventricular rhythm is one such arrhythmia. True or False.
9. Reperfusion arrhythmias require immediate intervention, even if the patient is hemodynamically stable. True or False.
10. If you ever see a wide complex rhythm with a normal-looking QRS complex smack in the middle of it, it is either (name the possible rhythms) _____________ ___________ or ____________ ____________ depending on the underlying ventricular rate.