Chapter Two

Lance Manning couldn’t believe it!

As soon as the three would-be pirates were safely out of harms way, he sprinted up the road toward the Clawson House Bed & Breakfast. His aching knee protesting all the way, he knew this would be his quickest route to the top and to his truck and driver. Praying as he ran, he was reassured by the few glimpses afforded him that Ted was handling the situation like a pro.

Lance reached the top as the Mack rolled to a stop at the entrance to the street, and he heard the sweet sound of the engine as it was shifted into neutral. No one was hurt, his brand new truck was safe and Ted…well what could he say?

Filled with thankfulness, Lance swung open the door and pulled Ted into his arms. He squeezed the scrawny kid tightly, praising God for answered prayers. With one final squeeze Lance set the boy on his feet. Poor Ted. It was the kid's first solo run with the big truck, but he'd done a great job in a dangerous and scary situation.

Smiling from ear to ear, Lance tweaked the bill of the kid’s Arizona Diamondback cap. Overcome with relief and joy, he playfully punched Ted’s bony shoulder. “Super, man, you were super!” Lance’s hearty laugh rang out.

Now just a minute here, mister. I’ve been pummeled quite enough for one day, thank you very much. You can just keep your meaty hands to yourself.”

Lance jerked back as if he’d been slapped. That didn’t sound like Ted. The kid’s voice wasn’t deep, but he didn’t sound like a girl. He bent his tall frame in order to look at the face under the billed cap. Dark sunglasses knocked slightly askew…probably from his exuberant congratulations…revealed dark-brown eyes, not green ones…smooth, tanned skin with no fledgling mustache and goatee. No hint of whiskers. Probably wasn't old enough to drive legally. Yep, this sure wasn’t Ted under that hat.

Mind telling me just who you are?” Lance thought he should be angry but couldn’t keep the joy out of his voice. He was simply too relieved to get upset about a little case of mistaken identity. Whoever this person was, he had saved his truck and no one had been injured.

The cap tipped up. “I think it might be more appropriate if you apologized first for almost beating me to death. Is it your normal practice to go around pulverizing people?”

Lance looked down into the indignant face…no sign of humor on those soft features. He tried valiantly to force his own face into a more serious expression, but he just couldn’t pull it off. He wanted to hug him again – a little more gently this time since he was rather fragile looking.

What am I thinking? This boy is already ticked. No sense making it worse. His lips twitched with the effort to hold back his relieved laughter. Suddenly another thought grabbed his attention and wiped all hint of humor from his face. “Didn’t you just bail out of my truck and into my arms?”

Ignoring the angry gasp his comment aroused, Lance quickly looked around for Ted, not spotting him anywhere. “What did you do with Ted? What did you do with my driver?”

With a look of disbelief, Tori shot back, “I made him ride in the back and he went down with the load.”

Lance ripped his sunglasses off with one hand. Brandishing them like a weapon, he pointed them in Tori’s face. “Don’t get cute. I’m concerned about…”

Here I am, Lance.” Ted approached like a whipped pup with his tail between his legs. His booted feet stirred up a trail of dust as his dragging steps brought him closer.

Lance reached out and wrapped his arms around Ted. “Hey, man, I’m so glad you’re OK. You had me worried for a minute.”


Tori looked at the kid as he stepped out of the big man’s embrace and began to speak in soft yet excited tones. He rocked from one foot to the other and continued to shake his head in a negative gesture. About her height, maybe an inch or two taller, he was very lean…scrawny was the word that came to mind. Dressed in jeans, a dark blue T-shirt and an Arizona Diamondback baseball cap, they could easily be mistaken for one another. He even sported a long, black ponytail and an earring. Cover the face and they could pass for twins.

Maybe the tall guy isn’t such a nut after all. Even if he is a nut, he sure is a good-looking one.

Tori feasted her eyes on the big blond, liking the way the curls escaping his hat caught the bright sun in shiny spirals. His darkly tanned skin provided a sharp contrast to his golden hair and stretched smoothly over high cheekbones and a strong, square jaw. Watching the man hand over a set of keys to Ted, Tori suddenly realized she must look dumb as dirt standing there gawking at him. She had been gazing at him like a dieter in a bakery. With an unsteady hand she wiped her lips, glad at least that she wasn't drooling. Get a grip, Tori. After growing up around all the bleached-blond-would-be-surfer-dudes in San Diego, you don’t even like blond-haired guys and here you are swooning like a teenage groupie. It must be this town. Maybe we should drive back through Mule Pass Tunnel. I feel like we may have either crossed into the Twilight Zone or a time warp.

Tori shook her head and turned to go. She’d taken only a couple steps when a firm but gentle hand stayed her progress.

Whoa, fella! I’d like to talk to you for a minute.”

Tori’s chin shot up a few degrees keeping pace with her temper. She was already put out at herself for gawking and now, big, blond and gorgeous drops the hammer on her ego. “Fella? Fella! I would be the first to admit that I’m not exactly…stacked, but come on, man, give me a break.”

She glared at him with enough animosity to intimidate a lesser man. Waiting for an abject apology, Tori was shocked when he jerked off the glasses, pierced her with sky blue eyes, then threw back his head and let forth a hearty laugh. The deep, bell tones rang throughout the canyon seeming to bounce and ricochet from hill to hill until the final echo died away in the distance.

Stunned, Tori opened her mouth, intending to rip him to shreds. “Why you….” Disrespect in all forms was not new to Tori. She'd dealt with low-down men all her life.


No, please…really…I…” choked Lance between chuckles. He stretched out his hands, silently begging her for patience and forgiveness.

Lance struggled against any further laughter, clenching his teeth until his jaws hurt. Taking a deep breath, he chanced a more thorough look at the irate figure before him. She was obviously female. How had he not seen that? He could only blame the turmoil of his mind.

He caught her gaze as she removed her glasses. It was almost his undoing. There was something both funny and precious about her that made him want to laugh and cry at the same time. Vulnerability draped her like a shroud and yet a fire of determination seemed to burn from within. He wanted to take her gently into his arms and assure her that whatever the problem was, he would fix it...with the Lord’s help, he reminded himself. Lord, you know this girl-woman and you know what she needs most. If possible, use me to help her.

I’m sorry. I wasn’t laughing at you…well, yes, I was laughing at you. Well, no, not exactly AT YOU, but …” Lance groaned and rubbed his jaw in a gesture of frustration. He sounded like a third grader trying to explain to the principal why he was throwing spit-wads. “I'm really sorry, but I have this tendency to laugh at all the wrong times. You know – embarrassing moments and stuff like that?”

The lady facing him didn't look like she had laughed in a long time. She certainly wouldn't understand his love of the ridiculous, but perhaps he should give her a chance. He firmly believed that laughter was healthy and promoted healing. She looked as if she could use some healing.

Once, when I was twelve, I had to get my braces rewired because my dad clamped his hand over my mouth in an effort to stop me from laughing.” A smile curved his lips, and laughter rumbled deep inside as he related an event from his past. “But when old Mr. Whitaker lost his grip on Big John’s casket and slid right off into the grave – well, I’ll tell you, only God himself could have kept me quiet.”

Lance's heartbeat sped up when he realized he wasn’t the only one laughing now. So he didn’t appear macho and cool, so what? He liked the sound of her laugh, though it seemed a little rusty. Maybe, the least he could do would be to make her laugh – if she stayed around, that is.

By the way, I’m Lance Manning.” Tucking his sunglasses in his pocket, he stretched forth a big, tanned hand.

Her hand looked very small compared to his, but she had a firm grip.

Victoria Stilman.”

Well, Victoria, I…”

I go by Tori…T O R I.”

Tori. I like that. Pleased to meet you.” He pointed to the huge truck still rumbling nearby. “Thanks for the great job you did pulling the Mack out of trouble. You drove like a pro, so I’m thinking it wasn’t your first time behind the wheel of a big machine. You don't happen to have a CDL, do you?”

At her affirmative nod, Lance continued. “Would you be wanting a job?” Lance was sending up prayer-grams as the words left his mouth. Logan would never forgive him for hiring someone on a whim. Plus, he had a reputation for bringing home strays, and he didn't want anyone thinking of Tori as his latest stray. However, with the driving skills Tori displayed, she would be a definite asset to the company, and no one would question his reason for hiring her.

If he confessed he was somehow attracted to her, Logan would really blow a fuse. He didn't understand it himself. All the emotions running rampant through his heart and mind as he looked at the tall, willowy woman...he must be losing it. This Ted look-alike might be just a girl, barely out of school and not a woman at all. She looked awfully young. Maybe the Lord just wanted him to help her, be a witness, show her God's love. Shoot Lord, I don't know what's happening here. Help.

He looked into the darkest, brown eyes he'd ever seen. “Well? You interested?”

Tori didn’t hesitate. “Yes! Yes. I just got to town and do need a job. Driving is something I know how to do. And I really love it.”

Lance smiled as relief swamped him. He hadn't realized just how much he wanted her to say yes. “Great. Here’s my card. I can give you directions to the plant, or if you’re parked nearby, you can follow me through town. Ted took my truck, so I’ll be driving the Mack.”

A delighted grin turned up the corners of Tori’s mouth. “I’ll follow you.”

Lance slid his glasses on and turned toward the truck, hoping she hadn’t noticed the strange impact her simple answer had on him. Lord, what’s goin’ on here? I feel a little confused and not quite in control. You know me and CONTROL, huh Lord? Lance chuckled as he imagined the Lord shaking his head and saying, “Yes, Lance, you and I have a little more work to do in that area.”