
The book you’re holding would not be in existence today without the help, support and encouragement of so many amazing people. I wish I could thank every single person who has been a part of my writing, but then the acknowledgments would undoubtedly be longer than the book itself. Nevertheless, there are a few I wish to thank by name. My editor, Rachael Donovan, for seeing the potential in my writing the very first time we met more than five years ago (and more than three years before The Unworthy Duke was even a twinkle in my eye). Laurie Ormond, for her thoughtful edits, and the rest of the team at Escape Publishing for their support. My beta readers: Jacinta Anderson, Victoria Seymour and Angela Lee. You ladies were honest, insightful and caring. Dr Adrienne White for keeping me company while writing these last… many years. My wonderful family. My parents and my sister. I could not love you more if I had been given a second heart. My grandparents, especially Little Grandpa, who read the books that came before this one—and who tried to teach a writer how to math. All our puppy dogs and kitty cats, especially Princess and Lizzy, after whom Tzar is fashioned. Myself, for taking my writing seriously. Finally, my readers. This book is dedicated to every free-thinking, romance-loving individual.