The authors would like to say a huge ‘thank you’ to many people for their wisdom, knowledge, and support:
• Tim thanks Lucy for her patience and support and Beatrice, Felix, and Max for their carefree good humour
• George would like to thank Mel, Mark and Charlie, whose support and space made this authorship possible
• Catriona would like to thank her former Foundation colleagues for their friendship, encouragement, and resilience, and her colleagues in General Practice for their mentorship and unfailing support
• Nina would like to dedicate this work to her husband for his endless support through yet another one of her ventures
Specific thanks for assistance with specialist material go to Dr Daniel Neville (Respiratory), Dr Sam O’Toole (Endocrinology), Dr Simon Vann Jones (Psychiatry), Drs Bjorn Thomas and Duncan Leadbetter (Skin and eyes), and Dr Elaine Church (Emergencies).
This book builds upon the efforts of authors of all previous editions. In particular, we are grateful for the vision of Simon Eccles and the hard work of James Dawson and Stephan Sanders, without whom this book would never have come to be.
We would also like to thank all the staff at Oxford University Press for their help and for making our writing into a book. In particular, Liz Reeve and Kate Smith for their terrific efforts and support in making the OHFP5e such a pleasure to work on, along with the rest of the OUP team: